Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ben Peters
Jan 21, 2007

Greetings Again!


Thanks to all who voted on the CBS webpage for Dr. Bob. He got the most votes of the three choices. Reporters will come and spend Monday and Tuesday with Dr. Bob at the clinic and then he will be on the Friday night evening news on CBS, probably near the end of the program. You can check the times in your area.


Yesterday was a great day for ministry. With the help of four of our awesome prophetic youth, we ministered to about eighty to one hundred people who showed up at the Holiday Inn in Skokie yesterday. Fortunately, God also showed up in a special way. Brenda was on fire, as usual, and her words touched many hearts and challenged everyone to go to the next level of surrender and anointing.

Along with the four youth who came, we made three ministry teams and gave everyone personal ministry that wanted it within 90 minutes or so. As normally happens, many tears were shed as people heard from the loving heart of the Father. It was also so good to see many of our dear friends again that we don't see all the time.


Yes, the Adams family from Australia, via Iris Ministries in Mozambique, will be with us, arriving on Tuesday evening. This is an apostolic team that has seen great miracles through their ministry. They spend three months with Heidi in Pemba and will now spend nine months in America before returning to Australia to help establish Iris Australia.

They will minister Saturday night in Freeport where Brenda and I and team will be doing a prophetic conference on the weekend, but they are available for other meetings during these following two weeks. If anyone is interested in having them come, please don't hesitate or it may be too late. Give us an email if you are interested.


Our family, along with leaders like Lou Engles, Mike Bickle, Dutch Sheets, John Sanford and many more are excited that we will be given a choice to vote for someone with such strong family values and Christian character. Senator Brownback is strongly pro-life and pro-God. He is an extreme underdog according to the experts, but let's see what God will do if we do our part.

We believe that many prophetic signs have pointed to such a man becoming president in the next election. Will you get excited with us? Today, Sam is at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. We heard him speak at TheCall Dallas three years ago. He may be at TheCall Nashville on 07-07-07. Please pray about going and taking as many youth there as possible. It will be a major opportunity to change the spiritual climate of Music City, USA. The music from Nashville helps to set the spiritual atmosphere of the nation. If we can change the atmosphere, we can change the nation.

Much love and many blessings to you all,

Ben and Brenda and The OHM Team

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ben Peters
Jan 19, 2007

Greetings Friends,
I trust you are all surviving the nasty weather many of us are experiencing these days. I got a letter this morning from Peter Whitehouse, a co-leader with Dr. Bob Paeglow of the Capital Region Prayer and Healing Center. For those who haven't yet heard, Dr. Bob is a good friend and one of our heroes. He has recently been honored by a national medical association, People Magazine and Good Morning America for his humanitarian work, serving people in the ghetto of Albany, NY, with love and compassion.
In my latest book, Holy Passion, I wrote the first chapter about Dr. Bob, as an example of what you can accomplish with passion that comes from intimacy with Jesus. I share a lot of details that you won't get from the media. (I highly recommend the book!) But at any rate, it looks now like we could help him get on the CBS Evening News. Peter Whitehouse gives us the instructions below.
By the way, the Israel team will be returning this afternoon and we're excited to hear all the stories. God has given our team incredible favor and open doors in Jericho, Bethlehem and Palestine. I do know our boys played basketball twice with the refugees in Bethlehem. Details will come later. For those concerned about Tim, he is fine. Peter and Anthony also got hit, but I believe they are also OK now. Tomorrow, we will be at the Skokie Aglow at the Holiday Inn at 5300 Touhy in Skokie at 11:00 for lunch. Ministry will start after 12 noon. Lunch is $14.00.
BE SURE TO VOTE! God bless you all! Ben and Brenda, family and team

Dear Friends
Dr. Bob is being considered for a spot on the CBS Evening News in their "Assignment America" segment. After the news tonight... through tomorrow (Fri and Sat) you will have the opportunity to vote for Dr Bob online. If he receives the most votes, they will feature his work on the CBS Evening News. National exposure can bring much needed finances to our ministry.
Please vote for Dr Bob tonight or tomorrow by going to then click on Evening News and look for the "Assignment America" vote. There will be a choice of 3 stories. Whichever story gets the most votes by 12 a.m. ET on Sunday is the winner.
Thanks for your help.
Peter Whitehouse

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Fire is Spreading
Ben Peters
Jan 16, 2007

Greetings Saints,

Since my last newsletter I had the privilege of attending TheCall Relaunch in Fort Mill, S.C., along with our friend, Joshua Chang. At the same time, our son, Tim, was and still is in Israel with Vance Murphy and Lisa Bourland and another group of over thirty people. When I saw the ad for TheCall Relaunch, I felt God was saying that this was His plan rather than our all going to Israel. Since God hadn't provided for Israel, I knew that this was His perfect will.


So Joshua and I flew to Charlotte and crossed over into South Carolina. This event was another extremely powerful and significant Divine appointment in a series of recent God evemts in our life and ministry. The messages by Lou Engles, James Goll, Dutch Sheets, Ray Hughes Stacey Campbell, Mike Bickle and others were filled with the fire of God. It was not just "another conference." It was totally impacting and life-transforming.

I went with the desire to meet Lou Engles and invite him to come to Chicago to hold a future "Call". I found out that after the Nashville event on 07/07/07, they were planning on doing a number of regional Calls. Then they will do another Washington D.C. Call in 2008, before the elections, where they expect up to a million people coming to meet God and call on Him for forgiveness and revival.

My desires were fulfilled very quickly as I encountered Lou in the hallway on Saturday morning and introduced myself. He knew of me from Che Ahn and very quickly expressed great interest in having a "Call" in Chicago. On Sunday morning, Mrs. Engle (Therese) noticed Joshua Chang, who had been in the market place meeting and asked if she could talk to him. She ended up inviting us both to her house on Sunday afternoon. There in Lou Engle's living room, we talked with him for some time and then he asked us to minister with him to a group from Brooklyn, NY, who were starting a Justice House of Prayer there. We immediately bonded with the folks from Brooklyn and left feeling like Lou and Therese were old friends.

The bottom line is: Lou Engles believes we will have a regional call in Chicago, and we will be involved in some way in getting it started. Someone just prophesied to us that we would be involved in much more than the Sending Center in the near future. This may be a part of that. Whatever you want, Lord! We are Your servants. Your vision is our vision.


Information has been somewhat sketchy, but we have heard that our team was the first group allowed to be baptized in the Jordon at the Joshua crossing site in over 40 years. 1/11/07 was the date the Israeli's had allowed people to come and celebrate Joshua's crossing the Jordan. Of course, this is in Palestinian territory and probably required extra security.

Meanwhile, our son, Tim, had not been feeling well and yesterday, Monday, he actually passed out and when nurse, Jill Ruh, checked his blood pressure, she called the ambulance. He was very dehydrated and spent the day in the hospital. Last we heard he was doing much better and headed for Bethlehem.

The team has accomplished much already. God has given them the places they need for new bases for their House of Prayer, etc., in Jericho, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. They say there have been many more Divine encounters as well, which we are waiting to hear about. Please pray for them. They come home on the 19th.


Our website has been updated. You can find it on our website: Click on itinerary and change months as you need. Click on the event on the calendar for more details. This weekend we will be doing a Skokie, Illinois, Aglow meeting on Saturday. Those wanting to come for lunch at 11:00 AM will be charged $14.00. If you come after noon for the ministry time, there will be no charge. The location is the Holiday Inn at 5300 W Touhy in Skokie.

Next weekend, January 26-28, we will be doing a prophetic conference in Freeport, Illinois. Meetings will be Friday evening, Saturday morning and evening and Sunday morning.

On February 9, 10, we will be in Dixon, Illinois. Meetings will be Saturday evening, Sunday morning and evening.


First of all, please pray for Bridget Muszynski/Zornow, who lost her husband to cancer over a week ago. She was a tremendous trooper, trusting God to heal him, yet still trusting God when Randy was taken home. There were many smaller miracles that God did do, keeping him alive for some time, but in the end she suffered the loss of a precious husband. Bridget will still need much support and love from the body of Christ. Please let her know you love her if you can. Her email address is:

Secondly, pray for Pastor Larry Bryce from Moses Lake, Washington. He is a younger man, in apparently great physical shape, who was recently diagnosed with a serious case of cancer. He is following some good advice regarding his diet, etc., but desparately needs a touch from God soon.

We are still hoping that more of you will join the ranks of intercessors who have already written Haydee at We are looking for those who will commit to pray for the needs that people send in as well as our leadership team and all the other intercessors.


God continues to lead us to develop the Sending Center to prepare laborers for the harvest and send them forth. God has highlighted some Scriptures and illustrated to us the need for the "Sending" part of preparation.

Most denominations do a pretty good job of sending and supporting their missionaries after they train them, but many other more independent ministries have left that part undone. We were made aware of that again after a gal we knew was trained for six months and then went home to do her best to serve God with her training. She was feeling very alone and forgotten. Her church let her do her thing, but they didn't father her in it. When Brenda prophesied to her over the phone she wept and sobbed. It was the confirmation that she desparately needed. She was trained well, but nobody sent her anywhere. That is, nobody took the responsibility to see that she fulfilled her destiny after they trained her.

Jesus said to His disciples, "As the Father has sent Me, so send I you." (John 20:21) Jesus prepared them and gave them directions and His provision to go. Paul wrote, "How shall they preach unless they be sent?" (Romans 10:15) Sending involves fathering and financing. That's what the Sending Center is all about. We will do our best to disciple like Jesus did and then be involved in sending and supporting them.

Of course, the problem has always been finances.

Where will the money come from? I believe it will come in several ways.

1. Christians will change priorities as they see how exciting the harvest is. They will spend less money on themselves and pleasure and more on the harvest. It will be like the book of Acts when people voluntarily sell possessions and give extravegantly. God will bless them with eternal rewards as well as earthly blessings.

2. God will do creative things. People will be given new technology and give the profit from ministry to the harvest. New businesses will be developed especially for Kingdom financing.

3. Corporations, CEO's and government agencies will be moved on by God to show favor to those with pure heart ministries. Large grants will be given and miracles will occur that give ministries great advantages.

4. Many others will give the little bit that they can and much will come in as a result. It will take both the two penny donations and the two million dollar donations to make it happen. We can't make it happen, but God will.

I trust you are all having a wonderful New Year, experiencing new things in the Kingdom of God. He never planned for Christianity to be boring or the same ol', same ol. It was meant to be new every morning, just like His mercies.

We love you and thank you for your support!

Ben, Brenda, boys and Open Heart Ministry team