Ben Peters
Oct 24, 2008
Greetings Saints and Intercessors,
We finished our time in Elkhart on Wednesday evening. The group had almost doubled in size from the previous night. We released some words regarding the state of our nation and the need to pray and decree God’s will. We shared what the prophets have been saying as well about the coming elections. We had some precious time with Pastor Joe and Mrs. Bauer as well, and they have asked us to be an apostolic covering to them.
Last night Brenda and I had the wonderful privilege of being in the original capital of the state of Ohio, where Dutch Sheets was born. Chillicothe is a mouthful to pronounce, but I finally got it. Anyway, Dutch Sheets and his brother Tim were both there along with many other Ohio leaders to make decrees and declaration for God to overrule the plans of the enemy for the upcoming elections. Since many prophetic words have come forth regarding Ohio, there was a strong sense of strategic destiny for this solemn assembly.
The night was a powerful time of spiritual warfare. Dutch was on fire with a holy zeal for God and justice, and against the forces of darkness that have been at work in this election campaign. I know we connected with Heaven. The spiritual energy in the auditorium was amazing.
We are now parked by Trinity Family Life Center in Pickerington, Ohio. Brenda, along with Val Coltman from West Dundee, Illinois, and Lyn Jackson from Indianapolis, Indiana, will be ministering here for the next twenty-four hours or so. I get to work on my computer and watch my book table.
Everyone in the Chicago region has several options for a spiritual feast just a few days before the elections.
1. HUB has several wonderful speakers, including Heidi Baker and Paul Keith Davis. You can check their schedule on the web.
2. The Elgin Revival has services on Friday evening at 7 pm and Saturday evening at 6 pm.
3. Michele Perry, Iris missionary from Sudan will be at Lakeshore Tabernacle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Friday night at 7 pm. She’ll be with Brenda at the Lutheran ladies’ retreat on Saturday, and at Northwest Assembly of God on Sunday night in Mount Prospect, Illinois. On Monday evening we will host her at the Eagles Nest, in Elgin, at 7 pm.
Some zealous folk have organized another conference running from November 3-5, with Paul Keith Davis, JoAnn McFatter, Neville Johnson and Sadhu Selvaraj at the:
Pheasant Run Resort –Mega Center
4051 E. Main Street (Rt 64), St. Charles, IL 60174
November 3rd – 5th, 2008 (Monday through Wednesday)
9:00 a.m. Morning Session
2:00 p.m. Afternoon Session
7:00 p.m. Evening Session
I have personally never heard Neville Johnson or Sadhu Selvaraj speak, so I cannot personally endorse them, but I understand they have quite powerful ministries.
It is a life and death time for America. If we choose the LIFE candidates, America will prosper again. If we choose death, many aspects of American life will be going down the toilet. But we believe God has been hearing the cries for mercy and grace in spite of our decadence as a nation. We believe the enemy will not prevail. May God have mercy on us once again.
Below is a three-part dream from one of our team members, Darren Frauenholtz.
A surprise cooking in the Governors Mansion 10-20-08
I was being chased through a city, though I am not aware that I did anything wrong and I came up to a mansion, and it happened to be a Governors Mansion. The chef was asking for help to prepare a surprise meal. I rolled up my sleeves and began to help preparing the meal. The kitchen was in the basement of the mansion. (something foundational)
Next I was looking for work. I was in a large city and there was no work to be found there. The thought came that I needed to look in smaller cities and towns for work. Next I saw a map. I was looking at the map, moving my finger away from the larger cities, moving my finger to smaller cities and towns. As my finger passed over the cities, I heard “there is work there”, next city “there is work there”, They were all towns that I had never heard of (sorry, I could see some of the names but can’t remember them).
Next I was watching a track meet, and at the same time I saw the New York Stock exchange. Every time a race finished, the Board changed positive or extremely negative depending on who won, and you could feel the tension in the anticipation for the final race. I knew there was going to be a big reaction depending on who won.
I kept thinking, Ohio, Indiana and Minnesota (could have been Missouri).
My interpretation:
It seems like the enemy is chasing us away from our Christian heritage as a nation, and society is attacking Christians like never before, especially if they run for political office. But the Chef (Lord Jesus) is cooking up a surprise at the Governor's Mansion. (There's only one governor in the race.) Intercessors are helping prepare this surprise feast. We need to roll up our sleeves and pray like never before with faith for the victory.
Smaller cities and towns are where we will be most effective in our intercession. There is work to do to turn hearts and minds toward God's will.
The polls are being watched by the market, but they are waiting for the elections to see which way to go with their investments. There will be a strong reaction one way or another, depending on who wins.
Pray especially for Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota and Missouri.
Much love in Jesus,
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ben Peters
Oct 16, 2008
Greetings Friends,
Brenda just suggested to me that I send out an alert about an opportunity for any church or group that loves IRIS Ministries in the Chicago or south Wisconsin region.
Michele Perry, a delightful IRIS Missionary to Sudan, is going to be with us from October 31 - November 3. She is a lot like Heidi Baker, and has a very unique testimony and wonderful ministry. She spoke at our conference and was loved by all. She was born with only one leg and hip and had multiple surgeries as a child. She began public speaking at nine or ten. She was in India for two years before going to the Sudan. She has taken in around one hundred orphans and has several churches under her covering to take care of.
When she scheduled her time with us, we didn't realize what was going on here. Brenda is booked at a ladies' retreat and HUB is doing a conference. In addition, the Elgin Revival Outpouring continues at the Eagles Nest that weekend.
What we had planned for Michele all fell through, so we have a wonderful opportunity for any church or group that would care to bring in a dear and precious sold-out lover of Jesus. Please let me know if you are interested at this late date. She would be available any time beginning Friday night, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Ben Peters
Oct 16, 2008
Greetings Friends,
Brenda just suggested to me that I send out an alert about an opportunity for any church or group that loves IRIS Ministries in the Chicago or south Wisconsin region.
Michele Perry, a delightful IRIS Missionary to Sudan, is going to be with us from October 31 - November 3. She is a lot like Heidi Baker, and has a very unique testimony and wonderful ministry. She spoke at our conference and was loved by all. She was born with only one leg and hip and had multiple surgeries as a child. She began public speaking at nine or ten. She was in India for two years before going to the Sudan. She has taken in around one hundred orphans and has several churches under her covering to take care of.
When she scheduled her time with us, we didn't realize what was going on here. Brenda is booked at a ladies' retreat and HUB is doing a conference. In addition, the Elgin Revival Outpouring continues at the Eagles Nest that weekend.
What we had planned for Michele all fell through, so we have a wonderful opportunity for any church or group that would care to bring in a dear and precious sold-out lover of Jesus. Please let me know if you are interested at this late date. She would be available any time beginning Friday night, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Ben Peters
Oct 21, 2008
Greetings Saints,
Just a quick prayer request for our journey to Elkhart, Indiana and Pickerington, Ohio. We have two nights of revival meetings with Joe Bauer in Elkhart, starting tonight and then Brenda speaks at a ladies retreat on Friday and Saturday in Pickerington. Please pray that God does more than anyone expects. We are looking for an outpouring of His presence and power.
We are taking the motor home on the road for the first time in a year. Pray for safe travel and protection. Also pray for our young adult boys as we leave them at home again. They both work at Starbucks these days and are loved by their managers.
Also, please don't forget to pray for the elections and ask God to help you make an impact on other voters as well. Especially pray for the church to rise up. Bob Jones says it's definitely up to the church to swing the elections in the right direction and tip the scales to mercy rather than judgment. The race is tightening again and we look for victory on November 4.
Much love to you all in Jesus,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Oct 21, 2008
Greetings Saints,
Just a quick prayer request for our journey to Elkhart, Indiana and Pickerington, Ohio. We have two nights of revival meetings with Joe Bauer in Elkhart, starting tonight and then Brenda speaks at a ladies retreat on Friday and Saturday in Pickerington. Please pray that God does more than anyone expects. We are looking for an outpouring of His presence and power.
We are taking the motor home on the road for the first time in a year. Pray for safe travel and protection. Also pray for our young adult boys as we leave them at home again. They both work at Starbucks these days and are loved by their managers.
Also, please don't forget to pray for the elections and ask God to help you make an impact on other voters as well. Especially pray for the church to rise up. Bob Jones says it's definitely up to the church to swing the elections in the right direction and tip the scales to mercy rather than judgment. The race is tightening again and we look for victory on November 4.
Much love to you all in Jesus,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Oct 22, 2008
Greetings Friends,
We are blessed to participate in a week-long revival going on in Elkhart, Indiana at the Nail Scarred Ministries. This young church is going hard after God in worship. They are prophetic and hungry, although still a small group. God gave me the story of David in the wilderness with a few sheep. Because he was faithful and became an intimate worshiper, he qualified for the throne when his popular big brothers did not. God often chooses people out of obscurity to do his best work if they are like David and love intimacy with God. We had a great time of ministry and many were powerfully touched by the Spirit of God.
We finish here tonight and head on to Ohio for the weekend. Don't forget to pray for us. We want to make an impact on a state that has a great destiny to fulfill in this coming election. Look for God to do some miracles again to put His team in the White House.
The new schedule for the Elgin revival meetings is Friday night at 7 pm and Saturday at 6 pm. Pastor Bob Whitt will continue to lead these meetings with ourselves and others coming when we can to team up with the Elgin leadership. May God pour out His Spirit in power and glory for all those who can attend!
We love you all!
Be bless in Jesus' arms,
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Ben Peters
Oct 22, 2008
Greetings Friends,
We are blessed to participate in a week-long revival going on in Elkhart, Indiana at the Nail Scarred Ministries. This young church is going hard after God in worship. They are prophetic and hungry, although still a small group. God gave me the story of David in the wilderness with a few sheep. Because he was faithful and became an intimate worshiper, he qualified for the throne when his popular big brothers did not. God often chooses people out of obscurity to do his best work if they are like David and love intimacy with God. We had a great time of ministry and many were powerfully touched by the Spirit of God.
We finish here tonight and head on to Ohio for the weekend. Don't forget to pray for us. We want to make an impact on a state that has a great destiny to fulfill in this coming election. Look for God to do some miracles again to put His team in the White House.
The new schedule for the Elgin revival meetings is Friday night at 7 pm and Saturday at 6 pm. Pastor Bob Whitt will continue to lead these meetings with ourselves and others coming when we can to team up with the Elgin leadership. May God pour out His Spirit in power and glory for all those who can attend!
We love you all!
Be bless in Jesus' arms,
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ben Peters
Oct 12, 2008
We're in Michigan, near Detroit, after participating in a very beautiful wedding. I felt the urge to write another letter while waiting for Timothy to get back from visiting a friend he hasn't seen for awhile.
We have a very short time to make a difference in the coming elections. The results of this election are extremely critical to our future and the survival of America as we know it or want it to be. Once we go in a certain direction it takes decades to change. Think of Prayer and Bible reading in schools. Think of abortion. Think of income tax that was promised would never be more than 1%.
We can slip into the godless culture of Europe or we can have the greatest revival the world has ever seen. So much depends on how we vote.
Tonight, Sunday, October 12, Fox News will show a one hour study on Barack Obama on Hannity's America. Obama has a very secretive past. You can't find out hardly anything about his many years at Colombia and Harvard Universities. But his past associations are almost all radical revolutionary leaders and details are just coming out. People think it's OK, but don't believe it.
When God hears more prayers for mercy than for change, He will tip the scales for us, according to some highly respected prophetic men and women of God.
Let me copy below something written by Bill Ayers. He is still a revolutionary, trying to corrupt our schools with radical philosophies. Obama worked with him on this. Please read and pray like you've never prayed before. Also ask God for wisdom and grace to educate people. TIME IS SHORT!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
“Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.” If it was this easy to get witnesses to perceive, recall and relate, I might have stayed in the trial lawyer biz. Dohrn, too, had a keen sense of detail, gushing over the barbaric Manson Family murders: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!”
But the larger point is this: We are too hung up on the word terrorist. Yes, Ayers was a terrorist, but he's not anymore in the sense that he hasn't bombed anything in a long time. He is, however, and he has always been, a radical leftist revolutionary. Don't take my word for it — he proudly says it himself, as I detailed in this post yesterday.
That was the ideology that drove him to bomb American targets, it is the ideology he has taken to America's classrooms (which are just a different front in the same war he has been raging against our society for 40 years), it is the ideology he has never hidden from anyone, and — here's the point — it is the ideology that drove his partnership with Barack Obama. That's the reason Obama is minimizing the relationship. Obama and Ayers worked well together — happily funding the same communists, socialists, America haters, Israel haters, etc. — because they were ideologically aligned. Obama is smoother and more marketable than Ayers, but ideologically they're coming from the same place: American society needs drastic change. And if you want to know the change Obama and Ayers have in mind, look at what they did at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Look at Obama's Chicago years, which explains why Ayers and Dohrn would host the launching of his political career from their living room. That's where Obama doesn't want to go — because if voters look there, he's toast.
10/10 06:02 AM
Ben Peters
Oct 12, 2008
We're in Michigan, near Detroit, after participating in a very beautiful wedding. I felt the urge to write another letter while waiting for Timothy to get back from visiting a friend he hasn't seen for awhile.
We have a very short time to make a difference in the coming elections. The results of this election are extremely critical to our future and the survival of America as we know it or want it to be. Once we go in a certain direction it takes decades to change. Think of Prayer and Bible reading in schools. Think of abortion. Think of income tax that was promised would never be more than 1%.
We can slip into the godless culture of Europe or we can have the greatest revival the world has ever seen. So much depends on how we vote.
Tonight, Sunday, October 12, Fox News will show a one hour study on Barack Obama on Hannity's America. Obama has a very secretive past. You can't find out hardly anything about his many years at Colombia and Harvard Universities. But his past associations are almost all radical revolutionary leaders and details are just coming out. People think it's OK, but don't believe it.
When God hears more prayers for mercy than for change, He will tip the scales for us, according to some highly respected prophetic men and women of God.
Let me copy below something written by Bill Ayers. He is still a revolutionary, trying to corrupt our schools with radical philosophies. Obama worked with him on this. Please read and pray like you've never prayed before. Also ask God for wisdom and grace to educate people. TIME IS SHORT!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
“Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.” If it was this easy to get witnesses to perceive, recall and relate, I might have stayed in the trial lawyer biz. Dohrn, too, had a keen sense of detail, gushing over the barbaric Manson Family murders: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!”
But the larger point is this: We are too hung up on the word terrorist. Yes, Ayers was a terrorist, but he's not anymore in the sense that he hasn't bombed anything in a long time. He is, however, and he has always been, a radical leftist revolutionary. Don't take my word for it — he proudly says it himself, as I detailed in this post yesterday.
That was the ideology that drove him to bomb American targets, it is the ideology he has taken to America's classrooms (which are just a different front in the same war he has been raging against our society for 40 years), it is the ideology he has never hidden from anyone, and — here's the point — it is the ideology that drove his partnership with Barack Obama. That's the reason Obama is minimizing the relationship. Obama and Ayers worked well together — happily funding the same communists, socialists, America haters, Israel haters, etc. — because they were ideologically aligned. Obama is smoother and more marketable than Ayers, but ideologically they're coming from the same place: American society needs drastic change. And if you want to know the change Obama and Ayers have in mind, look at what they did at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Look at Obama's Chicago years, which explains why Ayers and Dohrn would host the launching of his political career from their living room. That's where Obama doesn't want to go — because if voters look there, he's toast.
10/10 06:02 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Revival Update and Important New Political Information
Ben Peters
Oct 9, 2008
Greetings again,
We don't want to overload you with information, but we do have two important items to share.
1. The Elgin Revival meetings will take Friday and Saturday off this week. Thursday, October 9, we will be ministering there at the Eagles Nest on Chicago St.
2. A very trusted prophetic friend sent me the following letter about Barack Obama. We are not endorsing any candidate as a ministry, but we are letting people know what the mainstream media is hiding from the American people. Please read and draw your own conclusions. This election could not be more important to our country. It is truly a matter of life and death for this nation. Please, please pray and prepare to vote your Christian conscience.
Here's the letter:
Barack Obama has been caught in a revealing lie regarding his relationship with Bill Ayers but the liberal media is not reporting it. So far the only person with enough guts to talk about it on TV is Dick Morris. Dick disclosed the confirmed information on Fox News on 10-7-2008. The truth regarding Obama's radical beliefs must be exposed. The liberal media won't do it so please forward the following article to your entire e-mail address list.
By Dick Morris
Published in TheHill.com on October 7,2008
In the best tradition of Bill Clinton’s famous declaration that the answer to the question of whether or not he was having an affair with Monica depended on “what the definition of ‘is’ is,” Barack Obama was clearly splitting hairs and concealing the truth when he said that William Ayers was “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”
The records of the administration of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), released last week by the University of Illinois, show that the Ayers-Obama connection was, in fact, an intimate collaboration and that it led to the only executive or administrative experience in Obama’s life.
After Walter Annenberg’s foundation offered several hundred million dollars to American public schools in the mid-’90s, William Ayers applied for $50 million for Chicago. The purpose of his application was to secure funds to “raise political consciousness” in Chicago’s public schools. After he won the grant, Ayers’s group chose Barack Obama to distribute the money. Between 1995 and 1999, Obama distributed the $50 million and raised another $60 million from other civic groups to augment it. In doing so, he was following Ayers’s admonition to grant the funds to “external” organizations, like American Community Organizations for Reform
Now (ACORN) to pair with schools and conduct programs to radicalize the students and politicize them.
Reading, math and science achievement tests counted for little in the CAC grants, but the school’s success in preaching a radical political agenda determined how much money they got.
Barack Obama should have run screaming at the sight of William Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn. Ayers has admitted bombing the U.S. Capitol building and the Pentagon, and his wife was sent to prison for failing to cooperate in solving the robbery of a Brink’s armored car in which two police officers were killed. Far from remorse, Ayers told The New York Times in September 2001 that he “wished he could have done more.”
Ayers only avoided conviction when the evidence against him turned out to be contained in illegally obtained wiretaps by the FBI. He was, in fact, guilty as sin.
That Obama should ally himself with Ayers is almost beyond understanding. The former terrorist had not repented of his views and the education grants he got were expressly designed to further them.
So let’s sum up Obama’s Chicago connections. His chief financial supporter was Tony Rezko, now on his way to federal prison. His spiritual adviser and mentor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame. And the guy who got him his only administrative job and put him in charge of doling out $50 million is William Ayers, a terrorist who was a domestic Osama bin Laden in his youth.
Even apart from the details of the Obama/Ayers connection, two key points emerge:
a) Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Ayers as casual and arm’s-length; and
b) Obama was consciously guided by Ayers’s radical philosophy, rooted in the teachings of leftist Saul Alinksy, in his distribution of CAC grant funds.
Since Obama is asking us to let him direct education spending by the federal government and wants us to trust his veracity, these are difficulties he will have to explain in order to get the votes to win.
Now that Obama is comfortably ahead in the polls, attention will understandably shift to him. We will want to know what kind of president he would make. The fact that, within the past 10 years, he participated in a radical program of political education conceptualized by an admitted radical terrorist offers no reassurance.
Why did Obama put up with Ayers? Because he got a big job and $50 million of patronage to distribute to his friends and supporters in Chicago. Why did he hang out with Jeremiah Wright? Because he was new in town, having grown up in Hawaii and Indonesia and having been educated at Columbia and Harvard, and needed all the local introductions he could get to jump-start his political career. Why was he so close to Rezko?
Because he funded Obama’s campaigns and helped him buy a house for $300,000 less than he otherwise would have had to pay.
Not a good recommendation for a president.
Ben Peters
Oct 9, 2008
Greetings again,
We don't want to overload you with information, but we do have two important items to share.
1. The Elgin Revival meetings will take Friday and Saturday off this week. Thursday, October 9, we will be ministering there at the Eagles Nest on Chicago St.
2. A very trusted prophetic friend sent me the following letter about Barack Obama. We are not endorsing any candidate as a ministry, but we are letting people know what the mainstream media is hiding from the American people. Please read and draw your own conclusions. This election could not be more important to our country. It is truly a matter of life and death for this nation. Please, please pray and prepare to vote your Christian conscience.
Here's the letter:
Barack Obama has been caught in a revealing lie regarding his relationship with Bill Ayers but the liberal media is not reporting it. So far the only person with enough guts to talk about it on TV is Dick Morris. Dick disclosed the confirmed information on Fox News on 10-7-2008. The truth regarding Obama's radical beliefs must be exposed. The liberal media won't do it so please forward the following article to your entire e-mail address list.
By Dick Morris
Published in TheHill.com on October 7,2008
In the best tradition of Bill Clinton’s famous declaration that the answer to the question of whether or not he was having an affair with Monica depended on “what the definition of ‘is’ is,” Barack Obama was clearly splitting hairs and concealing the truth when he said that William Ayers was “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”
The records of the administration of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), released last week by the University of Illinois, show that the Ayers-Obama connection was, in fact, an intimate collaboration and that it led to the only executive or administrative experience in Obama’s life.
After Walter Annenberg’s foundation offered several hundred million dollars to American public schools in the mid-’90s, William Ayers applied for $50 million for Chicago. The purpose of his application was to secure funds to “raise political consciousness” in Chicago’s public schools. After he won the grant, Ayers’s group chose Barack Obama to distribute the money. Between 1995 and 1999, Obama distributed the $50 million and raised another $60 million from other civic groups to augment it. In doing so, he was following Ayers’s admonition to grant the funds to “external” organizations, like American Community Organizations for Reform
Now (ACORN) to pair with schools and conduct programs to radicalize the students and politicize them.
Reading, math and science achievement tests counted for little in the CAC grants, but the school’s success in preaching a radical political agenda determined how much money they got.
Barack Obama should have run screaming at the sight of William Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn. Ayers has admitted bombing the U.S. Capitol building and the Pentagon, and his wife was sent to prison for failing to cooperate in solving the robbery of a Brink’s armored car in which two police officers were killed. Far from remorse, Ayers told The New York Times in September 2001 that he “wished he could have done more.”
Ayers only avoided conviction when the evidence against him turned out to be contained in illegally obtained wiretaps by the FBI. He was, in fact, guilty as sin.
That Obama should ally himself with Ayers is almost beyond understanding. The former terrorist had not repented of his views and the education grants he got were expressly designed to further them.
So let’s sum up Obama’s Chicago connections. His chief financial supporter was Tony Rezko, now on his way to federal prison. His spiritual adviser and mentor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame. And the guy who got him his only administrative job and put him in charge of doling out $50 million is William Ayers, a terrorist who was a domestic Osama bin Laden in his youth.
Even apart from the details of the Obama/Ayers connection, two key points emerge:
a) Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Ayers as casual and arm’s-length; and
b) Obama was consciously guided by Ayers’s radical philosophy, rooted in the teachings of leftist Saul Alinksy, in his distribution of CAC grant funds.
Since Obama is asking us to let him direct education spending by the federal government and wants us to trust his veracity, these are difficulties he will have to explain in order to get the votes to win.
Now that Obama is comfortably ahead in the polls, attention will understandably shift to him. We will want to know what kind of president he would make. The fact that, within the past 10 years, he participated in a radical program of political education conceptualized by an admitted radical terrorist offers no reassurance.
Why did Obama put up with Ayers? Because he got a big job and $50 million of patronage to distribute to his friends and supporters in Chicago. Why did he hang out with Jeremiah Wright? Because he was new in town, having grown up in Hawaii and Indonesia and having been educated at Columbia and Harvard, and needed all the local introductions he could get to jump-start his political career. Why was he so close to Rezko?
Because he funded Obama’s campaigns and helped him buy a house for $300,000 less than he otherwise would have had to pay.
Not a good recommendation for a president.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Ben Peters
Oct 8, 2008
While speaking in Colgate, Wisconsin, during the height of the economic crisis, I made an unpremeditated statement that went something like this. “I’m not worried about the economy. This crisis is a gift from God. It is designed to turn the hearts of our nation and the world back to God.”
After having time to think about what I had said, that statement is making a lot more sense. I truly believe that God is doing the shaking He promised us in Scripture. See Haggai 2:7 and Hebrews 12:26.
In the Haggai passage God declares, “And I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts.”
In other words, “When I shake them, they will come.” Also, “When I shake them, I will reveal My glory in My house.”
God’s glory will be seen in His house. That’s us! We are His dwelling place today. We’ve prayed for revival. We’ve prayed for America and other western nations to come back to God, but we didn’t expect it to hit us in our wallets at the same time. Revival is supposed to bring more people (with their tithes and offerings) into our churches so we can build bigger churches and become more famous.
But God is answering our prayers His own way, and if we had understood Haggai 2:7, we may have been more prepared for it. The wonderful news is that people have actually been praying on Wall Street and in many places in the nation and the world, because of the financial crisis which followed close on the heels of the Hurricane Ike crisis, and then the California train crash.
The reason people are praying is that their other main source of security is being pulled out from under them. Christians and non-Christians alike have been operating under the same economic strategies for their own personal and family financial security. Various savings and retirement packages, insurances and investments composed of stocks and bonds, gold and silver, etc., have become our “rock”, our “fortress” and our “strong tower”. In themselves, they can be good things, but our human nature is to trust in these tangible commodities, more than in an invisible Being, with Whom we are not very intimate.
God is saying, “I want to show the difference between those who trust in Me and those who trust in the best strategies of men.” Those who trust in God will not be shaken, but those who have been trusting in man’s wisdom will be severely hurt. I have watched a lot of news in these election and economic crisis days, and observed the anger of those who have lost so much. They are feeling violated, betrayed and deprived of what they felt was rightly theirs, and they are seething with bitterness and rage.
God is simply pushing over the false Philistine gods in America and the world, because His glory is coming into the house of Dagon. It’s interesting that the two things that westerners trust in the most – investments and insurances have both been hit hard in this crisis.
Dagon was a “Fish God”. I think westerners have gotten “fished in”, thinking they have secured a comfortable retirement and future prosperity by investing the same way that the world does. These false gods cannot stand while God’s presence invades His house.
I have travelled a lot to other nations such as Mozambique and India and have seen the difference in lifestyle of the Christians there. Their only security and hope is in the presence and glory of God coming into their midst. That is all they have once they have renounced their idolatrous life. But in the west, we have divided our trust between natural gods and the One True God.
I believe God is saying that we should put away every idol and put our trust completely in Him. If we put first His Kingdom and His righteousness all the things the world seeks will be added on to us. We could invest a lot smarter than we do if we invested more into the spreading of the gospel, not just in making those already saved more comfortable. God will surely take care of us if we put His Kingdom first.
Brenda and I have had to put this to practice. We have been stretched but we are still going strong after leaving every natural means of security over nine years ago when we went on the road with a van and trailer and two pre-teenage boys. We had no life insurance or health insurance, no stocks, bonds or other investments, no savings account and no financial partners. But when the glory of God invaded a church or home meeting, the financial provision came as well.
The most exciting thing is that people have been getting revived in their spirit. They have come alive with a new hope, new vision, new awareness of value and worth and new zeal to serve the King with their gifts and talents.
I believe that this crisis is a wonderful opportunity for God to show that He is the Living God. He loves this nation, but He wants to remove our false gods in whom we trust. He wants us to practice what our money declares, “In God we trust.”
Very shortly God will reveal His secret strategy to fix our root economic problems and show us how much He loves us and the world. He will facilitate a great transfer of wealth that will bless America, Israel and the world, but it will take wealth from those who have seriously abused their stewardship of it. God’s plan is to reveal secret treasures which have been hidden from the eyes of men from before the foundation of the world. God will use them to fund the most immense and exciting time of harvest this world has ever seen.
For maximum impact of God’s plan, the world needed first to be in a crisis to appreciate the solution to the problem that has been festering just under the surface. All those who love God more than their money will rejoice with this news. Those who love their money more than God will lose their joy.
What I have predicted above is a combination of personal revelation and inside information related to the revelation of other prophetic people, which I cannot share at this time. But I am confident it will soon be made manifest to the world and I am very excited about it.
Is the crisis hurting you? I am sorry for any suffering you are presently experiencing. If you have lost your income or home or business, I understand the pain. We have been very stretched ourselves in recent times. But hang on to God’s promises. You will not have to go begging if you trust Him with all your heart.
It’s time to take the ball away from the enemy. Let’s put on a full court press in prayer and intercession, and take charge of the financial ball game. We can do it. Our prayers are mighty in God and we can take dominion of every mountain of society in the next few years. It’s been our mandate since Genesis. It’s our mandate today. Don’t let any crisis shake you up. There will be more, but we will ride above the crises. It will be an adventure and it will be an awesome ride if we stay close to our Guide.
Ben R. Peters
Ben Peters
Oct 8, 2008
While speaking in Colgate, Wisconsin, during the height of the economic crisis, I made an unpremeditated statement that went something like this. “I’m not worried about the economy. This crisis is a gift from God. It is designed to turn the hearts of our nation and the world back to God.”
After having time to think about what I had said, that statement is making a lot more sense. I truly believe that God is doing the shaking He promised us in Scripture. See Haggai 2:7 and Hebrews 12:26.
In the Haggai passage God declares, “And I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts.”
In other words, “When I shake them, they will come.” Also, “When I shake them, I will reveal My glory in My house.”
God’s glory will be seen in His house. That’s us! We are His dwelling place today. We’ve prayed for revival. We’ve prayed for America and other western nations to come back to God, but we didn’t expect it to hit us in our wallets at the same time. Revival is supposed to bring more people (with their tithes and offerings) into our churches so we can build bigger churches and become more famous.
But God is answering our prayers His own way, and if we had understood Haggai 2:7, we may have been more prepared for it. The wonderful news is that people have actually been praying on Wall Street and in many places in the nation and the world, because of the financial crisis which followed close on the heels of the Hurricane Ike crisis, and then the California train crash.
The reason people are praying is that their other main source of security is being pulled out from under them. Christians and non-Christians alike have been operating under the same economic strategies for their own personal and family financial security. Various savings and retirement packages, insurances and investments composed of stocks and bonds, gold and silver, etc., have become our “rock”, our “fortress” and our “strong tower”. In themselves, they can be good things, but our human nature is to trust in these tangible commodities, more than in an invisible Being, with Whom we are not very intimate.
God is saying, “I want to show the difference between those who trust in Me and those who trust in the best strategies of men.” Those who trust in God will not be shaken, but those who have been trusting in man’s wisdom will be severely hurt. I have watched a lot of news in these election and economic crisis days, and observed the anger of those who have lost so much. They are feeling violated, betrayed and deprived of what they felt was rightly theirs, and they are seething with bitterness and rage.
God is simply pushing over the false Philistine gods in America and the world, because His glory is coming into the house of Dagon. It’s interesting that the two things that westerners trust in the most – investments and insurances have both been hit hard in this crisis.
Dagon was a “Fish God”. I think westerners have gotten “fished in”, thinking they have secured a comfortable retirement and future prosperity by investing the same way that the world does. These false gods cannot stand while God’s presence invades His house.
I have travelled a lot to other nations such as Mozambique and India and have seen the difference in lifestyle of the Christians there. Their only security and hope is in the presence and glory of God coming into their midst. That is all they have once they have renounced their idolatrous life. But in the west, we have divided our trust between natural gods and the One True God.
I believe God is saying that we should put away every idol and put our trust completely in Him. If we put first His Kingdom and His righteousness all the things the world seeks will be added on to us. We could invest a lot smarter than we do if we invested more into the spreading of the gospel, not just in making those already saved more comfortable. God will surely take care of us if we put His Kingdom first.
Brenda and I have had to put this to practice. We have been stretched but we are still going strong after leaving every natural means of security over nine years ago when we went on the road with a van and trailer and two pre-teenage boys. We had no life insurance or health insurance, no stocks, bonds or other investments, no savings account and no financial partners. But when the glory of God invaded a church or home meeting, the financial provision came as well.
The most exciting thing is that people have been getting revived in their spirit. They have come alive with a new hope, new vision, new awareness of value and worth and new zeal to serve the King with their gifts and talents.
I believe that this crisis is a wonderful opportunity for God to show that He is the Living God. He loves this nation, but He wants to remove our false gods in whom we trust. He wants us to practice what our money declares, “In God we trust.”
Very shortly God will reveal His secret strategy to fix our root economic problems and show us how much He loves us and the world. He will facilitate a great transfer of wealth that will bless America, Israel and the world, but it will take wealth from those who have seriously abused their stewardship of it. God’s plan is to reveal secret treasures which have been hidden from the eyes of men from before the foundation of the world. God will use them to fund the most immense and exciting time of harvest this world has ever seen.
For maximum impact of God’s plan, the world needed first to be in a crisis to appreciate the solution to the problem that has been festering just under the surface. All those who love God more than their money will rejoice with this news. Those who love their money more than God will lose their joy.
What I have predicted above is a combination of personal revelation and inside information related to the revelation of other prophetic people, which I cannot share at this time. But I am confident it will soon be made manifest to the world and I am very excited about it.
Is the crisis hurting you? I am sorry for any suffering you are presently experiencing. If you have lost your income or home or business, I understand the pain. We have been very stretched ourselves in recent times. But hang on to God’s promises. You will not have to go begging if you trust Him with all your heart.
It’s time to take the ball away from the enemy. Let’s put on a full court press in prayer and intercession, and take charge of the financial ball game. We can do it. Our prayers are mighty in God and we can take dominion of every mountain of society in the next few years. It’s been our mandate since Genesis. It’s our mandate today. Don’t let any crisis shake you up. There will be more, but we will ride above the crises. It will be an adventure and it will be an awesome ride if we stay close to our Guide.
Ben R. Peters
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Exciting Daze
Ben Peters
Oct 5, 2008
Greetings Friends,
Yes, we've been a bit dazed by all the things God is doing and going to do. But we are very excited and burdened at the same time for the crises in our nation..
This past five days have been filled with manifestations of the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each day brought special gifts from Heaven.
Wednesday night we enjoyed a wonderful time with a mostly Korean group. How hungry and open they were to the words from God they received from our little prophetic team. It was so special to see how they responded with tears of joy.
On Thursday, we were back in Elgin at the Eagles Nest for continued revival meetings. We had a wonderful time of praise, prayer and ministry. During ministry time, many were praying for one another and using the gifts God had given them. We prayed for the V. P. debates. We prayed that God would reveal who was righteous and expose wickedness. We came home and watched the debate thanks to our DVR. We were very pleased and excited with what we saw.
On Friday, we headed up to Colgate, Wisconsin for a weekend Unspeakable Joy conference. We began with an evening of worship on Friday evening. After some worship people were invited to come forward. We were asked to minister to them. The Holy Spirit blasted most of them and they spent a lot of time soaking. One elders wife had a very special heavenly experience. But that was just the beginning.
On Saturday we had meetings in the morning, afternoon and evening. In the afternoon, Brenda spoke to the ladies while I shared with the men. Of course, Brenda was prophesying a good part of the time. People were rather blown away and rejoicing and weeping as usual.
I shared the importance of the coming elections and how God wants to bless if we fast and pray and seek His face and do everything we can to elect leaders that value life and righteousness. God gave me a strong anointing to share some biblical truths relating to this subject. Being in Wisconsin, a swing state in the election was a great privilege for me as I believed God would use me to stir people up to pray and seek God's face asking for mercy for this nation.
We did lots of ministry throughout the weekend, but my highlight came on Saturday evening. We were praying for people at the front of the sanctuary and a precious ten-year-old girl was brought to me for prayer. She had hurt her hand and wrist doing handstands. She was in a lot of pain.
I put my hands on her wrist. I asked Jesus to please show His love to her and heal her. When I finished she said the wrist was feeling OK but there was a lot of pain in her fingers and she couldn't really open them without pain. Again, I held her fingers and just asked Jesus to please take the pain away and heal her.
I began to pry open her fingers and then she began to open them all the way. Tears started coming out of her eyes. In my great faith (not), I thought she was crying because she was in pain. But it didn't look like tears of pain. I asked her, "Are you crying because you are happy?"
She nodded her head. She was totally healed, opening and closing her hands and hugging her mom. It was one of the most precious moments in ministry. It wasn't raising the dead or healing cancer, but it was a little special token of the love of Jesus and I rejoice in being a part of it. This morning, she was still completely healed. Thank you, Jesus!
I believe another gal was healed of stiffness in the neck this morning when we prayed. It was another exciting meeting with many people coming forward for a touch from Jesus and many people staying for a couple of extra hours to get a word through Brenda. It was about a five hour service.
Revival meetings continue in Elgin Thursday - Saturday.
Our team is also hosting twice a month gatherings the second and fourth Thursdays of every month and house fellowship gatherings on the first and third Sundays of the month. For more info please contact Mary Zell at maryz@ellenoaks.com, or Val Coltman at rwcoltman@gmail.com.
On October 21, 22, we will be ministering in Elkhart, Indiana, and Brenda does a ladies retreat October 24, 25, in Pickerington, Ohio.
The last weekend of the month will be one of the busiest ever. HUB will be hosting Heidi Baker and others. Brenda does a Lutheran ladies retreat. And Michele Perry is coming for the weekend and will be ministering at the Eagles Nest on Friday, Saturday and Monday. She will be at 5 C Church in Rockford on Sunday morning. It will be an incredible feast, but we'll have to pick and choose where we can be.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading this long letter.
Blessings in Jesus' love,
Ben, Brenda family and team
Ben Peters
Oct 5, 2008
Greetings Friends,
Yes, we've been a bit dazed by all the things God is doing and going to do. But we are very excited and burdened at the same time for the crises in our nation..
This past five days have been filled with manifestations of the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each day brought special gifts from Heaven.
Wednesday night we enjoyed a wonderful time with a mostly Korean group. How hungry and open they were to the words from God they received from our little prophetic team. It was so special to see how they responded with tears of joy.
On Thursday, we were back in Elgin at the Eagles Nest for continued revival meetings. We had a wonderful time of praise, prayer and ministry. During ministry time, many were praying for one another and using the gifts God had given them. We prayed for the V. P. debates. We prayed that God would reveal who was righteous and expose wickedness. We came home and watched the debate thanks to our DVR. We were very pleased and excited with what we saw.
On Friday, we headed up to Colgate, Wisconsin for a weekend Unspeakable Joy conference. We began with an evening of worship on Friday evening. After some worship people were invited to come forward. We were asked to minister to them. The Holy Spirit blasted most of them and they spent a lot of time soaking. One elders wife had a very special heavenly experience. But that was just the beginning.
On Saturday we had meetings in the morning, afternoon and evening. In the afternoon, Brenda spoke to the ladies while I shared with the men. Of course, Brenda was prophesying a good part of the time. People were rather blown away and rejoicing and weeping as usual.
I shared the importance of the coming elections and how God wants to bless if we fast and pray and seek His face and do everything we can to elect leaders that value life and righteousness. God gave me a strong anointing to share some biblical truths relating to this subject. Being in Wisconsin, a swing state in the election was a great privilege for me as I believed God would use me to stir people up to pray and seek God's face asking for mercy for this nation.
We did lots of ministry throughout the weekend, but my highlight came on Saturday evening. We were praying for people at the front of the sanctuary and a precious ten-year-old girl was brought to me for prayer. She had hurt her hand and wrist doing handstands. She was in a lot of pain.
I put my hands on her wrist. I asked Jesus to please show His love to her and heal her. When I finished she said the wrist was feeling OK but there was a lot of pain in her fingers and she couldn't really open them without pain. Again, I held her fingers and just asked Jesus to please take the pain away and heal her.
I began to pry open her fingers and then she began to open them all the way. Tears started coming out of her eyes. In my great faith (not), I thought she was crying because she was in pain. But it didn't look like tears of pain. I asked her, "Are you crying because you are happy?"
She nodded her head. She was totally healed, opening and closing her hands and hugging her mom. It was one of the most precious moments in ministry. It wasn't raising the dead or healing cancer, but it was a little special token of the love of Jesus and I rejoice in being a part of it. This morning, she was still completely healed. Thank you, Jesus!
I believe another gal was healed of stiffness in the neck this morning when we prayed. It was another exciting meeting with many people coming forward for a touch from Jesus and many people staying for a couple of extra hours to get a word through Brenda. It was about a five hour service.
Revival meetings continue in Elgin Thursday - Saturday.
Our team is also hosting twice a month gatherings the second and fourth Thursdays of every month and house fellowship gatherings on the first and third Sundays of the month. For more info please contact Mary Zell at maryz@ellenoaks.com, or Val Coltman at rwcoltman@gmail.com.
On October 21, 22, we will be ministering in Elkhart, Indiana, and Brenda does a ladies retreat October 24, 25, in Pickerington, Ohio.
The last weekend of the month will be one of the busiest ever. HUB will be hosting Heidi Baker and others. Brenda does a Lutheran ladies retreat. And Michele Perry is coming for the weekend and will be ministering at the Eagles Nest on Friday, Saturday and Monday. She will be at 5 C Church in Rockford on Sunday morning. It will be an incredible feast, but we'll have to pick and choose where we can be.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading this long letter.
Blessings in Jesus' love,
Ben, Brenda family and team
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Ben Peters
Oct 1, 2008
Greetings Saints,
The Elgin Revival Outpouring has been extended indefinitely. We can't be there on a regular basis, but we will be there tomorrow, Thursday night at 7 pm. God moved mightily last week and used many saints to minister to one another. I heard God say, "Activate!" and that's what we tried to do and God did the rest. Friday and Saturday, a team from Rick Joyner's Morning Star will be ministering. It should be exciting.
For those who can't make it to Elgin tomorrow, please pray for the U.S. V.P. debates. We will be praying at the revival meetings and watching it later at night. We encourage you also to join with us in a season of fasting until the elections. We see these elections as a real conflict between good and evil, and a matter of life and death for America.
Please, please, do everything you can to elect candidates that support life. Please awaken every Christian you know to the danger of losing this election to death candidates. We are facing terrible times and greater crises if we choose wrong as a nation. But God has such incredible blessings ready for us if we choose rightly.
I believe we will win, no matter what the polls say, but I have a strong urgency in my spirit to activate everyone. Brenda also sees such evil when she looks at one of the candidates that supports every kind of abortion, including partial birth abortion.
Also pray for the Canadian elections which take place later this month. They have a Christian Prime Minister and needs a clear majority in Parliament to achieve his goals.
We have had some wonderful meetings recently, including a Sunday service with an Eastern European congregation, led by a Russian pastor. We were so blessed. Their worship was incredible.
We are in Colgate, Wisconsin, this weekend, Friday - Sunday. Please pray for great anointing and breakthroughs. We are asking God for more signs and wonders and miracles to build everyone's faith, including ours.
That's all for now.
God bless you all!
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Oct 1, 2008
Greetings Saints,
The Elgin Revival Outpouring has been extended indefinitely. We can't be there on a regular basis, but we will be there tomorrow, Thursday night at 7 pm. God moved mightily last week and used many saints to minister to one another. I heard God say, "Activate!" and that's what we tried to do and God did the rest. Friday and Saturday, a team from Rick Joyner's Morning Star will be ministering. It should be exciting.
For those who can't make it to Elgin tomorrow, please pray for the U.S. V.P. debates. We will be praying at the revival meetings and watching it later at night. We encourage you also to join with us in a season of fasting until the elections. We see these elections as a real conflict between good and evil, and a matter of life and death for America.
Please, please, do everything you can to elect candidates that support life. Please awaken every Christian you know to the danger of losing this election to death candidates. We are facing terrible times and greater crises if we choose wrong as a nation. But God has such incredible blessings ready for us if we choose rightly.
I believe we will win, no matter what the polls say, but I have a strong urgency in my spirit to activate everyone. Brenda also sees such evil when she looks at one of the candidates that supports every kind of abortion, including partial birth abortion.
Also pray for the Canadian elections which take place later this month. They have a Christian Prime Minister and needs a clear majority in Parliament to achieve his goals.
We have had some wonderful meetings recently, including a Sunday service with an Eastern European congregation, led by a Russian pastor. We were so blessed. Their worship was incredible.
We are in Colgate, Wisconsin, this weekend, Friday - Sunday. Please pray for great anointing and breakthroughs. We are asking God for more signs and wonders and miracles to build everyone's faith, including ours.
That's all for now.
God bless you all!
Ben, Brenda, family and team
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