Ben Peters
Dec 24, 2008
Christmas Greetings to the Children of the King of Kings,
We have much to rejoice in, though the world is reeling and drifting without an anchor. We have the knowledge that we are safe in His hands and He is our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT help in time of trouble.
As usual, our family is home more in December with fewer meetings, and we will spend more time with each other. I am working on a book on Kings and Kingdoms in my spare time. We have also spent a little time with our team, looking forward to what's coming in the New Year.
Actually, I've never been more excited about a New Year. I believe this year will be full of surprises. Some of these may be very troubling to many, but the Kingdom of God will make powerful gains over the Kingdom of darkness. I believe our world will change drastically for the better and our Chicago Sending Center will begin to really function.
After countless invitations, I finally accepted the fact that everyone but me has a Face Book account. So I got registered today and have found many friends already. If you are one of those who invited me previously, please feel free to do it again.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ben Peters
Dec 14, 2008
Greetings Saints,
We are in what some folk are calling a perfect storm. Most of us have never seen the likes of these days in our life-times. Although I believe we have free will to make decisions, I also know that God works His plan in spite of our stupid choices. I believe the storms we are in have been created by the greed and corruption of many of our leaders, but I also believe that God will use the storms we are in to bring about the renewal that America and the world need. Sooner or later, people will begin to cry out to God when they realize our leaders have no real answers, except to dig a deeper pit for future generations.
The corruption exposure in Illinois is just the first domino. Many more will be coming down. Don't expect the crisis to pass quickly. Keep praying that corruption will be exposed and removed from government as God desires. God still has a great purpose for America and will bring wonderful revival and then use America to help bring in the great harvest coming soon.
I just returned from a one week road trip to Florida. On the way there I ministered in Henderson, Kentucky. I always get blessed there as I'm treated as a Papa to the congregation at The Father's House. It was another very special time of ministry and many were touched by God.
In Orlando, I ministered at the House of Hope to the young people and the parents at the House of Hope. There was a wonderful response as God gave me a great love and a special word for the group.
Next, I attended the ICA convention, led by Dr. C. Peter Wagner. It was a very powerful time of interaction with many wonderful leaders in the Kingdom, such as, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, Cal Pierce, and so many more. It was a very profitable time for me, challenging me to go to a new level in a number of areas.
Meanwhile, Brenda was serving her parents and other members of the family in Washington State. She returned pretty exhausted and has been getting some rest in the last few days.
We have a couple of private meetings Monday and Tuesday and then another one on December 30. It's the normal slow schedule for December. Our next scheduled public meetings in Illinois will be our big conference, the last week of February - the 25th to the 28th. Before that we will be two weeks in Korea again for some larger conferences.
We believe our nation and our ministry are heading for major transition and change and we need God's help to make the adjustments needed. We need much wisdom and strength in this unusual time in history. Our home fellowship outreach is growing and our vision is still in the baby step stage compared to what we anticipate beginning this year. So please pray for us as much as you can.
Many blessings from Jesus,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Dec 14, 2008
Greetings Saints,
We are in what some folk are calling a perfect storm. Most of us have never seen the likes of these days in our life-times. Although I believe we have free will to make decisions, I also know that God works His plan in spite of our stupid choices. I believe the storms we are in have been created by the greed and corruption of many of our leaders, but I also believe that God will use the storms we are in to bring about the renewal that America and the world need. Sooner or later, people will begin to cry out to God when they realize our leaders have no real answers, except to dig a deeper pit for future generations.
The corruption exposure in Illinois is just the first domino. Many more will be coming down. Don't expect the crisis to pass quickly. Keep praying that corruption will be exposed and removed from government as God desires. God still has a great purpose for America and will bring wonderful revival and then use America to help bring in the great harvest coming soon.
I just returned from a one week road trip to Florida. On the way there I ministered in Henderson, Kentucky. I always get blessed there as I'm treated as a Papa to the congregation at The Father's House. It was another very special time of ministry and many were touched by God.
In Orlando, I ministered at the House of Hope to the young people and the parents at the House of Hope. There was a wonderful response as God gave me a great love and a special word for the group.
Next, I attended the ICA convention, led by Dr. C. Peter Wagner. It was a very powerful time of interaction with many wonderful leaders in the Kingdom, such as, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, Cal Pierce, and so many more. It was a very profitable time for me, challenging me to go to a new level in a number of areas.
Meanwhile, Brenda was serving her parents and other members of the family in Washington State. She returned pretty exhausted and has been getting some rest in the last few days.
We have a couple of private meetings Monday and Tuesday and then another one on December 30. It's the normal slow schedule for December. Our next scheduled public meetings in Illinois will be our big conference, the last week of February - the 25th to the 28th. Before that we will be two weeks in Korea again for some larger conferences.
We believe our nation and our ministry are heading for major transition and change and we need God's help to make the adjustments needed. We need much wisdom and strength in this unusual time in history. Our home fellowship outreach is growing and our vision is still in the baby step stage compared to what we anticipate beginning this year. So please pray for us as much as you can.
Many blessings from Jesus,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Ben Peters
Dec 4, 2008
Greetings Saints,
It's about 6 degrees Fahrenheit at the moment, but the sun is shining beautifully on the sparkling new snow. It's lovely from the inside looking out. Fortunately, I have a conference in Florida to attend next week and I'll be heading down there on Saturday, stopping in Henderson, Kentucky for Sunday services there. I'll have to suffer the loss of the beautiful snow, but don't feel too sorry for me.
Meanwhile, Brenda arrived safely in Seattle last night and will motor on eastward to Soap Lake to be with her 86+ year old parents for a few days.
Please pray for us during this season. We can't share much, but we do need prayer for certain situations.
Also, continue to pray for truth and righteousness to prevail in America. Pray that what is being hidden by forces of wickedness will be revealed and that God would truly have his way in our land. It is our job to pray that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If it happened automatically, Jesus would have not asked us to pray for it to happen.
I want to share another article I wrote and sent in to the Elijah List. It may not get published, but I want to share it with our mailing list. I'd love to hear your comments.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, family and OHM team
Ben R Peters
I received a letter recently from a sincere woman who was struggling deeply with the fact that so many prophetic voices were saying such radically different things about the election results and the economy. She no longer knew whom to believe. Her spiritual discernment was overtaxed and unable to give her any clear answers. Like her, we have heard of some prophetic people pronouncing nothing but judgment on America and the church, and others pronouncing unprecedented prosperity and peace. Some want to accept the president-elect as a gift from God, and some probably want him to die a premature death before January 20, 2009.
The lady who wrote me is just one of multitudes of Christians who are looking for someone in the prophetic movement to lead them out of the State of Confusion and into the Place of Peace that Passes Understanding. Passing understanding means to me that we not only understand what is happening, but we are actually moving on to get involved in the next event on God’s calendar, because we have peace in our hearts for what is going on in the present.
1. Deception
Whenever God is ready to make a major move on the earth, the enemy will use whatever tricks he can to bring confusion into the camp. He always finds vessels he can use. These are usually the ones who really want to become known as “prophets” of God. They want to impress people and they listen to any voice that comes to their spirit and mind. They don’t intend to deceive. They believe they are hearing from God, but their motives and pride allow deception to come in. They will usually be very heavy on the judgment side or the grace side with little understanding of the heart of God.
2. Extrapolation
The biggest reason for the confusion, in my opinion, is not the completely deceived prophets who are on the fringe, because not many people pay that much attention to them. The biggest reason for confusion is that prophets that we DO respect often see just a part of the whole picture and try to build a bigger picture from the one small piece. It’s the kind of thing that evolutionists do all the time when they find one or two dinosaur bones.
Also imagine someone giving you one small piece of a one thousand-piece puzzle and asking you to recreate the whole puzzle picture from the single piece. If a thousand people tried to do that, they would come up with a thousand different pictures. Prophetic people often get a word or a picture and draw unwarranted conclusions from a small piece of the whole. The problem is that they have no idea how big the whole picture is. Often we assume our piece actually IS the whole picture.
For example, some prophets are seeing a whole lot of judgment coming on America very soon. They feel that it is too late to change our ways. We need to bunker down and get through it. There are others who see Jesus coming very soon to rapture the church, so we can escape the tribulation, while others see us going through some or all of it before Jesus returns.
Others see the vision of a new wave of blessing coming on America. They extrapolate from this that we will not have to go through the judgments of God and we will enjoy a new season of restored prosperity for the rest of our days.
3. The Need to be Right
The biggest reason that we can’t clear up the confusion for the poor folk who are looking to us for clarity is that very few prophetic ministries have demonstrated the humility needed to admit when they have been wrong or when they have extrapolated from the small part they have received to produce what they felt was the whole picture. All of us are born, it seems, with the need to be “right”. We feel that we will lose respect if we admit we were wrong. Prophets are no different. We have seen many prophets’ words fall to the ground without them offering so much as an explanation, much less an apology.
For the sake of the Kingdom of God and its progress on the earth, we must remedy this source of reproach. True prophets and prophetic ministry are critically needed in these last days, but Christians who are taking a serious look at the prophetic movement are quickly turned off by this lack of integrity. Others, who still reject it outright, find excuse to mock and attack. The unsaved find more reasons to reject Christ and the Father’s heart is caused more grief.
Before the elections and the economic implosion, I felt that God had given me several revelatory words regarding these subjects. Some came from biblical examples as downloads while I was speaking or preparing to speak in church revival meetings. These were my personal encouragements that kept my faith strong that we would see the results that we and others were earnestly praying for.
I was also getting much input from highly respected prophetic leaders like Lou Engles and Dutch Sheets. I also have a highly prophetic friend who must remain anonymous at this time. In addition, I was hearing of dreams and visions from close, but not well-known, friends. These all indicated to us that we would see the desired results on election day. I published my expectations in our newsletters and waited for a major upset on election night. God had promised a surprise, and I was ready for a last inning miracle rally.
The next day, after the results were in, I published an apology for missing it. I told our readers that we, in the prophetic movement, still have a long ways to go to learn to hear from God more clearly. My prophetic friend, was also in shock after the elections and determined to find out what God was saying and why he had missed it so badly.
In the next few days, he had some radical encounters with God and shared some of the details with me. What God shared with him would clear up much of the confusion regarding the elections and the economy. The biggest problem seemed to be that we had all put God in a box and assumed that His answer (His surprise) would come on election night. It seems that God had a better plan and a bigger surprise.
We continue to wait on God and get ready for whatever happens in the next few weeks and months. I believe God has heard our cry for mercy and will hold back major judgment, but we will surely go through some very rough times and chaotic situations to cause us to cry out for help. I believe strongly that there is a huge harvest to reap and a tremendous transfer of wealth coming to empower the harvesters and it will come out of the ashes of economic chaos. I believe God is setting the stage in ways that man has not yet figured out. Yes, I do believe I am right, but if I am not, I will be quick to apologize for adding confusion to the prophetic mix.
We should be slow to judge and quick to forgive those who are speaking things that don’t pan out the way they expected. We all see only in part. Even Paul included himself in this. At the same time we need to be quick to repent and admit our own limited spiritual vision.
If prophetic people learn to listen to each other, they may see more of the big picture and lead fewer people into deception. We must lose our right to be right and regain our right to love out of a pure heart fervently.
True humility will go a long way to extricate the prophetic movement from the State of Confusion and bring us safely into the Place of Peace that Passes Understanding. Then we can get on with God’s agenda for the coming days, weeks, months and years.
Ben Peters
Dec 4, 2008
Greetings Saints,
It's about 6 degrees Fahrenheit at the moment, but the sun is shining beautifully on the sparkling new snow. It's lovely from the inside looking out. Fortunately, I have a conference in Florida to attend next week and I'll be heading down there on Saturday, stopping in Henderson, Kentucky for Sunday services there. I'll have to suffer the loss of the beautiful snow, but don't feel too sorry for me.
Meanwhile, Brenda arrived safely in Seattle last night and will motor on eastward to Soap Lake to be with her 86+ year old parents for a few days.
Please pray for us during this season. We can't share much, but we do need prayer for certain situations.
Also, continue to pray for truth and righteousness to prevail in America. Pray that what is being hidden by forces of wickedness will be revealed and that God would truly have his way in our land. It is our job to pray that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If it happened automatically, Jesus would have not asked us to pray for it to happen.
I want to share another article I wrote and sent in to the Elijah List. It may not get published, but I want to share it with our mailing list. I'd love to hear your comments.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, family and OHM team
Ben R Peters
I received a letter recently from a sincere woman who was struggling deeply with the fact that so many prophetic voices were saying such radically different things about the election results and the economy. She no longer knew whom to believe. Her spiritual discernment was overtaxed and unable to give her any clear answers. Like her, we have heard of some prophetic people pronouncing nothing but judgment on America and the church, and others pronouncing unprecedented prosperity and peace. Some want to accept the president-elect as a gift from God, and some probably want him to die a premature death before January 20, 2009.
The lady who wrote me is just one of multitudes of Christians who are looking for someone in the prophetic movement to lead them out of the State of Confusion and into the Place of Peace that Passes Understanding. Passing understanding means to me that we not only understand what is happening, but we are actually moving on to get involved in the next event on God’s calendar, because we have peace in our hearts for what is going on in the present.
1. Deception
Whenever God is ready to make a major move on the earth, the enemy will use whatever tricks he can to bring confusion into the camp. He always finds vessels he can use. These are usually the ones who really want to become known as “prophets” of God. They want to impress people and they listen to any voice that comes to their spirit and mind. They don’t intend to deceive. They believe they are hearing from God, but their motives and pride allow deception to come in. They will usually be very heavy on the judgment side or the grace side with little understanding of the heart of God.
2. Extrapolation
The biggest reason for the confusion, in my opinion, is not the completely deceived prophets who are on the fringe, because not many people pay that much attention to them. The biggest reason for confusion is that prophets that we DO respect often see just a part of the whole picture and try to build a bigger picture from the one small piece. It’s the kind of thing that evolutionists do all the time when they find one or two dinosaur bones.
Also imagine someone giving you one small piece of a one thousand-piece puzzle and asking you to recreate the whole puzzle picture from the single piece. If a thousand people tried to do that, they would come up with a thousand different pictures. Prophetic people often get a word or a picture and draw unwarranted conclusions from a small piece of the whole. The problem is that they have no idea how big the whole picture is. Often we assume our piece actually IS the whole picture.
For example, some prophets are seeing a whole lot of judgment coming on America very soon. They feel that it is too late to change our ways. We need to bunker down and get through it. There are others who see Jesus coming very soon to rapture the church, so we can escape the tribulation, while others see us going through some or all of it before Jesus returns.
Others see the vision of a new wave of blessing coming on America. They extrapolate from this that we will not have to go through the judgments of God and we will enjoy a new season of restored prosperity for the rest of our days.
3. The Need to be Right
The biggest reason that we can’t clear up the confusion for the poor folk who are looking to us for clarity is that very few prophetic ministries have demonstrated the humility needed to admit when they have been wrong or when they have extrapolated from the small part they have received to produce what they felt was the whole picture. All of us are born, it seems, with the need to be “right”. We feel that we will lose respect if we admit we were wrong. Prophets are no different. We have seen many prophets’ words fall to the ground without them offering so much as an explanation, much less an apology.
For the sake of the Kingdom of God and its progress on the earth, we must remedy this source of reproach. True prophets and prophetic ministry are critically needed in these last days, but Christians who are taking a serious look at the prophetic movement are quickly turned off by this lack of integrity. Others, who still reject it outright, find excuse to mock and attack. The unsaved find more reasons to reject Christ and the Father’s heart is caused more grief.
Before the elections and the economic implosion, I felt that God had given me several revelatory words regarding these subjects. Some came from biblical examples as downloads while I was speaking or preparing to speak in church revival meetings. These were my personal encouragements that kept my faith strong that we would see the results that we and others were earnestly praying for.
I was also getting much input from highly respected prophetic leaders like Lou Engles and Dutch Sheets. I also have a highly prophetic friend who must remain anonymous at this time. In addition, I was hearing of dreams and visions from close, but not well-known, friends. These all indicated to us that we would see the desired results on election day. I published my expectations in our newsletters and waited for a major upset on election night. God had promised a surprise, and I was ready for a last inning miracle rally.
The next day, after the results were in, I published an apology for missing it. I told our readers that we, in the prophetic movement, still have a long ways to go to learn to hear from God more clearly. My prophetic friend, was also in shock after the elections and determined to find out what God was saying and why he had missed it so badly.
In the next few days, he had some radical encounters with God and shared some of the details with me. What God shared with him would clear up much of the confusion regarding the elections and the economy. The biggest problem seemed to be that we had all put God in a box and assumed that His answer (His surprise) would come on election night. It seems that God had a better plan and a bigger surprise.
We continue to wait on God and get ready for whatever happens in the next few weeks and months. I believe God has heard our cry for mercy and will hold back major judgment, but we will surely go through some very rough times and chaotic situations to cause us to cry out for help. I believe strongly that there is a huge harvest to reap and a tremendous transfer of wealth coming to empower the harvesters and it will come out of the ashes of economic chaos. I believe God is setting the stage in ways that man has not yet figured out. Yes, I do believe I am right, but if I am not, I will be quick to apologize for adding confusion to the prophetic mix.
We should be slow to judge and quick to forgive those who are speaking things that don’t pan out the way they expected. We all see only in part. Even Paul included himself in this. At the same time we need to be quick to repent and admit our own limited spiritual vision.
If prophetic people learn to listen to each other, they may see more of the big picture and lead fewer people into deception. We must lose our right to be right and regain our right to love out of a pure heart fervently.
True humility will go a long way to extricate the prophetic movement from the State of Confusion and bring us safely into the Place of Peace that Passes Understanding. Then we can get on with God’s agenda for the coming days, weeks, months and years.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Ben Peters
Dec 1, 2008
Greetings Saints,
It's getting cold and we have snow on the ground and more coming down. It's December now, we won't get above freezing today, and we know for sure that summer is over and gone until later in 2009. Why do we have to endure another four months of cold weather before Spring begins to take hold? We're getting older and the idea of being a "snowbird" and heading south for the winter is sounding better every year.
But it seems the cold weather always brings out the warm hearts. Along with the hot chocolate and crackling fireplace, people find ways to get their pleasure and love from others and give it back again. Their hearts seem to warm up to one another when the warmth of the sun is diminished. And with the coming of Christmas, people's thoughts focus on giving even more. So hang in there. We will all get through this time and summer will return. For those living in Hawaii, Florida or Southern California, we're not jealous, but expect a visit soon!
I got a cold this weekend and lost my voice, etc., during the conference. With no voice and heavy snow coming down where we were, after a home meeting ministry time in Huntley, and more snow predicted through the night, we had to cancel our final service at the Palbok church conference in Vernon Hills on Sunday evening..
Until then, it had been an amazing time with wonderful ministry thanks to our ministry team, which included Jack and Maria Prato, Jonathan Seiver, Jessie Seiler and several others, along with interpreters. Many stayed until 1 A M Sunday morning after the Saturday evening service to get personal ministry from the team.
There was a very strong anointing on our speaking and minsitry time. My voice was OK until after the second service. The hungry Korean folk, as well as quite a few non-Koreans, drew the anointing out of us like a huge vacuum cleaner. Fresh revelation came with each speaking session and the people ate it up like hungry kids eating desert before the meal.
During ministry time, one Korean lady, who spoke a little English, brought another lady to me to receive Jesus as Savior. I had the wonderful privilege of praying with her and leading her to Jesus. A number of younger children were also visibly touched. One young boy, about 9 years old, began weeping and I just held him in my arms for some time.
Brenda's brother wrote last night to tell us that his son-in-law, TJ, had been driving a four wheel Jeep up in the mountains with his best friend, John. His car slippled off the road and fell down a cliff, well over 100 feet down, rolling seven times and killing John. John was his mother's only child and she is also going through a divorce at the same time. TJ is bruised and in pain physically, but his emotional pain is unimaginable. Please pray for him, his mother, his wife, Jessica (our niece) and all the family members.
Our two grandkids, Micah and Karis Peters, were also in a car accident, which totaled an SUV, but they are fine. Micah's face is swollen some after he hit his face on the back of the front seat, but he had no serious injuries.
We have some traveling to do and would appreciate your prayers. Both the boys and Brenda will be spending a little time in Washington State with family. Brenda is going to focus on helping her mom and dad prepare for Christmas, etc. Her dad will be 87 before Christmas and her mom is 86. Brenda wants to bring her dad home for a few days from the Care Center and see how they can handle things with him at home. He has some dimentia and is always asking when he can go home. He is really a miracle, thanks to a lot of prayer. We thought we had lost him three or four years ago, but he has made a remarkable recovery.
I'll be headed for Orlando for a conference next week, with some ministry on the way in Kentucky this coming Sunday and possibly the House of Hope with Vance Murphy on Tuesday. After we all return we have a couple of ministry dates in mid-December with private groups.
We have little on the schedule, as usual, for late December and most of January, but February is looking quite busy. First of all, we will be doing several conferences in Korea the first two weeks of February, and then we will be hosting our own conference the last week of February in the Chicago region. Please consider coming to this wonderful conference.
Our speakers will be Joshua Mills, Jeff Jansen, David Tomberlin and Jim Paul, along with our family and team. This will be our first conference in about ten months that we have been the sole sponsors of. The location will be Kenosha, Wisconsin, about an hour from north Chicago. You can fly in to Milwaukee or O'Hare. The dates are February 25 - 28. I believe these prophetic voices will have a timely word for all of us during a time of tremendous economic and political transition.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading and for your faithful support.
Many blessings, in Jesus love,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Dec 1, 2008
Greetings Saints,
It's getting cold and we have snow on the ground and more coming down. It's December now, we won't get above freezing today, and we know for sure that summer is over and gone until later in 2009. Why do we have to endure another four months of cold weather before Spring begins to take hold? We're getting older and the idea of being a "snowbird" and heading south for the winter is sounding better every year.
But it seems the cold weather always brings out the warm hearts. Along with the hot chocolate and crackling fireplace, people find ways to get their pleasure and love from others and give it back again. Their hearts seem to warm up to one another when the warmth of the sun is diminished. And with the coming of Christmas, people's thoughts focus on giving even more. So hang in there. We will all get through this time and summer will return. For those living in Hawaii, Florida or Southern California, we're not jealous, but expect a visit soon!
I got a cold this weekend and lost my voice, etc., during the conference. With no voice and heavy snow coming down where we were, after a home meeting ministry time in Huntley, and more snow predicted through the night, we had to cancel our final service at the Palbok church conference in Vernon Hills on Sunday evening..
Until then, it had been an amazing time with wonderful ministry thanks to our ministry team, which included Jack and Maria Prato, Jonathan Seiver, Jessie Seiler and several others, along with interpreters. Many stayed until 1 A M Sunday morning after the Saturday evening service to get personal ministry from the team.
There was a very strong anointing on our speaking and minsitry time. My voice was OK until after the second service. The hungry Korean folk, as well as quite a few non-Koreans, drew the anointing out of us like a huge vacuum cleaner. Fresh revelation came with each speaking session and the people ate it up like hungry kids eating desert before the meal.
During ministry time, one Korean lady, who spoke a little English, brought another lady to me to receive Jesus as Savior. I had the wonderful privilege of praying with her and leading her to Jesus. A number of younger children were also visibly touched. One young boy, about 9 years old, began weeping and I just held him in my arms for some time.
Brenda's brother wrote last night to tell us that his son-in-law, TJ, had been driving a four wheel Jeep up in the mountains with his best friend, John. His car slippled off the road and fell down a cliff, well over 100 feet down, rolling seven times and killing John. John was his mother's only child and she is also going through a divorce at the same time. TJ is bruised and in pain physically, but his emotional pain is unimaginable. Please pray for him, his mother, his wife, Jessica (our niece) and all the family members.
Our two grandkids, Micah and Karis Peters, were also in a car accident, which totaled an SUV, but they are fine. Micah's face is swollen some after he hit his face on the back of the front seat, but he had no serious injuries.
We have some traveling to do and would appreciate your prayers. Both the boys and Brenda will be spending a little time in Washington State with family. Brenda is going to focus on helping her mom and dad prepare for Christmas, etc. Her dad will be 87 before Christmas and her mom is 86. Brenda wants to bring her dad home for a few days from the Care Center and see how they can handle things with him at home. He has some dimentia and is always asking when he can go home. He is really a miracle, thanks to a lot of prayer. We thought we had lost him three or four years ago, but he has made a remarkable recovery.
I'll be headed for Orlando for a conference next week, with some ministry on the way in Kentucky this coming Sunday and possibly the House of Hope with Vance Murphy on Tuesday. After we all return we have a couple of ministry dates in mid-December with private groups.
We have little on the schedule, as usual, for late December and most of January, but February is looking quite busy. First of all, we will be doing several conferences in Korea the first two weeks of February, and then we will be hosting our own conference the last week of February in the Chicago region. Please consider coming to this wonderful conference.
Our speakers will be Joshua Mills, Jeff Jansen, David Tomberlin and Jim Paul, along with our family and team. This will be our first conference in about ten months that we have been the sole sponsors of. The location will be Kenosha, Wisconsin, about an hour from north Chicago. You can fly in to Milwaukee or O'Hare. The dates are February 25 - 28. I believe these prophetic voices will have a timely word for all of us during a time of tremendous economic and political transition.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading and for your faithful support.
Many blessings, in Jesus love,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
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