Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ben Peters
Jan 25, 2009

As promised, here are my thoughts on the recent political events:


Ben R. Peters

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion as an individual American, not an endorsing of any candidate by our ministry.

Since well before the 2008 primaries began, I have been passionately observing the electoral process and actively encouraging people to get involved in prayer and voting. I have listened, watched and read countless political news reports and commentaries.

I have also been in touch with top prophetic leaders and attended huge rallies and gatherings to fast and pray for revival and for the elections. I have, for several decades, carried a huge burden for revival and reformation and know that we suffer consequences for our decisions, both as individuals and as a nation. After an analysis of the current political situation, I will share some of the prophetic perspective I have received, including where we have obviously missed it.


Most Christian leaders agree with me that electing an African American president is in itself a huge mark of progress for America. This could not have happened just a few years ago. Prejudice is declining and we thank God for that. Secondly, Obama’s election and inauguration brought incredible happiness to millions of African Americans and other minorities. Who was not moved by the excitement and the tears of joy of millions of African Americans who were thrilled that one of their people was now at the top? It was a powerful experience for them.

And let me say clearly and with all sincerity that they deserve to be blessed in this way. We do owe them so much more than that. Black Americans have suffered emotional, financial and physical pain at the hands of the majority who first enslaved them, then continued to humiliate them with segregation, and still often put them down in ways that are still legal. Praise God, we have come as far as we have. But we know that we still have a long way to go.

Brenda and I dearly love African Americans and all minorities and love to minister in their churches. They are so responsive to our ministry and the love that God has put in our hearts for them. We want only the best for them.


At the same time, we agree that the particular choice that America has made is extremely tragic, given the terrible policies that have already begun to be put into play. Most people know about them, but millions of Christians and conservatives have fallen for the message of “change” from the mouth of a charismatic young “knight in shining armor”.


I want to say something about change. Whenever a candidate uses that campaign theme, I know what they’re up to. They know that things aren’t going so well and they want to capitalize on the national discontent. They may have no positive answers, but it’s easy to promise change and to deliver it. Change is easy. Positive change is another story. But people mistakenly equate change to mean something better, when it could just as easily mean something worse.

Change in itself is not a positive word unless you have sunk so low that things can’t get any worse. I’ve travelled to many third world nations and believe me, things can get a lot worse than they are here today. But it doesn’t take a politician to bring change. Hurricanes, tornados and wild fires have brought change to many communities. Sickness, disease, death and traffic accidents can bring great change to your life.

The great depression and two world wars brought a lot of change. September 11, 2001, brought great change to America. Drought, floods and earthquakes have also introduced significant change, but is that what we want from our government? In fact, we are headed for some terrible negative change unless God extends His mercy, which is what I am strongly counting on.


Change that Barak Obama is bringing include forcing us as Americans to help pay for the murder of unborn babies in foreign countries through our taxes. We all have their blood on our hands as Americans. It took him only a day or two to bring this terrible change.

Another change that Barak has promised and quickly posted on his government website as soon as he was inaugurated was support for the gay-lesbian agenda. That means forcing all states to accept gay marriages according to a university law professor speaking on national television.

The most horrendous policy of all was promised to Planned Parenthood during the election campaign. Obama would sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) as soon as he got it on his desk. This act removes each and every restriction in every state on abortion. Brutal and barbaric procedures such as partial birth abortions will be totally legal and hospitals and medical centers will be required to offer this “service” to their customers. Catholic hospitals are threatening to shut down rather than be forced to perform abortions. This could devastate our health care system in America.

Financial policies are the least important compared to the above tragic policies, but, Obama’s financial policies are also pushing us closer to financial disaster in the near future. Even if things seem to get a little better for a while, we are igniting the wick of an explosive bomb. It’s just a matter of time and America will be buried deep in debt without God’s intervention.


Not many people really know, nor do they seem to care. They know he apparently won our election and was inaugurated as president of the United States. They know he is part African American and part white and lived in a number of places, including Indonesia. They know he has had a good law education and quickly moved up the political ladder, using Chicago politics to advance his career.

We do know he has no real experience in the executive branch of government, which was very obvious his first week in power. Yet Obama’s campaign launched a major assault to discredit Sarah Palin for her lack of experience. Of course, she had far more experience than he did after being mayor for six years and governor of Alaska another two years. We do know that he promised transparency throughout the election campaign, but so much of his own past is covered with opaque plates of steel. We do know a few things about him, but what we don’t know is what could totally change everything when the hidden truth is revealed.

What don’t we know?

1. We don’t know where he was born for sure. We know he produced a Hawaii “Certification of Birth”, but not a true birth certificate. The “certification of birth” which has no doctor’s signature or hospital information, is issued for children born outside the country as well as those born in the state, so it doesn’t prove anything. If he was born in Hawaii, wouldn’t the hospital be proud of it and boast about it? Why do all the hospitals deny that he was born in them? Can anyone find a medical institution in Hawaii that will claim him?

Did his grandmother claim that she was at his birth in Kenya or not? I listened to a poor recording of what was supposed to be an interview of his grandmother through an interpreter. They claimed she said she was there when he was born. One man who was investigating these claims went to Kenya to do more research, but was sent back by the government to prevent him from talking to the natives and getting any real proof.

2. We don’t know much about his college education. We don’t know for sure who paid for it. Some evidence points to a Saudi billionaire, with connections to some of the founders of the Black Panthers, but the facts are buried as deep as possible. We also don’t know anything about the papers that he wrote or much of anything that went on during his college years at Occidental College, Colombia University or Harvard Law School. They refuse to release any information. So much for transparency!

3. We don’t know how deeply he was involved with a number of less than honorable Illinois politicians and educators, not to mention pastors. His associations, from Reverend Wright to William Ayers are cloaked in mystery. We know they raised money for each other and helped the same causes. We know that many previous and present “Chicago Machine” politicians have a scandalous reputation. Before the current situation with Rod Blagojevich, three former Illinois governors have gone to prison in the past thirty-five years, and many others have been in legal trouble as a result of their abuse of power.

4. We don’t know where a lot of his campaign money came from. It is believed by many that a large amount of money was given illegally, but with so many ways of donating using internet technology, etc., no one can prove it. Where is the transparency here? We know that he failed to keep his word regarding accepting government financing for his campaign, giving himself a huge advantage financially over John McCain.

5. We don’t know how much election fraud occurred. We know that ACORN was caught in numerous voter registration fraud situations and that Obama was working previously with one of their affiliate organizations as a “community organizer”. We know that in Minnesota there are a number of counties with many more votes than those that registered at the polls. We know that PBS did a documentary showing how computer voting could be changed after the vote.

6. We don’t know how much Barak Obama is committed to the philosophy of socialism. Every indication so far is that he believes in big government rather than free enterprise and his idea of change is a socialistic society like many nations of Europe. His economic stimulus plan focuses mostly on creating more government jobs rather than helping small businesses with significant tax breaks to help them hire more people and create private sector jobs.

7. We don’t know what will come of the thousands of recorded phone calls to and from Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, whom Barak Obama supported for governor of Illinois. The senate impeachment trial begins this week. The criminal trial against him may take another two or three months, but we don’t know what will come out when all the tapes have been reviewed.


Most of the above issues were brought up by concerned conservatives during the campaign, but with most of the media in Obama’s corner, or in his pocket, they didn’t get any significant publicity. Even Fox News stayed safely away from the birth certificate issue and with their silence, they allowed the Supreme Court to quietly decline to take a closer look at it several times. Even a Democrat politician from Ohio launched a suit to force Hawaii to produce an actual birth certificate.

But most of America is so fearful of losing their jobs and investments and so excited about their new “Knight in Shining Armor”, that they don’t want to believe that he could make things worse rather than better. There is such a messiah complex about him that it is really scary. The whole world has gone after him, as the Pharisees said of Jesus, but Barak Obama is not the messiah and he will not lead us to Utopia or Heaven.


As I mentioned at the beginning, I’ve been involved on all fronts as much as possible, including the prophetic realm. During the campaign, we had a number of high level prophetic people speaking about the elections. Not many came out with specific predictions, but some had words about the importance of the Vice Presidential nominee. When Sarah Palin was chosen by John McCain, we were very excited.

When one prophetic leader heard from God, before Sarah was announced, that a woman, who was presently forty-four years old, would be our president some day, it was a powerful confirmation and indicated to us that she would help John McCain get elected and then take over whenever he left office. But I personally felt that God had given me some confirming words for the election and some of our own team members and intercessors had confirming dreams and words. The positive evidence seemed to be overwhelming.

Other prophetic leaders rallied hundreds of thousands of Christians world-wide to fast and pray for the elections. I was present at some of the rallies and felt that God had heard our prayers and would answer them. It seemed Heaven was opened and I knew God would give us a miracle. As I shared before, watching the election results coming in was a terrible experience for many of us who knew how high the stakes really were.

But when a prophetic friend of mine had a prophetic encounter, it gave us great hope. This unnamed friend has received many detailed words from God that have proven accurate. One of these was that a very significant event would happen on September 11. The problem was that he got the word back in 1998, if I remember correctly. He was really embarrassed when nothing happened that year, after telling his friends about the word. He learned a lesson then about understanding the timing of prophetic words.


In the two days after the election and again some days after that, my friend received some very significant words, most of which I can’t reveal. The first thing he received was to keep praying – that it wasn’t over yet. He thought at first that God had said that Obama would not be inaugurated, but he later stated that he was not sure about that one part of the word. One of his intercessors had a dream that said that he would be in office for a very short time, and he told me it could happen that way. I, of course, did not want to believe it would happen that way, knowing how much damage Obama could do in the first few days of his administration.

The most important thing I can reveal is that he said that a lot of corruption would be exposed, over a period of two years. It would have a domino effect and corruption would be exposed in the election, the candidates, the political parties, the financial bailout, Wall Street and corporate America. There would be a time of crisis and chaos when no one knew who was really in control.

Within a few days, the exposure of corruption began to take place. Our Illinois governor and his chief of staff was arrested. Then it was revealed that a man named Madoff, had made off with $50 billion from his victims’ investments. We know that these men did not do what they did alone. Many others will be exposed who have assisted them.

My friend also said that he believed the election would be reversed and John McCain would become president. My friend shared some of the prophetic information with some of his intercessors – about 60 – 70 friends. Within a few days he had nine or ten responses from people who had confirming dreams. He then sent these out for confirmation. This is an incredibly high percentage of people having confirming dreams out of no more than seventy people.


These dreams were amazing and fascinating. At least three of them clearly said that Obama’s election was fraudulent. One dream showed him partying, as they did at the inauguration and then it was revealed that he had actually lost the election. He and his wife left in anger and embarrassment. Another quick dream showed the election boxes on TV when suddenly Obama’s numbers went “poof” and his votes declared null and void.

A child dreamed that some of Obama’s votes, represented by two differently colored stakes in the ground, were not true votes and McCain actually won. Obama was in a hot air balloon crossing the country for ten days telling everyone he had won, when the announcement came that he had lost. Someone shot the hot air balloon with an arrow and it came crashing down.

Two co-pastors had identical dreams, long before the election, in which they saw President Bush making an announcement during a time of great crisis, asking the country for permission to be in office longer to get them through the crisis. This is also what my friend had shared with me after the election.

Other dreams had John McCain winning the election in a surprise way with confusion and amazement on the part of the people. Another dream had Sarah Palin in the Oval Office with others around her.


With all these confirmations, I was holding on to hope that exposure would come before or during the inauguration. I realize now how devastating and traumatizing the latter would have been to the nation, especially the African Americans, who had finally something amazing to celebrate. God loves America and the down-trodden people who deserve to have something to rejoice about.

After the inauguration, I had an incredible heaviness and knew I needed to go somewhere to purge my pent-up emotions. I knew I had inspired hope in many that the election would be reversed before the inauguration. I had a few taunting e-mails before the inauguration, declaring that I was wrong and would have to eat crow. I spent a good hour sobbing on my face on the floor, asking God what was going on.

A lot of meditation on the situation has taken place, especially on the long drive from Orlando back to Chicago. I sense a certain peace that God is still going to keep His word and surprise us. My friend agrees that we need to have patience and see what God will do. There are many possibilities, but we’ve tried to guess how God would do it before and missed it. This time we need to wait and see.

My sincere apologies to anyone who was hurt by my previous words regarding the elections. I hope clarity comes soon. I acknowledge that I missed God’s timing and trust that in the end the results will verify that the core message of the prophetic words will be confirmed. I have not lost hope. I do not believe we have a legitimately elected president in the White House today. I find it very difficult to call him president.

If all the prophetic words and dreams do not come true, I will continue to seek God as to what He is up to. But for now, I have a strong hope and I have received some clear confirmation in Scripture that God will still bring these words to pass.

I want to share a Scripture that God has highlighted to me from the book of Esther, as she appeals to her king for deliverance from Haman's evil plan.

“For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)

This was confirmed yesterday when I received a forward from a letter by Chuck Pierce, a leading prophetic voice. He saw a tall spirit standing behind Obama, that was smiling and saying to him, “I have more access than ever before.” God told Chuck to prepare for a new level of warfare.

I ask you all to ask yourself the same question. Will you pray harder than ever for our nation. We should not have quit interceding when the election was over. We must pick it up now to a new level. Very few people have heard what I have shared. It may be dangerous for me to do this, but I want you to pray.


God has also given me great hope and excitement for the future. When the dust has cleared, I believe God will raise up someone who truly knows and loves Him, who will be given the tools to bring great restoration to America and give all the credit to a supernatural God. I believe we will see some amazing and wonderful changes take place.

Why do I believe this? I do have some private confirmation, but I also have some biblical precedent. I believe that God still has a purpose and plan for America. In many ways, God treats America similar to the way He treats Israel. Israel is still very important to God, but I believe America will continue to be a partner with Israel in these days.

Ezekiel 36 gives us a beautiful picture of what God will do for Israel. In spite of her sins and problems of the past, God promises to restore her to her land and to bless and prosper her. He makes it clear that it is not because of Israel’s goodness or faithfulness, but in spite of her lack of those things. Rather, He is restoring Israel for His own name’s sake – for His own reputation and purposes. Then He declares that after He has shown Israel His goodness, they will remember their sin and repent for it.

Notice the reverse order to the normal. Usually we must first confess our sins as in II Chronicles 7:14. Then we can expect restoration. But Ezekiel 36 shows the opposite order. First He restores and then we confess and repent. I believe that this is what God will do for America, for His own name’s sake. He has big plans to use us in the great harvest of souls that has just begun.

So please keep praying and don’t stop no matter what happens.

Blessings to you all,

Back in Chicago - Getting Ready for Korea
Ben Peters
Jan 23, 2009

Greetings Saints,


We had a very full and busy ten days or so as we ministered in Ohio, Florida and Kentucky. We even spent a few hours at a Florida beach one day when it was warm enough. That evening we ministered for several hours at the Revival Outreach Center in Dover, Florida. We also ministered at the House of Hope in Orlando a number of times and Brenda was kept extra busy speaking into scores of people's lives.

We saw a lot of fruit including some physical healings, after some unusual words of knowledge. Mostly, we saw people touched in their hearts, which God opened up and filled with His love. I was able to finish the new book on Kings and Kingdoms and share some of these new revelations with a couple of church's and many individual leaders.

One of the most exciting events was when we heard another couple with an unusual ministry. They wrote the book Heaven Is Real and were recently on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" show. We both got personal ministry and God really touched us in a powerful way.

Last night we shared at The Father's House in Henderson, Kentucky. They split up the men and women as they do normally on Thursday nights after worship. Brenda ministered to about 30 ladies and I taught about 20 men on fulfilling their roles as kings under the King of Kings. Many commented that God had really ministered to them.


We leave for Korea next Thursday for about two weeks. Please pray for us. Our intern, Jessica Seiler, and her brother, Kevin Seiler, will be going with us. They will be working hard along side of us. We will have a busy schedule, and will be ministering to a whole conference full of hundreds of pastors and leaders at a prayer mountain. We will minister at two other conferences and a seminary. We totally depend on God's anointing to carry us and do need your prayers.

Our upcoming major conference, 'THE JOY OF THE HARVEST" will be at Lakeshore Tabernacle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, just north of Chicago and south of Milwaukee. Dates are Feb. 25-28. Please check out our conference brochure at We are very excited about our speakers, including Jeff Janzen, Joshua Mills, David Tomberlin, Ken Peters and Jim Paul.


I know many of our readers recall our predictions before and after the presidential elections in the USA. Clearly, again, we were not right on with our predictions. I have had a few days to mourn, ask myself and God many questions and meditate as I drove home. I was not able to watch the inauguration because of meetings, but got the news after the fact. I have many things on my mind to share with you all, but Brenda is cautioning me to spend more time seeking God before I say too much.

I will say now that I believe we had a problem interpretating the prophetic words and dreams. We assumed certain things, using natural logic. The main problem as usual, is the timing of the events. Prophetic people, as the Scripture says, often don't know when their words will be fulfilled. I do believe that most of the events we predicted will take place but in a different way than we expected. I want to say more now, but will hold off for two or three days.

So please keep praying for us and for America. God wants to bless us and surprise us with His mercy and goodness. God gave me a fresh revelation from Isaiah 55. God is so ready to "abundantly pardon". His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. We would bring judgment, He brings mercy first. He will still pardon America. Check out the passage for yourself.

Many blessings to you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and amazing Team

Friday, January 16, 2009

Exciting Times
Ben Peters
Jan 16, 2009

Greetings Precious Friends,

We are indeed living in exciting and eventful times. Illinois has been in the news lately and there will be more news coming. Brenda and I chose a great time to minister in Florida, because it's -20F in South Beloit this morning. I haven't experienced that since our early married years in Saskatchewan. I do remember -40 in high school. I walked to school a few blocks away, just like always.

Along with a little ministry at House of Hope in Orlando, we will speak on Sunday evening at the ROC (Revival Outreach Center) in Dover, Florida at 7 pm. We will be connecting with some of our friends in IAM, (International Apostolic Ministries).

We would like all prayer warriors to pray for a friend named Joanne. She needs a physical touch and a good report from some medical tests. We prayed for her the other night on our way to Florida.

I'm trying to finish a brand new book called Kings and Kingdoms while in Florida. It contains some new and exciting revelations which I believe the body of Christ needs to hear. I want it published before our conference the last week of February. The other book I have been working on is on hold. It is a much larger book and will not be released until God's perfect timing. I'm hoping that won't be too much longer.

I want to pass on announcements for some friends who are hosting special meetings. You can check them out for yourselves.

1. Royal Priesthood Encounter with Dr. Renny Mclean, Chicago Prophetic Voice

2. Deliverance Seminar

Bill Myers at 5C's Church in Rockford

Friday 7:00
Saturday 9-9 No charge Good will offering will be taken

Location 1894 Daimling Road
Rockford IL 61112

Please pray for us and our team and all the wisdom needed for the future.

Pray for our nation. Things are not as they seem. God has surprises in mind for America. Pray much as we approach Inauguration day. Don't be lulled to sleep and complacency. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and pray fervently. Our nation is in desperate need

God bless you all!

Ben, Brenda, Family and team

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ben Peters
Jan 10, 2009

The following text was taken directly from

Our beloved Jill went home to be with Jesus - naturally at 9:48pm CST. Thank you all for standing with us and praying. She is now with her best friend, Holy Spirit, and Dancing with Her Destiny.

For those of you who are just reading this, on January 6th, doctors found that her intestines were twisted, cutting off her blood supply, after which infection set in. Doctors said that if she wasn't in surgery within a day, she would be gone. She did have surgery and also underwent a second emergency surgery. Jill had part of her stomach, part of her intestines and part of her colon removed, but her body was unable to recover, and God called her home.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ben Peters
Jan 3, 2009

Greetings Saints,

We trust you have all had some wonderful times of fellowship with loved ones in the past couple of weeks. 2008 was a turbulent year and a call to America and the world to look up and seek the favor and mercy of God.


First of all we will align with the will and ways of God and His Kingdom like never before. We will discover new and better ways to do things that will advance God's agenda better than the old ways. We will learn how to align our thoughts with God's thoughts and renew our minds through the Word and worship. I believe more Christians will discover the blessings of reading or listening to Scripture. Pure worship in Spirit and Truth will also be practiced more and more by those who want to get closer to God.

Secondly, we will align with other Christians. God is connecting His children to each other in new and unusual ways. He wants us to know who we can stand with and work with for the sake of His Kingdom. There will be a greater crossing of boundaries of race, denomination, generation and culture than ever before. We will connect with people through divine appointments and electronic media. These connections will not be nearly as organizational as they will be soul and spirit connections.

These new alignments will produce strong teamwork with small teams and with larger teams with common purpose and vision. Like a hunter lines up his rifle sights with his target, so God is aligning us to hit God's targets together. These targets are miracles signs and wonders, which will produce salvation and honor and glory for God.


I do predict this year will see a lot of shaking and rearranging in politics, the economy and society. I still anticipate some more political fireworks. I think we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. Hold on to your hats and see what happens next in political chaos and corruption exposure. The end results will be very positive. I have a very optimistic faith in America's future with God.


I believe many ministries, including ours, will take some giant steps forward in fulfilling our vision and calling from God. Release of human resources and finances in miraculous ways, utilizing some of the divine connections mentioned above, will propel us into exciting new days of growth and fruitfulness.


We'll be in Kenosha, Feb. 25 - 28 with Jeff Jansen, David Tomberlin, Joshua Mills and Jim Paul. We will have an amazing time and all will be blessed who come. Stay tuned for more info.


We've been on facebook for a week and have reconnected with several friends. The invitation is open to all facebook folk who want to invite us to be their friends.

God bless and be prepared for an exciting 2009.

Ben, Brenda, Family and team