Monday, February 23, 2009

Kings and Kingdoms
Ben Peters
Feb 17, 2009

Greetings friends,

Our new book is now in our hands. KINGS AND KINGDOMS - ANOINTING A NEW GENERATION OF KINGS UNDER THE KING OF KINGS reveals our high calling as kings over the kingdom God gives us, and how to fulfill our destiny to bless the King of Kings and His Kingdom.

You can find the book on our website: The truths in this book have already changed my life and many others, as we accept the fact that we have been born to privilege and therefore have significant responsibilities.

You can also pick up this book next week at our awesome conference starting Wednesday, Feb. 25, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. You'll find that on our website also.


We have had a great response from those interested in going to Mozambique this July. If you haven't responded yet and you would like to go, please write asap to get on the list. We will probably be limited to 15 or 20 in our group.


Ben, Brenda, family and team
Ben Peters
Feb 23, 2009

Greetings Saints,

Yes, we have good news.


1. Jesus is with us and we will fear no evil. 2. The problems with the economy should cause more people to turn to the Lord. 3. God has an amazing plan to take back America and many other nations. 4. He has a plan to bring in an incredible harvest. He will transfer much wealth from the wicked to His Kingdom for the harvest. 5. He is scheduled to show up at our conference which starts on Wednesday.


If you want to hear Joshua Mills, you'll have to show up on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Joshua has experienced amazing miracles and the most common is gold dust (a prophetic sign of the coming glory of God). Every day will be filled with God's presence, wisdom, impartation, healing, restoration and salvation. After Joshua Mills, we have Jim Paul, Jeff Jansen and David Tomberlin. Brenda and I will also share, and our son, Ken, is back again from Spokane to bless us with a word from God. Some of our team members also have exciting new developments in our ministry to tell you about.

For more info on the conference, please check out our website: and click on conferences. You can click at the bottom of the page to download the pdf brochure with more information.


After a long Saturday night, Sunday morning and much of Sunday afternoon, our daughter, Barbie gave birth at her home in Seattle to a healthy 9 lb, 14 oz, 21 inch, baby boy, named Ocean Munoz. We don't know his middle name yet and can't get anyone on the phone right now. Brenda was therewith Barbie a few days before the birth and is arriving home tonight. She was with Barbie for the whole ordeal and ended up very physically and emotionally exhausted along with Barbie.


I believe that our new book will revolutionize the way you think about yourself and God. The chapter headings are:

1. King Saul is Dying

2. Accepting Our Roles as Kings

3. King of the Mountain

4. Play Your Position

5. Training for Reigning

6. The Anointing of Kings

7. Yes, Young Lady, Young Man - He's Talking to You!

I really encourage you to get this revelation into your spirit. The book is available on our website and will be at the conference as well. We can offer discounts for bulk orders. It would make a great group Bible study text.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, family and wonderful team

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ben Peters
Feb 14, 2009

Greetings Friends,

We're home from Korea after a turbulent flight (for the first six hours or so), and are now adjusting to the nine hours time change. Brenda is taking a little medication and still recovering.


Our last day in Kwang Ju and our two services at the Agape Seminary were extremely blessed. Again, many were touched by prophetic ministry, teaching, and impartation prayer. But we were also touched by the kindness and generosity of these wonderful people. They show so much love and honor that it is almost overwhelming at times.

I was personally blessed again by a wonderful dose of the Holy Spirit's anointing as I spoke and taught the Word of God. I was given several prophetic words for the nation and revelation flowed, even as I preached, as the hunger of the people drew on the anointing in a powerful way.

Koreans have a special role to play in the global harvest. I learned that Korea sends out more missionaries than any other nation except for America. I believe that God wants us to partner with them in the days ahead for the support of Israel and for a "bumper crop" harvest around the world. Everywhere we went, I asked them to pray earnestly for America. They are a praying nation and with their prayers joining ours, I believe America can be turned around.


That's the title to our new book and it's on the way. We'll have the first 100 copies arriving on Tuesday. You can order them on our website (within a day or two) or you can pick one up at the conference 10 -14 days from now.

This book is full of fresh revelation about our role as kings in God's Kingdom. I am very excited about the younger generation and the older generation together learning the truth in this book that will help us take back the seven mountains of society for the Kingdom of Heaven.


You can print your own brochures to get the message out to as many as possible. Just go to our website and click conferences and then click on the "here" in "download the pdf here".

This will surely be one of our best conferences. If you want to help make it better, please volunteer to help our team. Just email Mary Zell at

Thanks for all your prayers for Brenda and for our meetings. God has kept us going and we have seen hundreds of lives touched for eternity.

God bless you all richly,

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ben Peters
Feb 10, 2009

Greetings again from Korea. God has done great things for us, and we are very grateful to Him.


Our first service on Sunday afternoon was a youth service. Jess and Kevin did the speaking. There were probably 300 youth there. It was an awesome service. Both were speaking publicly for the first time and did amazing. Many youth were touched and came for prayer.

Sunday night was a packed house of 600-700 if I estimated correctly. It's a Presbyterian church, which, like many, is breaking loose from their denominational traditions. I really felt the fire on me as I preached on unity, and we saw some immediate breakthroughs. Many people raised their hands that they had been healed. Jess and Brenda and I had specific words of knowledge.

Most Koreans are too shy to speak into the microphone, but we began to hear some great testimonies. Eyesight restoration and skin problems healed. Brenda saw a vision of Jesus giving someone a baby. In a previous meeting in Seoul, I gave a word about one deaf ear. The lady came for prayer and she began to hear in the deaf ear.


On Monday we spoke only in the evening and again the fire fell as I shared how God was moving on the younger generation. I did some research and discovered that the average age of the last six good kings of Judah from Joash to Josiah was seventeen years old when they began their reign. I found that amazing. Again we had more healings take place.


On Monday night a lady came forward to testify that she had been barren for 17 years. She had come with a ultrasound showing that she was pregnant. We didn't know who she was and realized that it was only one day since Brenda gave the vision-word. However, after the meeting she came to where we were and we recognized her.

It was a lady we had ministered to last November. She and her husband had ministered to us with massages and served us with refreshments during the meetings at a different church in Kwang Ju. We had heard of her barrenness and had great compassion for her. She and her husband were a very precious couple. We thought they were still younger but just found out she is about 44 years old. We had prayed for them and Brenda was sure God was telling her that she would yet have her baby. That was in November and three months later she is six weeks pregnant. We just hugged her and hugged her while she wept in our arms. It was one of the most rewarding things Brenda could have received from God, especially with all the physical attacks she has suffered.


Thank you all who have prayed for Brenda. She is pretty much over the nausea and back pain, but has the remnants of a virus attack. It involves sinus and throat mostly and yesterday (Tuesday) she began to lose her voice. She was scheduled to speak in the afternoon and God gave her enough voice to speak and it was amazing. There were at least two hundred people in a smaller sanctuary and they laughed and clapped and loved every minute of it.

The senior pastor was also there, unknown to us, and last night after I shared on the seven mountains of society, the pastor let me know that he wanted Brenda to take the last night of the conference - tonight - so everyone could hear her speak. The only problem is she has had no voice since last evening. She still has a few hours to recover before the meeting, and we are praying for God's complete touch. Please continue to pray with us. We are fifteen hours ahead of Chicago (Central Standard Time), in case you are confused about the date. We are on the other side of the International Date Line and when we return we will arrive over two hours before we leave.

By the way, Kevin has also had some health issues with a sore throat and some virus symptoms. He's doing quite well now and back on the team.


This afternoon I will speak and tomorrow we fly early back to Seoul. We will minister in two services at an Agape Seminary. The morning session will be with about 100 doctoral students. In the afternoon we'll be speaking to about 250 seminary students and staff. Please pray for us for the right word from God for these precious dedicated servants of God.


Yes, KINGS AND KINGDOMS, is ready for purchase. We will have a good supply at our conference and for others, we will get it on our website, asap. This book will share God's desire for us to reign now on the earth under Jesus, our King of kings. Several different revelations came together to form the message of this book. To truly seek first the Kingdom of God, we must accept our role as kings to expand His Kingdom.


I am so grateful that God has a plan to bring America back to Himself. I get the news on the internet here and I feel very grieved as I read report after report of what our liberal president and congress are slipping into their "emergency" stimulous plan and other executive decisions. Anit-Christian discrimination is increasing again and political corruption and earmark spending are incredible as we prepare to bankrupt our nation and our future generations. Many acknowledge we are heading full-speed ahead for a European type of socialism. So many things are happening so fast, we have little time as Christians to react enough to stop anything. It's really time to pray and act in whatever way we can.

More corruption has been exposed and yet more is on the brink of exposure on several fronts. We have now three major politicians who admit cheating the government out of thousands of dollars of taxes. Two were confirmed anyway by the liberal congress. The other withdrew his name. I could go on and share more information I have received, but I just ask you to pray that God would deliver us from evil and that His Kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. His Kingdom comes through us, His kings on earth, as we submit to His Kingship.

That's all for now. We leave shortly for the afternoon service. We so appreciate your love and prayers and also your financial support. Since we never publicize our needs, we also often forget to publicly acknowledge and show appreciation for those who send us support. God has carried us and kept us going through special friends who help us when God prompts them to.

Much love (sarang) from Korea,

Ben, Brenda, Jess and Kevin

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Ben Peters
Feb 7, 2009

Greetings Saints,

We are now in Kwang Ju, in the southern part of South Korea. We have been here several times before but in a different ministry. In a few hours Kevin and Jess will minister to a youth group, perhaps 250 kids. Please pray for them. They have had a powerful anointing to prophesy and anoint people.


First of all, we had a misunderstanding as to how many pastors and leaders would be there. We heard it would be 700 people or so. I don't know exactly where that number came from, but it was certainly an exaggeration. There were probably about 200 people, almost all pastors and wives. That was still a great group of pastors from different denominations who came together for three days.

Sadly, Brenda was not fully recovered and had some severe back pain as a result of her sickness and throwing up for several hours in a bad position. She still spent many hours prophesying, but hardly spoke at all to the group. She believes it is some kind of a virus or flu bug, because it is still affecting her and she is still eating very cautiously. We appreciate so many who have prayed and written us encouraging letters.

The good that came out of this was that Jess and Kevin have grown to an absolute new level in ministry. They worked with us in teams and they worked with each other when we weren't available. Every pastor and wife received personal ministry before the three days were up and they did a lot of it.

The anointing on us was very strong. I shared on God's passion for unity, revival and harvest, the great youth anointing for the harvest and a number of other things that the Holy Spirit prompted me to speak. I believe we broke through some strongholds of culture and tradition and released a stong anointing for revival.

The response of the pastors and wives was amazing and tremendously heart-warming. After a final anointing and impartation time where we layed hands on each one, many of them came up to say good-bye the only way they could with little or no English. Many men came and hugged me with tears rolling down their cheeks. Korean men don't cry that easy, but these pastors were so powerfully impacted that they didn't care. God had touched them and changed them forever.

Many came with my Korean books to sign and others wanted photos with me. I have seldom felt more loved and appreciated, but I know it was all about what the Holy Spirit had done in their lives. I had no prepared messages. I spoke only what I was hearing God tell me to speak. Each message developed as I spoke and I was amazed again at how good God is at putting a message together. All the Scriptures, stories and insights fit together like a beautiful puzzle when it was all completed. All I had to do was listen and speak what I heard.

The conference team had to drag me away to take me to our next destination. It had been an amazing three days and all the while Brenda was hurting and still serving love and vision to the pastors and wives in a little ministry room. I honor her and respect and love her more than ever before. God is even taking our marriage to a higher level through it all. Please pray that she can finish this journey feeling well.


After our conference here in Kwang Ju, we go back to Seoul for two sessions at Agape Seminary. Then on Friday we head back to the USA to get ready for our big conference. Brenda will make another short trip back to Seattle. Our daughter Barbie is "great with child" and due any day. Brenda hopes her timing is perfect for the delivery. Brenda's parents are also not doing very well and she wants to see them again. They are 86 and 87.

THE JOY OF THE HARVEST CONFERENCE February 25-28 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, will be a life-changing event for hundreds of people. Each speaker has a dynamic ministry that is unique and impacting. We look for great breakthroughs from Heaven.

Please check our website: and click on conferences. You can download your own brochure and print extras for your friends. We expect a great turnout and a wonderful time together.

We also want to mention that Corey Russel from K.C. IHOP will be in the region in Illinois on Friday night and Saturday the same weekend. We are very sorry that we can't go to both. We love Corey and his message from God. If God calls you to support that conference instead, we encourage you to attend it. I can get more details to you later.

April 3-5 we will be blessed with a wonderful couple named Ron and Glenda Petty, who ministered with us and to us in Florida last month. We have yet to confirm the location or locations, but stay tuned as it is a unique experience to hear their testimony and receive ministry from them. They were on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" show not long ago. They will bless your socks off.

That's all for now. Please pray for us!

Ben, Brenda, Kevin and Jess

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Ben Peters
Feb 5, 2009

Greetings everyone,

Just have a few minutes before we start ministering again.

We finished an amazing conference last night. Such hunger and such a flow of the Holy Spirit through so many. Jessica and Kevin are doing awesome. The people really love them. The anointing flowed on everything that happened. Speaking was so easy and fun with the Holy Spirit guiding me in what to say from start to finish.

Before dinner last night Brenda was not feeling well so they took her to the motel. Without me knowing what was going on she started vomiting and continued for about 6 hours till I got home at 11 pm. By about 1 a.m. she knew she needed help and the hotel manager took us to the hospital emergency room. They put her on I.V. for a few hours and sent her back to the hotel about 6 a.m. She's recovering nicely but we're not sure exactly what the problem was, since we don't have any test results. They did seem to know what they were doing and were very wonderful to us. The whole treatment cost about $200, just a fraction of what it would have cost us at home.

Tonight (Thursday) we start speaking to a crowd of about 700, mostly pastors and wives at one of Korea's Prayer Mountains. We already started personal ministry and it has been very precious. One couple had two boys with them - about 8 and 10. They both began to weep when we spoke words over them. Our hearts just melted.

Please pray as we spend three days here with the pastors and wives. They are due for a new wave of revival. God is uniting us in the Spirit and God has chosen us to bring them a message of hope and destiny for their nation.

Please don't forget our awesome conference coming up in Kenosha, Wisconsin, at Lake Shore Tabernacle, February 25 - 28. It will be stupendous.

Many blessings to all of you,

Ben, Brenda, Kevin and Jessica

Monday, February 02, 2009

Ben Peters
Feb 1, 2009

Greetings from the amazing place called South Korea. We had a good flight over on Korean Airlines with an empty seat beside us for the 14 hour trip. We had a little time to rest and then ministered to a few people in the hotel.

Yesterday (it's already Monday here), we ministered in a church about an hour away. The worship was awesome and the people were very responsive, as always. We also met some wonderful people, including a former kick-boxing champion who was our interpreter. He had been a gangster and met the Lord later in life and went straight to seminary without ever having been in church. Needless to say, he had a few problems adjusting to the seminary standards.

After the Sunday morning speaking time, we ministered to about 25 families. That took until about 4:30 or 5 pm. Then we went out to eat and ministered a bit more at the Italian restaurant. We got back to the hotel about 8::30 or so. It was a very intense day to say the least.

Today, we begin our first of three back-to-back conferences. We invite your prayers for strength and anointing to minister. Jessica and Kevin Seiler are doing a wonderful job of working with us and the intense schedule. Next week they will lead a youth service of about 350 young people. It will be part of a conference in a church that has 2000 members.

We are all doing pretty well physically. We wake up a lot during the night because of jet-lag.

Thanks to all of you for your love and prayers. We'll try to keep you updated.

Many blessings and much love from Seoul, South Korea.

Ben, Brenda, Jess and Kevin