Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ben Peters
Apr 26, 2009


Greetings from Wooded Hills Bible Church in Colgate Wisconsin, where we are having a precious visitation from God. Every service has been anointed and many lives have been touched for eternity. We are blessed to have a wonderful team along since Saturday noon, which includes some of our youth worship team. They, along with the church's worship team have ushered in a powerful presence of God. Val Coltman and Mary Ferguson taught workshops and people were greatly encouraged and enlightened. We are heading for the morning service which will be the final one of this conference.

We have a continuing relationship with Wooded Hills and we are becoming more bonded with them for the future harvest.


Our dear friend and ministry associate, Lisa Bourland, has been going to the devasted country of Zimbabwe. Along with Jordon Sekulow, son of Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), she has had the privilege of ministering to the new Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and is heading back again. They believe that sanctions need to be lifted off of Zimbabwe for the sake of the people living in poverty and starvation. If you can take a minute to read the letter and respond, we would all be very grateful.

Be blessed!

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Urgent: We need you help! "Be Heard" today - first ACLJ Zimbabwe show now airing!
Lisa Bourland
Apr 26, 2009

(L to R) 1-The Right Honorable Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangira, Jordan Sekulow, Lisa Bourland, and Vicky Mpofu at the Prime Minister's home in Harare, Zimbabwe. 2-Jordan Sekulowat at the day for the "Be Heard" project at Women, Weapons of Warfare and The Father's House, Epworth, Zimbabwe 3 Dr. Goodwill Shana, Lisa Bourland, Vicky Mpofu and Jordan Sekulow 4- Prayer before the Women, Weapons of Warfare Conference 5 - Lisa Bourland speaks a word and prays for the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangira at the Prime Minister's home in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Dear Father’s Family,

Below is the link to ACLJ's first of two TV shows on Zimbabwe and the beginning of our petition to the US government on easing sanctions now. Jordan Sekulow has done an incredible job of preparing and presenting the facts of our journey and calling into Zimbabwe. Jordan has prepared all of his life for “such a time as this.” He is truly being raised up as a voice to the world!

The first show features ZINRI (Pastor Alex), our children in Epworth, and Minister Eric Matinenga. This show started airing all over the world two days ago with an amazing response.

Show 2, beginning next Friday, will feature Prime Minister Tsvangirai, Dr. Shana Goodwill, and our Women, Weapons of Warfare Conference a few weeks ago in Harare.

I am asking each and every one of you to call 1.877.989.2255 to sign our ACLJ petition to have sanctions lifted off our precious Zimbabwe now! This petition will be delivered to President Obama. We must give this new unity government a chance to work. We have truly been positioned to STAND in the gap for an entire nation and the Lord keeps telling me that this is just the beginning! Be Heard now by calling today 1.877.989.2255!

I am returning to Zimbabwe tomorrow to share with the county (10 provinces in 10 days) what is happening with our ACLJ petitions and the rallying of the Christian community to their support! Please cover us in prayer as we make this journey! Our team will consist of Lisa (me), Pastor Vicky, Petra, and Michael and Brandon Lanham.

When you watch this show it will bring everything into a much clearer focus:



Shalom and much love,


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ben Peters
Apr 20, 2009

Greetings Friends,

With all the crazy things happening in the political and financial world, along with all of our own personal and family issues, including health and relationships, who could not use a whole lot more wisdom today? Ben and Brenda Peters sure could! We have decisions to make, problems to solve and hundreds of people who look to us for vision and direction. Like Solomon, we can say we need God's wisdom and understanding to lead God's precious people. Since we haven't said much on our newsletter before, let me summarize our heart and vision for the coming days.


The BIG issue and purpose for us in these days is THE HARVEST. Everything we do as Open Heart Ministries has that as its ultimate purpose. Right now, we are in the season of birthing and preparing the harvestors. We are very convinced that the events of the next two years or so will bring major changes to America and the western world. We anticipate a major revival and a huge transfer of wealth to Kingdom-minded people who will bank-roll the harvest. We believe the world will be shaken both financially and politically. We believe that God will save America from the destruction our leaders are heading us for because God He has a purpose for us, and we believe His covenant with early Americans, such as the Pilgrims, will be renewed.

God clearly told me to start a Sending Center to send out harvestors. We are now in the process of organizing a new 501c-3 non-profit corporation to make it official under the name KINGDOM SENDING CENTER. Our ministry has been training and sending people to various harvest fields in an informal way for several years, but we are planning on getting serious about having a place and staff to facilitate a much more intense training program. Our team leaders are working hard to do the preparation work. When finances become available, we will be finding property, hiring staff and taking applications. We believe it is very close to happening.

We will accept only those who are totally committed to laying down their lives for Jesus. It will cost them everything, but nothing as far as earthly treasures are concerned. The KINGDOM SENDING CENTER will train disciples to minister with the presence and glory of God, using spiritual gifts and fruit and the power of compassion and agape love. They will learn to passionately worship, pray, evangelize, prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out the enemy.

Meanwhile we continue to teach and to prophesy at home groups, churches, conferences and the harvest fields of the earth. We also minister healing and deliverance to body, soul and spirit as God allows. We struggle with many life issues, like everyone else, and constantly need your prayers. If God speaks something to you concerning us, please let us know what you are hearing. In a small way, we face similar front-line attacks as many of our favorite international ministries are facing today. Please pray for all those who walk by faith and depend on God for wisdom and provision.


Tonight (Monday, April 20), we meet in a private home group in Illinois.

Friday through Sunday, we will be at the Wooded Hills Bible Church in Colgate, Wisconsin, not far from Milwaukee. We'll be doing a weekend conference. Last time we were there, we had some amazing miracles and were so blessed by the precious folk.

Friday, Saturday, May 1, 2, we minister in a Korean Church in Mount Prospect, IL.

May 6-9 we hope to attend a conference in Cincinnati with Bob Jones, Bobby Conner and Larry Randolph.

May 15, we speak at the Watering Hole in Lombard, Illinois. May 16 is a private home meeting.

June 3-6 we will be in Dallas speaking at an Arts and Media conference at Christ For the Nations.


We always need your prayers, but especially now. We not only have present situations but we have to make decisions for future trips. We are scheduled for both Mozambique and South Korea in July and August and need confirmation on that.

Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might! He is big enough for all your needs and ours.

Be blessed with His goodness!

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ben Peters
Apr 13, 2009

Greetings Saints,


It was a good weekend. Brenda and Jessie Seiler had a wonderful meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin on Friday evening, while I was speaking at a men's retreat for a home church group farther northwest in La Valle, Wisconsin. Then I joined their house church meeting on Sunday morning in Baraboo, Wisconsin. We shared many nuggets of revelatory truth God has been teaching us and we challenged one another to go to a higher place with God and to a higher place on the mountain of society that God has given us to possess. I returned home Sunday afternoon and joined a few of our team members for an Easter gathering to send off Kenny Ferguson, one of our youth, to Iraq with the Marines. We had communion and prayed and prophesied over him.


In the last letter I shared an excerpt from Chuck Pierce's word from The Elijah List. If you are not a subscriber, you might want to become one at They can keep you up-to-date on prophetic news. There was much more to Chuck's word, but too much to put into one newsletter.

Today I feel like I am supposed to take the risk and give you all a link to an article that needs to be read by everyone who loves freedom in America, Canada and every nation. I challenge you to take a few minutes and go to the following link. It will give you the perspective of someone who knows the value of freedom. When you have read it, I would appreciate your comments on it. Here's the link:

Turbulent times are God-opportuniy times. We believe God will use the crisis to bring positive transformation. Corruption is being exposed every day - look at what happened to Senator Stevens in Alaska - and it will continue for some time until many corrupt politicians have been removed and America will desire character in office more than charisma and change.


I don't want to mention names now, but please pray for some families who have desperate financial needs at this time. We believe God will do some amazing miracles. We have two in progress right now and need several more. Lack of work and income are God's opportunites to show His miracle power. Let's pray for each other that none of these crises will be wasted. Politicians are taking advantage of the crisis and so should we for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

We love you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 10 Update

Ben Peters

Apr 10, 2009

Greetings Saints,

We so appreciate all your prayers and support of all kinds. Without God's miracles on a daily basis, we would be nothing but burnt toast.

Tonight Brenda and Jessie will be ministering in Janesville, Wisconsin. I will be farther north-west in Wisconsin for a week-end men's retreat for a house-church group. We value all your prayers for these divine appointments.

Next weekend we are invited to a wedding in Michigan and the following weekend, we speak at a prophetic conference near Milwaukee. The first and second of May we will be doing revival services in a Korean church in Mount Prospect, IL. I'll try to get our calendar updated for these events.

Chuck Pierce had a long prophetic word over the Elijah List this morning. Here is a short excerpt:

"Be ready for the change that is about to happen in your life. Be ready! Sanctify and ready yourself, for this is a day that I will call you quickly and change your circumstance quickly and cause you to rise up. From the direction you were taking, you will shift immediately. Be ready, for changes are coming—suddenly. I AM singing 'Suddenly! Suddenly!' Sing with Me and ready yourself to move quickly.

"Be ready for the call. Keep your lamp ready. Keep the oil filled within you. Make ready. Be ready. Move forward with Me when I call, for the call is 'on the way' to you. Many of you have grown weary in the delay, but be ready, for this day of change is upon you. Do not grow weary in doing what is right. Keep your lamps trimmed. My hour of visitation is near you. Be ready and don't go to sleep. Be ready to move.

There was a whole lot more and it is very encouraging. If I didn't have faith that God has an amazing plan to restore America, I would be very depressed with the events of our day.

In just over two months we have seen the greatest give-away of our Christian heritage and our constitutional freedoms that we have ever seen. We have people in places of great responsibility who are anti-Christian and anti-American, ready to give up more of our sovereignty to the ungodly United Nations.

I personally still believe that Barak Obama will be exposed as one who was not a natural born citizen. I have read and heard a lot of information and am more convinced than ever. No Hawaii hospital will claim him and he has spent a lot of money to keep his real birth certificate hidden. Many of his friends and associations, cabinet members and nominees are radicals and socialists, abortionists and gay-activists. He is bringing change as fast as he can while he has so much political capital. He is paying back those who supported him and seizing incredible power. He has threatened banks to accept bailout money or they would be audited and destroyed by extra government interference. His administration is telling corporations and banks, etc., how to run their businesses. They are burying our kids and grandkids under an incredible mountain of debt. We might see a temporary boom from all the money, but we will pay for it big time in the years ahead.

People are saying they don't agree with his policies, but they still like "him". And they would vote for him again. People are under the influence of a cultish personality like Jim Jones and we are committing collective suicide. America, wake up, before it's too late.

I also personally believe, as I said above, that God has an amazing plan, like He did for Esther. Read Esther 8:3-8. It's time to write our own decrees and reverse what Haman has decreed. I believe there will be a counter revolution and Christians will be given a powerful anointing to move into high places on all the mountains of society. Revival and reformation are not far off. I'm so glad we are not left with gloom and doom, but we know that we win in the end.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading and for praying.

Many blessings to you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ben Peters
Mar 29, 2009

Greetings Dear Friends,

Yes, our God is always full of surprises. Here's a couple of them.


Brenda will be coming home tomorrow after spending a few days with her dad and many other family members. Told by the doctors that he was dying, we were preparing for a funeral. So many of you prayed for him and the family and God chose to bring him back. He's doing much better again. We know he could go at any time, but check out what God did for Brenda.

Brenda's last visit with him was Friday morning. He doesn't always recognize his family but this time he looked her in the eye and whispered, "I love you!" Then, while she was there, he began to look up, watching something and began to say with an excited expression, "OH, OH!" He kept looking up and repeating it over and over. Brenda's mom told her that he was doing it again after she left. We believe he is seeing things in the heavenlies. It is another wonderful confirmation for Brenda, that he is going to be with Jesus.


Many of you have been praying for the couple on our team who build luxury homes and had one on the market for over two years. This represented over two years of labor, during which they had no other income. For 700 days they had no offers. Then suddenly, two parties wanted it for a bargain (a real loss for Darren and Krista), but another party who had looked at it months before came back and said they wanted it and were willing to pay a fair price to give them some income for their efforts. The bank still has to agree to creative financing, but we are believing God is all over this situation, even though their patience has been severely tested. Please join us in praying for favor for their customers.



Don't forget our special event this Friday in Elgin, Illinois. We will be hosting a wonderful couple, Ron and Glenda Pettey, who have been on It's Supernatural and have a book called, HEAVEN IS REAL. Meet with us Friday, April 3, at 7 pm. The location is 270 E. Chicago St, Elgin, IL, at the Eagles Nest/Family Life Church.


Our Sunday afternoon fellowship will be April 5 at the Ferguson home in Genoa. We have been having wonderful times and expect this to be another special time for all.

That's all for now. I'm headed for the HUB meeting with Bobby Conner at O'Hare Wyndham Hotel.

Please pray for us. We appreciate it so much.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
March 25 Update
Ben Peters
Mar 25, 2009

Dear Friends,


Your prayers are being heard by God. Brenda's dad seems to be defying the doctor's predictions again. He is on oxygen and has had great trouble breathing, like someone who is dying, but yesterday and today he ate solid food, which he hadn't done for some time. In addition he is more at peace after Brenda spent one night with him and left worship music playing all night in his room the second night. The change is quite remarkable to Brenda.

Thank-you all for your prayers and love. So many have written that they are praying on email or Facebook. Please accept our appreciation. Also please continue to pray. If her dad continues to recover, Brenda will return home after the weekend.



This starts tomorrow - Thursday night at 7:30 pm at O'Hare Airport Windham Hotel.


This will be held at 7 pm in Elgin, next Friday, April 3, 2009, at Family Life Center - Eagles Nest at 310 E. Chicago St, Elgin, Illinois. You don't want to miss this event. This couple ministered powerfully to Brenda and me after sharing their amazing testimony. Com and hear a very humble man's recollections of his time in Heaven.

If you can't make it on Friday night, they will also minister at 11:30 a.m. at 5C's Church in Rockford, Illinois, on Sunday morning.

Please pray for Brenda and I and our team. We are in need of your prayers every day. The ministry is in transition with great and exciting things coming in the days ahead. We face many challenges going to the next level and many of us have felt the attack of the enemy and have been stretched in many ways. God will get all the glory as He answers your prayers because we know that we cannot accomplish anything by our own strength. Our ministry totally depends on the supernatural power of God for everything we do.


I want to extend my new book offer to anyone who wants a copy. If you buy Kings and Kingdoms and any other book of mine or Brenda's on our website, I'll give you a second Kings and Kingdoms free with shipping included. I am burdened to get this message out to as many Christians and leaders as possible. I want to give the second book free so that you can give it away to someone you want to bless. This book is revolutionary and I believe it will change your future for the glory of God.

God bless you all and thanks for all your support.

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team