Ben Peters
Jun 27, 2009
Greetings Saints,
God gave me some inspiration tonight and the following article is the result. I'd love your feedback.
Perhaps you are holding onto specific promises from God like we are. Perhaps you are waiting for a breakthrough in issues of finances, health, or relationships. Are you struggling to maintain your faith, hope and patience? The seers are seeing great events about to take place, the “naba” prophets are bubbling over and pouring out a powerful waterfall of amazing “words” from Heaven, and the internet newsletters are encouraging everyone to press on. But the fulfillment keeps being pushed back. We thought the promises were for last year and now we’re being made to wait for next year. What’s up, God?
A few months ago, a trusted team member told me that he had a brief word for us. It was simply, “Hold on!” We’ve been doing that since that day. We’ve just kept ahead of disaster on several fronts, but we’ve been holding on. Several accidents in our extended family occurred in a matter of a couple of weeks. We were out of a car for two weeks and had to pay a $500.00 deductible because a deer crossing the toll-way wanted to redesign our Honda’s front end. Brenda’s old whiplash injuries made a comeback, and she has had to make several trips to a chiropractor to stop the pain from her head, jaw, neck, back and tailbone.
Brenda’s sixty-six year older sister is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and her eighty-seven year old mother just found out she has congestive heart failure. Her dad is still alive in the care center, but has severe dementia and other lingering stroke symptoms. Brenda calls her mom once or twice every day and always feels sad that she can’t be with her mom to help her more. Instead she flies out to Washington State as often as possible for a few days when she gets a break from meetings and we find a way to afford it.
Meanwhile, the anointing increases on our ministry. Prophetic revelation comes in powerful waves of the Holy Spirit. Doors open and God leads us through them. People are constantly telling us how much the ministry has encouraged them. It helps us keep holding on and believing God for the miracles we need.
So what’s up? What’s going on in the Heavens? What is the big picture and what is God up to? I think I just got a little clue.
We are waiting for a very specific promise from God, which has been given and prophetically confirmed through reliable men and women of God. It involves both a spiritual awakening to bring in the harvest and a huge transfer of wealth to facilitate the harvest. The transfer of wealth involves fresh and world-transforming technology that will be a huge catalyst in the spiritual awakening.
Here’s a fresh revelatory insight on this situation:
God is coordinating the timing of these world-changing events, but His timing depends on the hunger and passion of the church. God intends to work with His church to build His Kingdom. He could do it sovereignly, but He has given us great authority as kings serving under the King of kings, and He wants us to use that authority by making declarations and decrees as any king would do.
The personal problems that so many people, including ministries, are going through, are parallel and prophetic of the problems that are still in Kingdom saints and churches. We have to hold on simply because God, Himself, has to hold on until we begin to cooperate with Him to bring about the divine partnership of the great harvest and the great transfer of wealth.
God is waiting for His children to rise up in genuine humility and embrace their royal assignment to rule and reign on the mountains of society. My personal assignment is to inform and motivate all generations so they will rise up and climb to a higher place to take dominion of the mountains that belong to God. I am called to do this through speaking, teaching, writing, prophesying and the establishment of our Kingdom Sending Center.
We just received a wonderful testimony from Rolland Baker, who has been through a very difficult season in the last two years. He has been receiving healing through a combination of spiritual, natural and medical treatments. James Goll has been using a parallel combination of treatments for his cancer. After losing his own wife to cancer, he found a card she had written telling him to hold on and never give up or quit. Another very dear friend, Paula Benne, is now receiving help through a combination treatment as well, after a long and severe struggle with terrible physical attacks on her health.
I truly believe that God is loudly speaking something to those who have ears to hear. What is He saying? He is saying that we all need each other and we need to use all the gifts and the resources that He has given to us. He will not allow us to be the super hero that can solve every problem through our own great faith. We must come back to the prayer of Jesus in John 17. Until we have Jesus’ passion for unity and the passion for the building and expansion of His Kingdom, we are not prepared for the great harvest and the great transfer of wealth.
Our tendency without godly passion for unity and Kingdom expansion would be to try to market whatever God does. What I mean is, we would try to channel the harvest into our own church, denomination or movement. We would try to have a bigger healing ministry than the next evangelist. We would find ways to increase our personal advantage and financial security in the transfer of wealth.
The solution is for God’s people to draw closer to God and to His blood-bought saints at the same time. We all need to use our gifts to help one another accomplish this. We also all need to recognize each other’s gifts to accomplish this.
We need to get healed of personal wounds and we need to help others get healed so they can work well with others and put first the Kingdom of God instead of their own wounded flesh. Again, we must work together. It is God’s idea, and the epistles of the apostles confirmed it repeatedly. What makes us think that we can accomplish God’s purposes and plans without obeying His commands to guard and protest the unity and to edify His body with our spiritual gifts? It’s just not going to happen.
Thus, I believe the first awakening in the body of Christ is an awakening of our total dependence on Jesus by depending on one another as members of His body on the earth. Unfortunately, God has to shake our own faith in our own faith and in our own spiritual gifts, by holding back some of our answers to prayer until we humble ourselves and call on others to assist us, thus employing the unemployed members of the body of Christ.
This thought never occurred to me until I wrote the last line, but unemployment in the body of Christ is much higher than in the state of Michigan or California. We must put every card-carrying member of the “Body of Christ Union” back to work. We must not be satisfied just because we have discovered our own spiritual gifts. We must also activate others and put them to work in the body of Jesus Christ. He is the anointed one and we are His body on the earth, which does His work under the anointed Head. Every member needs to function according to I Corinthians 12.
So, people of God, hold on to your promises, but do your part to hasten the fulfillment of your promises by increasing your passion for the unity of the body of Christ on the earth and your passion for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Fight your own flesh and humble yourself to get the help you need, whatever it takes. Make things right with brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and encourage others to do the same.
Prophesy encouragement to others to activate their gifts and bring healing to their souls. Pray and intercede for souls and for God to shake the mountains of society. Read and pray Isaiah 64 for Israel and for America or your own nation. Also pray for injustice and corruption to be exposed quickly. Let the mountains of government, finance, media, religion, family, arts and education be purified in the shaking and in the fire of God’s presence, which comes when we carry His presence up to the top of these mountains.
The promises of God will surely be fulfilled. But they will be fulfilled more quickly if we cooperate with the passion of Jesus, which is also the passion of our Heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit. I don’t want these promises to be postponed any longer. Let’s work together to hasten their fulfillment for the glory of God. So pass the passion on to someone! It WILL make a difference!
Ben R. Peters
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ben Peters
Jun 23, 2009
Greetings Saints,
What a powerful party we had this past week! I picked up David Tomberlin at O'Hare at 6 pm and rushed him to Wooded Hills Bible Church in Colgate Wisconsin, arriving about 8 pm on Thursday night. We had a very fruitful time together with this amazing church. They had brought some homeless people from Milwaukee. One of them, a younger lady, had both her knees healed and was very excited that she didn't have to go back to the doctor. An elder of the church also discovered his pain was gone from his knees after prayer. David had given a word of knowledge about people with two bad knees. Many others were touched and David's testimony is amazing and powerful. I got David to his motel in Kenosha early Friday morning after driving in a deluge for an hour. He was like Jesus, asleep in the boat during the storm. He had just got back from an around the world trip and was severly jet-lagged. I was straining to see the road most of the way, doing about 30 - 40 mph on the freeway. Then I drove another hour and a half to get home at 2:15 AM.
Friday night was our first night in Kenosha at Lakeshore Tabernacle. We were hit by an even bigger storm with tornado warnings and major flooding. I got within two blocks of David's hotel to pick him up and could not get any closer. Meanwhile more flooding was happening and some streets were rushing rivers. I had to find another way back to the church. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get back. Praise God for our GPS system. Brenda and I shared that night and we had an awesome ministry time.
Saturday night, the streets were clear and David had an amazing message and ministered many words of knowledge which resulted in many people being touched. Anthony Coltman led two powerful afternoon sessions and our worship team led by Tim and several others brought the sweet presence of God to the meeting.
Sunday morning we went to Deerfield, Illinois, and ministered at the Chicago River Church. It was a very anointed time with some precious folk. They will shortly move their services to the Wingate Hotel off of Willow/Palletine Rd, Milwaukee Rd, and I-94. Anyone in the suburbs north of Chicago looking for a small family church will love this group pastored by Matt and Sarah Lee.
Our car is getting repaired. We are still making do, helping the boys get to work at their Starbucks stores. Brenda is getting back and neck pain relief through prayer and chiropractic treatments from a wonderful Christian man, Dr. Niequist, in Algonquin, IL.
We're getting ready for a lot of travel in the coming months. Here's the itinerary:
Tonight, June, 23, we minsiter at a private home group in Illinois.
Saturday, June 27, Brenda ministers to a small and private ladies retreat.
July 1-4, we will be with Jim Paul in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, ministering with David Tomberlin.
July 15, I leave for Mozambique and South Africa - returning July 27.
July 20, Brenda and Jess minister to the EHOP team in Elgin, IL
July 24, 25, Brenda ministers with Ron and Val Coltman at a Sozo Seminar - open to all. For more info:
July 31, Brenda and I leave for Korea - returning August 15.
Aug. 26-29, we minister at House of Hope Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Location yet to be confirmed.
We feel God is leading us to do a major traveling tour this fall, starting in Saskatchewan and Alberta and moving down into the northwest, then into British Colombia and down into Oregon, California and other states, such as Nevada, New Mexico and Texas before returning home. It's been a long time since we've been in many of these states and we are feeling that God wants us to renew some of these relationships and develop new ones. We also want to spread the Kingdom Mountain message to raise up conquerors for every mountain of society.
If you are one of those who have invited us in recent months, or if you have a strong desire to have us come to your neighborhood and you feel that you could host a meeting or two, please get in touch with us asap to let us know you are interested. We can work with the details later, but I'd like some feedback from you if you are strongly interested. We can only do so many meetings on this tour, so we can't guarantee that we can come to your community, but we'll do our best.
Ben, Brenda, Family and Top-Shelf Team
Ben Peters
Jun 23, 2009
Greetings Saints,
What a powerful party we had this past week! I picked up David Tomberlin at O'Hare at 6 pm and rushed him to Wooded Hills Bible Church in Colgate Wisconsin, arriving about 8 pm on Thursday night. We had a very fruitful time together with this amazing church. They had brought some homeless people from Milwaukee. One of them, a younger lady, had both her knees healed and was very excited that she didn't have to go back to the doctor. An elder of the church also discovered his pain was gone from his knees after prayer. David had given a word of knowledge about people with two bad knees. Many others were touched and David's testimony is amazing and powerful. I got David to his motel in Kenosha early Friday morning after driving in a deluge for an hour. He was like Jesus, asleep in the boat during the storm. He had just got back from an around the world trip and was severly jet-lagged. I was straining to see the road most of the way, doing about 30 - 40 mph on the freeway. Then I drove another hour and a half to get home at 2:15 AM.
Friday night was our first night in Kenosha at Lakeshore Tabernacle. We were hit by an even bigger storm with tornado warnings and major flooding. I got within two blocks of David's hotel to pick him up and could not get any closer. Meanwhile more flooding was happening and some streets were rushing rivers. I had to find another way back to the church. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get back. Praise God for our GPS system. Brenda and I shared that night and we had an awesome ministry time.
Saturday night, the streets were clear and David had an amazing message and ministered many words of knowledge which resulted in many people being touched. Anthony Coltman led two powerful afternoon sessions and our worship team led by Tim and several others brought the sweet presence of God to the meeting.
Sunday morning we went to Deerfield, Illinois, and ministered at the Chicago River Church. It was a very anointed time with some precious folk. They will shortly move their services to the Wingate Hotel off of Willow/Palletine Rd, Milwaukee Rd, and I-94. Anyone in the suburbs north of Chicago looking for a small family church will love this group pastored by Matt and Sarah Lee.
Our car is getting repaired. We are still making do, helping the boys get to work at their Starbucks stores. Brenda is getting back and neck pain relief through prayer and chiropractic treatments from a wonderful Christian man, Dr. Niequist, in Algonquin, IL.
We're getting ready for a lot of travel in the coming months. Here's the itinerary:
Tonight, June, 23, we minsiter at a private home group in Illinois.
Saturday, June 27, Brenda ministers to a small and private ladies retreat.
July 1-4, we will be with Jim Paul in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, ministering with David Tomberlin.
July 15, I leave for Mozambique and South Africa - returning July 27.
July 20, Brenda and Jess minister to the EHOP team in Elgin, IL
July 24, 25, Brenda ministers with Ron and Val Coltman at a Sozo Seminar - open to all. For more info:
July 31, Brenda and I leave for Korea - returning August 15.
Aug. 26-29, we minister at House of Hope Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Location yet to be confirmed.
We feel God is leading us to do a major traveling tour this fall, starting in Saskatchewan and Alberta and moving down into the northwest, then into British Colombia and down into Oregon, California and other states, such as Nevada, New Mexico and Texas before returning home. It's been a long time since we've been in many of these states and we are feeling that God wants us to renew some of these relationships and develop new ones. We also want to spread the Kingdom Mountain message to raise up conquerors for every mountain of society.
If you are one of those who have invited us in recent months, or if you have a strong desire to have us come to your neighborhood and you feel that you could host a meeting or two, please get in touch with us asap to let us know you are interested. We can work with the details later, but I'd like some feedback from you if you are strongly interested. We can only do so many meetings on this tour, so we can't guarantee that we can come to your community, but we'll do our best.
Ben, Brenda, Family and Top-Shelf Team
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Accident Update and Conference Reminder
Ben Peters
Jun 16, 2009
Greetings Saints,
The official news is that the deer was totalled beyond repair, but the Honda will survive after all and be returned in good condition in about one week.
Brenda has suffered a significant amount of pain and has had two chiropractic treatments that have cut down the pain significantly. We highly recommend Dr. Niequist on Highway 31 in Algonquin, Illinois. Brenda will take several more treatments until she is like new again. Thank you so much for all your prayers. So many responded, we couldn't write you all back at this point. But thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
God has shown us we are in a new day of ministry breakthrough and are at a new level of attack. In response, God is giving us a greater covering of intercession. New intercessors have joined the team in praying for us and our ministry team. We are so grateful to God for these awesome and amazing people.
It's been called by several names but one thing for sure: It's going to be very exciting and a great blessing to many people. The youth and young adults (like Brenda and I) will especially enjoy it, but feel free to bring everyone you can who wants to hear a real man of God tell it like it is without the religious stuff attached. Bring the sick as well. Miracles will happen and God will touch your heart and those you bring. There will be afternoon sessions with Anthony Coltman and our other team youth leaders, as well as the evening sessions with David.
Click on this link: http://ohmint.org/conferences.html. Click on one of the brochures at the bottom of the page for details.
This is a joint venture with several churches and will be a powerful meeting. They are a little northwest of Milwaukee.
The service time is 10:30 AM Sunday morning June 21. All are invited.
God bless you all and keep you safe. And thanks to all who have supported us during these tough economic times. You don't know how much we appreciate your demonstrations of love. May God bless you with more than enough!
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Ben Peters
Jun 16, 2009
Greetings Saints,
The official news is that the deer was totalled beyond repair, but the Honda will survive after all and be returned in good condition in about one week.
Brenda has suffered a significant amount of pain and has had two chiropractic treatments that have cut down the pain significantly. We highly recommend Dr. Niequist on Highway 31 in Algonquin, Illinois. Brenda will take several more treatments until she is like new again. Thank you so much for all your prayers. So many responded, we couldn't write you all back at this point. But thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
God has shown us we are in a new day of ministry breakthrough and are at a new level of attack. In response, God is giving us a greater covering of intercession. New intercessors have joined the team in praying for us and our ministry team. We are so grateful to God for these awesome and amazing people.
It's been called by several names but one thing for sure: It's going to be very exciting and a great blessing to many people. The youth and young adults (like Brenda and I) will especially enjoy it, but feel free to bring everyone you can who wants to hear a real man of God tell it like it is without the religious stuff attached. Bring the sick as well. Miracles will happen and God will touch your heart and those you bring. There will be afternoon sessions with Anthony Coltman and our other team youth leaders, as well as the evening sessions with David.
Click on this link: http://ohmint.org/conferences.html. Click on one of the brochures at the bottom of the page for details.
This is a joint venture with several churches and will be a powerful meeting. They are a little northwest of Milwaukee.
The service time is 10:30 AM Sunday morning June 21. All are invited.
God bless you all and keep you safe. And thanks to all who have supported us during these tough economic times. You don't know how much we appreciate your demonstrations of love. May God bless you with more than enough!
Ben, Brenda, Family and Team
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ben Peters
Jun 9, 2009
Greetings Saints,
As we've said before, when we became a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, we got our uniforms and were placed in the army of the Lord. The prince of the kingdom of darkness recognizes the uniform and we all face his nasty attacks. That's why it is so important that we stay in a place of intimacy with God and close relationships with His people. Together, as we draw near to God, we receive wisdom and strategy that always gives us an unfair advantage over the enemy.
We know many of you are experiencing attacks of different kinds as we all are. This is a turbulent season for our nation and the church. We need to support one another as never before with every kind of encouragement possible. Together we can accomplish more than all the forces of darkness. We pray that all of you will grow greatly in this time of trial and learn to use the powerful gifts and graces that God has given you.
We have an exciting announcement from two proud grandparents. Moriah Kate Peters was born this afternoon to proud parents, Ken and Valencia in Spokane, Washington, and she is an extremely beautiful baby.
It's hard to sum up briefly what happened on our Texas journey, but we had one divine encounter after another. At the same time we experienced some intense spiritual warfare. The final meeting, in which I was to deliver a brief charge to the arts and media delegates, found Brenda out in the lobby and side rooms ministering to many desperate folk, including some which she immediately knew were severly suicidal. We also ministered to a team of leaders from a church pastored by Steve Hill in Dallas. They were a wonderful group and we were connected through a couple we had ministered to years ago in Lakeview, Oregon. In response to the word we had given them, they decided to serve God with all their heart and went to Christ for the Nations in Dallas. There they connected with other leaders in Steve Hill's church. They were extremely appreciative of the words we gave them.
Other encounters included a precious Korean gal, named On. We also got to know Sally Robson, an associate of Shawn Bolz. I also had a few moments with Lance Walnau, who was really incredible again. I was able to follow up his seven mountain teaching with my teaching on Kings on the Mountains. Of course, everyone loved Brenda's speaking and also her prophetic ministry. Jess was also at our side prophesying and loving people. Rayanna Fields and her Kaleidescope team did an incredible job administrating the conference.
Coming right up we will be in Elgin at The Milk Pail Restaurant for a meeting this Thursday night at 7 pm. No natural food will be served. We will have a ministry team with us.
Friday and next Tuesday we will be doing private home meetings.
David's first meeting will be on Thursday, June 18, at the WOODED HILLS BILBE CHURCH in Colgate, Wisconsin at 7 pm. Wooded Hills have invited all churches in their region to participate in this special event. They want to promote a spirit of unity and Kingdom Team cooperation for the glory of God. Colgate is a few miles northwest of Milwaukee.
Friday and Saturday, we will host David at the Lakeshore Tabernacle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, just across the border from Illinois. Please visit our website: www.ohmint.org for more details. This event will be very fun for all generations and David Tomberlin has a special humor that is loved especially by the youth and young adults, which, of course, includes me. He really cracked me up laughing at our February conference.
In the afternoons of both Friday and Saturday we will provide an awesome time of intense worship led by Anthony Coltman, a powerful young man of God, with a heart for intimacy with God. Besides worship there will be other special things happening and we encourage you not to miss it if you are able to get there.
On Sunday morning, David will be ministering at the CHICAGO RIVER CHURCH. The church meets at 10:30 AM at Wilmot Elementary School, on 795 Wilmot Rd, in Deerfield, IL 60015.
Please pray for our upcoming trips to Africa and Korea this summer. We trust God to take care of every details and are very thankful for all who participate in prayer and support.
After Korea, we make a quick trip to Florida and then we come back to a wonderful conference with Shawn Bolz, Bobby Conner and David Tomberlin.
Many wonderful blessings to you all,
Ben, Brenda, Family and our Special Forces Team
Ben Peters
Jun 9, 2009
Greetings Saints,
As we've said before, when we became a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, we got our uniforms and were placed in the army of the Lord. The prince of the kingdom of darkness recognizes the uniform and we all face his nasty attacks. That's why it is so important that we stay in a place of intimacy with God and close relationships with His people. Together, as we draw near to God, we receive wisdom and strategy that always gives us an unfair advantage over the enemy.
We know many of you are experiencing attacks of different kinds as we all are. This is a turbulent season for our nation and the church. We need to support one another as never before with every kind of encouragement possible. Together we can accomplish more than all the forces of darkness. We pray that all of you will grow greatly in this time of trial and learn to use the powerful gifts and graces that God has given you.
We have an exciting announcement from two proud grandparents. Moriah Kate Peters was born this afternoon to proud parents, Ken and Valencia in Spokane, Washington, and she is an extremely beautiful baby.
It's hard to sum up briefly what happened on our Texas journey, but we had one divine encounter after another. At the same time we experienced some intense spiritual warfare. The final meeting, in which I was to deliver a brief charge to the arts and media delegates, found Brenda out in the lobby and side rooms ministering to many desperate folk, including some which she immediately knew were severly suicidal. We also ministered to a team of leaders from a church pastored by Steve Hill in Dallas. They were a wonderful group and we were connected through a couple we had ministered to years ago in Lakeview, Oregon. In response to the word we had given them, they decided to serve God with all their heart and went to Christ for the Nations in Dallas. There they connected with other leaders in Steve Hill's church. They were extremely appreciative of the words we gave them.
Other encounters included a precious Korean gal, named On. We also got to know Sally Robson, an associate of Shawn Bolz. I also had a few moments with Lance Walnau, who was really incredible again. I was able to follow up his seven mountain teaching with my teaching on Kings on the Mountains. Of course, everyone loved Brenda's speaking and also her prophetic ministry. Jess was also at our side prophesying and loving people. Rayanna Fields and her Kaleidescope team did an incredible job administrating the conference.
Coming right up we will be in Elgin at The Milk Pail Restaurant for a meeting this Thursday night at 7 pm. No natural food will be served. We will have a ministry team with us.
Friday and next Tuesday we will be doing private home meetings.
David's first meeting will be on Thursday, June 18, at the WOODED HILLS BILBE CHURCH in Colgate, Wisconsin at 7 pm. Wooded Hills have invited all churches in their region to participate in this special event. They want to promote a spirit of unity and Kingdom Team cooperation for the glory of God. Colgate is a few miles northwest of Milwaukee.
Friday and Saturday, we will host David at the Lakeshore Tabernacle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, just across the border from Illinois. Please visit our website: www.ohmint.org for more details. This event will be very fun for all generations and David Tomberlin has a special humor that is loved especially by the youth and young adults, which, of course, includes me. He really cracked me up laughing at our February conference.
In the afternoons of both Friday and Saturday we will provide an awesome time of intense worship led by Anthony Coltman, a powerful young man of God, with a heart for intimacy with God. Besides worship there will be other special things happening and we encourage you not to miss it if you are able to get there.
On Sunday morning, David will be ministering at the CHICAGO RIVER CHURCH. The church meets at 10:30 AM at Wilmot Elementary School, on 795 Wilmot Rd, in Deerfield, IL 60015.
Please pray for our upcoming trips to Africa and Korea this summer. We trust God to take care of every details and are very thankful for all who participate in prayer and support.
After Korea, we make a quick trip to Florida and then we come back to a wonderful conference with Shawn Bolz, Bobby Conner and David Tomberlin.
Many wonderful blessings to you all,
Ben, Brenda, Family and our Special Forces Team
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