Friday, July 31, 2009

Ben Peters
Jul 28, 2009

Greetings again,

Thanks to all who prayed for us while I was in Africa. We have been blessed with many answers to your prayers. One of them was for Brenda's dad. He was taken to the hospital and they discovered that his colon was plugged up. As a result he had lost his appetite and hadn't eaten much in weeks. They were able to fix his condition and treat some other situations and he has improved greatly. It looks at this point that Brenda and I will be free to go to Korea this Friday.

Most of our Africa team is still in Mozambique. We had a great last day or two there. We were able to touch many lives with speaking, prophesying and village outreach. The bigger outreach for the team will be this weekend - Thursday - Saturday. Heidi returns to Mozambique on Saturday, so most of them will get to see and hear her. The staff there just loved our team and they have been really awesome. We have many great leaders among them and they are very passionate lovers of Jesus.

We have a busy three days and then Korea and after that so many other things.

The Freedom Seminar held in Lombard last week was tremendously successful. We believe our team will be doing many more in the future. Keep in touch and we'll be sharing more details later.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and team
Ben Peters
Jul 29, 2009

Dear Friends,

There is some tremendous concern among Christian leaders as to the direction our USA administration is taking us. Some of our strongest leaders are speaking out more and more forcefully. Today, I received an article on the government health plan written by Rick Joyner, who declares himself to be an "alarmist", because he sees the need to sound an alarm. His artilce can be read at:

Please if at all possible, take the time to read as much of this as you can. It has a lot of detailed facts and information and a heart to stop the kind of change that will destroy us. As I've said many times, a tornado brings change, but few of us would enjoy that change.

We have tried to keep our political input down to a minimum as I know many readers don't really want to get depressed with negative news. But I will continue to ask you all to pray for America like never before. You may see things differently, but our biggest problem is not the economy - it is the soul and character of our nation - our leaders and our people.

I always have good news about what I believe God is doing and will do. He is coordinating a lot of things, including serious crises to get us seeking Him again, and a transfer of wealth to facilitate the harvest. I believe we will see much more of these taking place in the next months and years. If you can't pray more specifically, at least pray passionately that God's will be done in America and the whole world, which is affected by what happens here.

Pray also for Israel to be protected from foolish or wicked political leaders in other nations, including America, who pressure them to weaken their own security. May Jesus call His people to Himself in these days, and may He protect them through this troubled time.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ben Peters
Jul 25, 2009

Dear precious Friends,

I'm hoping to get this off while the internet is working as it has been off most of the week.

Our time in Africa has been extremely rewarding. Our team, led by Jonathan Seiver, is awesome and amazing. We are a team of 17, which reminds me of Jesus prayer in John 17 that they would all be one as He was one with His Father. We have truly had amazing unity.

Most of the team had three days in Johannesburg, South Africa. We had three wonderful meetings in a church pastored by Felito, who was our first director of outreach our first team trip to Pemba. His church has quickly grown to 250 members in a very humble shack-house neighborhood. It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere and these people survive without heat or electricity or running water with the temperatures getting below freezing at night. But, oh how they love Jesus! I got to preach twice there and it was so much fun feeding off their anointing and love for Jesus.

Here in Pemba, Mozambique, we have had a wonderful bonding time, ministering to each one prophetically as a team. Jonathan and I will head home tomorrow, but most of the team has one more week. Lyn Jackson will be the team leader after our departure. Heidi has been gone while we've been here, but she will return before the team leaves for home. Last night I spoke and our team ministered to the Missions School folk who were not on the outreach and some of the missionaries who live here. We had five prophetic teams and everyone was incredibly blessed, according to the reports coming back to us.

Earlier yesterday we went to another village where Iris is developing a model base that can be duplicated in every village where they have a church. They are raising chickens and goats, planting vegetable gardens, feeding orphans and widows and teaching the people to help themselves out of poverty. The gospel is always preached and people are coming to Jesus. Our team did a drama and a lot of children's ministry there. Scores of village kids showed up for the fun and excitement and special games.

Meanwhile, back at home, Brenda and Jess have been busy doing home groups, soaking sessions and a seminar with Ron and Val Coltman, last night. The turnout was great and we are so excited about the way God is leading our team. Just like Jonathan and the other leaders here, they are taking the initiative, not waiting for us to tell them what to do. We are beginning to offer many types of seminars to anyone who wants to host them. We are partnering with several churches and leaders to offer these seminars to train and send out Kingdom harvestors.

I have tried to keep up with the news from home while in Africa and I encourage everyone to pray for America. So many things are happening so fast, so as to overwhelm the Christian opposition. I do believe God is going to intervene before too long, but the church must respond with prayer and intercession during this troubling time.

Also pray for us as we prepare for a trip to Korea as soon as I get back from Africa. Brenda's dad is failing again, not eating for days at a time and she needs to know that God will keep him around while we are gone. We really appreciate your intercession for this.

Remember also to keep September 10-12 on your calendar for our Kings and Kingdoms Conference in Lombard, IL, with Shawn Bolz, Bobby Conner and David Tomberlin.

That's all for now, except that I have begun another book, based on a quick vision God gave me in Hamilton, Ontario, earlier this month. It's more of a story and allegory. The latest title I have for it is VEGGIE VILLAGE AND THE GREAT AND DANGEROUS JUNGLE. Hope that gets you curious.

Many blessings,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ben Peters
Jul 14, 2009

Greetings Friends,

Tomorrow afternoon I head for Mozambique via Atlanta and South Africa. There are 17 of us on the team and my major responsibility is to be a papa to all the younger adventurers and lovers of Jesus. We plan on baptizing everyone who is willing to be a true disciple and follow Jesus to the ends of the earth and to live and die for Him.

The newest good news that we can now confirm is that we have a more convenient location for many folk for two of our upcoming and important events. Those who live in the Chicago region will be happy to hear that our next public event will be held in Lombard, Illinois, at the Fountain of Life Church facility. The event is the second Kingdom Sending Center Freedom Seminar this month and will be held on July 24, 25. Brenda will kick this one off on Friday, July 24, while I am still in Africa.

The next major event will be our September KINGS AND KINGDOMS CONFERENCE, and it will also be held At the Fountain of Life Church facility in Lombard. The dates for that are September 10-12, 2009. We have some of our most favorite speakers, highly endorsed by our youth, coming to this event, namely, David Tomberlin, Shawn Bolz and Bobby Conner.

Our website will soon be updated with this new information.

Our next newsletter should also provide more information.

That's all for now!

Blessings from Jesus!

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Message from Dr. Bob Paeglow
Ben Peters
Jul 8, 2009

Greetings dear Saints,

There's lots going on and I'll share more soon, but I just wanted to get this response to my last letter, called, WHAT'S UP, GOD? I know you will enjoy what Dr. Bob has to say.


I love your words and I believe you are "right on the money"! I've prayerfully contemplated why things seem to be such a struggle when we believe we are moving in what God wants us to do. I was praying for transformation recently. I was lamenting before the Lord, "Lord, why do you have us praying and working, giving up everything(which isn't entirely true) to see transformation and we don't seem to see it, at least to the degree that I would like to see it. What is it going to take?" I believe I heard the Lord say, "When my leaders forsake their pride and humble themselves, and work together, you will have it!"

Our biggest obstacle working here in the inner city is not poverty, its pride. Everybody seems to want to have their own program, everybody seems to be jealous of any one else's giftings, unwilling to serve one another or work towards each others success. Coveting each other's gifts, position, and ministry is commonplace. This results in duplication and waste of resources, missed opportunities, division, sickness, I could go on and on. Do you think the fact that we have over 30,000 denominations is pleasing to the Lord? It's an abomination! When I see one of these small storefront churches spring up here in the inner city around a particular aspect of the faith, I cry! We don't need small, mostly ineffective, churches, we need to come together. We cannot seem to come together as a body because all of us are trying to prove that we are somehow better, or our answer is righter, or worse the only answer, or our programs are better, yadda,yadda, yadda,ad nauseum.

IIChronicles 7:14 which we are always quick to quote and use to pray for revival contains 4 conditions before you get to God's promise "then I will heal your land." The first, and probably most difficult, condition states: " If my people.... will humble themselves" Our land remains unhealed because we have not even gotten to first base in God's recipe for revival. We have not humbled ourselves, it is humility and submission which causes a body to come together and function efficiently.

I am a doctor and have been trained to understand how the body functions. I have been humbled enough in my profession to realize how little I know, and trust me I am one of the leaders in my profession in the country, about the intricacies of God's creation. I do know this much, however. If my hand doesn't submit to my upper arm, my body is in chaos, and if neither submits to my brain, we have utter disaster. We must humble ourselves, and not only pray, but lay down our lives for the Unity of the Body of Christ.

I'll end with a brief story. A number of years ago I was active in a Bible Study in the town where we lived at the time. I was a real "hot shot" so full of myself, knowing all the right answers, the right scriptures, etc. I got into a heated dispute with a brother over the theology of healing, of all things! It got pretty nasty and the meeting ended on a sour note as far as I was concerned. The next morning I was driving myself into work, I was feeling an offense, and I was praying:"Lord which one of us was right?" The answer that came to me was so powerful I had to pull off the road. I was weeping so strongly I couldn't see to continue to drive!

The Lord said to me,"I am not going to tell you who is right because your heart is not right! It is just like when you get into an argument with your wife. You will continue the fight until she comes over to agree with you, even when you're wrong. It is because being right is more important to you than you're relationship together. Repent! Think about my son Jesus. He hung on the cross and bore every offense. He was crucified and he was right, He was innocent, but he didn't return the offense heaped on him, as you are so quick to do. When will you realise that being in a love relationship is more important than being right? Join my son in His suffering so that true unity can come forth. Unity begins with U(you)! It doesn't come from singing a few nice songs and saying a bunch of feel good words at some meeting. It will happen when you die to yourself, not returning offenses but causing them to stop right there with you.

I hope this might be of some encouragement.
Dr Bob
Ben Peters
Jul 10, 2009

Greetings Friends,

Thanks to hours and hours of voluteer work from our amazing team leaders, we are getting closer and closer to the legal and practical operating status of our Kingdom Sending Center.

We continue to use the name Open Heart Ministries, but our legal covering entity will be Kingdom Sending Center. As of July 1, our books and banking system have been converted over to KSC - not to be confused with KFC. There's nothing "chicken" about the KSC.


We will still live and receive some mail at our South Beloit address, but we will begin to publicise our new ministry address, which is:

Kingdom Sending Center

P.O. Box 25

Genoa, IL 60135

Brenda and I will be on the road or overseas much in the next several months, but we will always be in touch with our team via email. Most correspondence, including support, should be sent to the Genoa address above. We will be informed immediately by email when donations arrive to keep it as personal as possible. We will also attempt to send you a personal thank you note - preferably by email, if we have your email address.

For your information, if you were not aware of it, you can also make donations on our website: You can also order our books there. A new web site is also in the works, thanks to our super-talented team members.


One of the first emphases of our KSC is personal freedom and inner healing. This weekend seminar at New Covenant Church in Elgin, Illinois, will be a special time for us to share some very important principles with you. I will be speaking tonight to kick off the seminar. Saturday morning's session will be at the Eagle's Nest on Chicago St. in Elgin. You will receive some great practical training there. Our hosts are asking for $10.00 per person for the morning session only.


We so appreciate our intercessors and we'll be counting on them next week when I take another large team to Mozambique. I leave on Wednesday and look forward to being with some very special people on this trip. Pray for Brenda and family and team. Brenda has a busy schedule while I'm gone.

I return on July 27 and leave for Korea with Brenda on July 31 for two weeks. I will be enjoying four attacks of jetlag in a short period of time. Please pray that I can sleep well and stay healthy. Also pray much for Brenda. She was very sick the last trip to Korea.

There's much more going on, but that's all for now. It's 4:44 AM and I should get back to sleep for a couple of hours. By the way, the number 4 represents good news - the gospel - to me. When you are loved by Jesus, there's always good news.

Many blessings to you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Ben Peters
Jul 4, 2009

Greetings Saints of the Most High God and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth,

We're in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on the Fourth of July. We arrived on July 2nd, just after Canada Day - July 1. But we're having a little fireworks here in my own home and native land, as people are getting saved, healed and empowered with fresh fire from God. With three other revivalists - Jim Paul, Bobby Sullivan and David Tomberlin, we're having an awesome time.

Here's some wonderful Fourth of July quotes from our American Founding Fathers.

"The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." - John Q. Adams
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." - Patrick Henry
Check out the next one considering our present situation:

"There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent an sudden usurpation." - James Madison
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may ovenvhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity." - Daniel Webster


There will be two such seminars in July. Both seminars will include personal prophetic ministry. Trainers will include Ben and Brenda Peters, Ron and Val Coltman.

A. The first is next weekend in Elgin. It will begin on Friday evening, July 10 and conclude on Saturday morning, July 11.

Session one will be held at New Covenant Church - 865 Parkway Avenue, Elgin, IL 60120, from 7 pm to 10:30 pm. Friday.

Session two will be held at Light & Life Ministries/Elgin House of Prayer, (Eagle’s Nest Church) 270 E. Chicago St., Elgin, IL 60120 at 9 am to noon, Saturday. Light and Life ministries will be charging a registration fee of $10/person for the morning session.

B. The second will be July 24, 25, at Fountain of Life Church in Lombard and will include a Saturday afternoon session as well.



Final details are still to come, but please save these dates.


MOZAMBIQUE: I, Ben, will be leaving July 15 with a team of 17 saints. I will be coming home on July 27. Please pray as often as you can for God's direction, protection and miracle anointing on all of us. Pray for a release of radical love and compassion and passion for intimacy with Jesus.

SOUTH KOREA: Brenda and I leave for South Korea, on July 31 and return August 15. Pray for grace and stamina, as we will be ministering for many hours every day without a day off for two weeks.

Please pray that God will take care of all the needs of our family and team while we are away.

Thank you all for your prayers and faithful support. We survive and thrive only by the miracle power of God. Without Him and His people we would have had to quit years ago. We can't thank you enough.

God bless you,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team