Friday, October 30, 2009

New Mexico - Here we come!
Ben Peters
Oct 30, 2009

Dear Friends,

First, my apologies to HUB and all our mailing list for forgetting to announce the conference with Heidi Baker and others in Chicago. I didn't realize it was happening until it was over, but I had planned on letting everyone know. We, ourselves, have missed Heidi recently by always being in a different place when she is around.

We had a wonderful time in Lakeview, Oregon last week and again, the Lord showed up to touch, to heal and speak to hearts. The rest of the last week or so has been mostly activities with our boys in Redding (Tim, Nathan and Anthony Coltman) and our daughter Barbie) and her family in Sacramento. Brenda enjoyed buying some groceries for them all and a few small gifts for the grandkids. The boys in Redding had an empty fridge and were living on oatmeal, beans and cereal for the most part, but they have been having a great time just being on their own and a part of the Bethel ministry under Bill Johnson.

In Sacramento, Brenda had some wonderful unscheduled opportunites to minister to a home school/charter school combination, where our grandkids participate. The response was really amazing, especially from some parents who had never experienced prophetic ministry. After receiving ministry in the school, the parents wanted a ladies meeting in the evening. Again, there was a great response to her ministry.

Meanwhile, I have been helping watch the five grandsons and working on my new book - an allegory - called, Veggie Village and the Great and Dangerous Jungle. It's based on a vision I received in Hamilton, Ontario last Spring. Pray that I can get it finished in time for Christmas.

Today we finish our journey to Farmington, NM, and the beginning of three days of ministry. Please continue to pray for us as we travel and minister. We now have over 5000 miles on this journey with about 3000 more to go. After Farmington, we go to El Paso, TX, McComb, MS, and Paragould, AR., before getting home.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We are so grateful for all of you!

In the wonderful love of Jesus,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Monday, October 26, 2009

Back in the USA - Blessings Continue
Ben Peters
Oct 21, 2009 -

Greetings dear Friends,

We had a wonderful time in B.C., Canada, first ministering twice in Kamloops; and then visiting both our daughter, Andrea and her husband, Harvey, and then my brother, Fred, and his wife, Marty.

The meetings included some wonderful encounters people had with God through the moving of the Holy Spirit. There were a lot of tears of joy and release of pain, and at least two physical healings. Healing ministry has not been our primary focus, but is becoming more and more normal as we minister. We also were privileged to minister to several Kamloops pastors and spend a little time with them.

Today, we begin in Lakeview, Oregon. We have two services there before we head for Redding and Sacramento to visit our other three kids, five grandkids and one son-in-law. After that we will be in Farmington, New Mexico and then El Paso, Texas. That will take us into November. We will make a couple of other stops on the way home in Mississippi and Arkansas, to visit Brenda's oldest sister and a dear friend. In mid-November we will be in a church in North Carolina.

Our 2005 Honda turned over 201,000 miles and is still going strong, but we've had a couple of problems that required some repair. We know many of you have prayed and we trust you will continue to pray that we have no serious problems before we return home to Illinois.

We want to also let you know about another special seminar our team will be doing in Elgin, Illinois very soon. The details are below. The beautiful brochure should be on our website very soon.



Accessing Your Freedom in Christ
This SOZO 101 training will walk you through an overview of the steps toward freedom in
Christ Jesus from the discovery to deliverance process. You will receive the freedom
tools you need to get free, stay free, and help others get & stay free!


October 30, 2009 (7pm to 9:30pm) -
Prophetic Teaching & Personal Prophetic Ministry

October 31, 2009 (9am to 5pm) -
SOZO 101 Training


New Covenant Fellowship
865 Parkway Avenue, Elgin, IL 60120
(Only minutes from I-90 at the Highway 25 - Elgin exit)


Ron & Valerie Coltman
Regional Apostolic & Prophetic Voice &
Ministry Leadership in Kingdom Sending Center


SOZO Overview - Why SOZO? Why now?
• Cooperate with God’s Invitation - Get Free! Stay Free!
• Become His Pure & Spotless Bride
• Find Your Place as an End Time Harvester
• Prepare To Take Your Place on His Kingdom Mountain
Freedom: Training For Reigning!
Prepare To Take Your Kingdom Mountain

Bountiful Blessings to You All

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ben Peters
Oct 14, 2009,

Greetings Saints,

Just a quick update on our western journey.

We had a wonderful time in Kalispell, Montana, last week, teaching a hungry group enrolled in the River Church School of Ministry. We ministered in two long evening sessions and we both felt a very strong anointing as we spoke and prayed over all the students and staff - about 40 total.

From there we spent the weekend in Spokane with Ken and Valencia, Micah, Karis and Moriah. We watched two great soccer games and can easily tell that our grandkids are destined for World Cup competition some day. Moriah is only a few months old, but she will someday be a beauty queen, without a doubt. On Sunday we got to sit and enjoy Valencia do an amazing job leading an incredible worship team and then hear Ken preach an outstanding message that touched us all. Of course, like all news media, we are totally unbiased. Seriously though, it was an awesome service.

Since Sunday evening we have been with Brenda's mom, in Soap Lake, Washington. She is slowly but painfully adjusting to life without her husband. Even though he had been in a care center for almost three years, she always spent several hours a day with him. At 87 years old, she has a tough time making the adjustment. While in Soap Lake we have also had a good visit with Brenda's sister, Darlene.

Tomorrow, we return to Canada, this time Kamloops, B.C., for two meetings in two different locations. From there we go to Vancouver, where we will spend a few days with Andrea, our daughter, and her husband, Harvey. We will also visit Fred, my oldest brother, and his wife, Marty, along with my neice, Heather, and her husband, Simon.

From Vancouver we will head south for meetings in Lakeview, Oregon. After that we visit Redding, California, where Tim and Nathan are in school, and then Sacramento, where Barbie and Caleb live.

After that we will minister in Farmington, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. After a couple of more stops on the way, we hope to get back to Illinois by mid November. Please keep praying for strength and endurance.

Our team at home is doing a wonderful job keeping the ministry alive in Illinois and the midwest region. Check our websites for updates on seminars, etc.

Much love to you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Ben Peters
Sep 30, 2009 and

Greetings Saints,

We had five wonderful meetings in Saskatchewan, ending on Sunday evening. The results were mostly out of this world and only eternity will reveal how important it was for us to be there. We believe there are some strong leaders of all ages who are willing to pay the price for revival in the region.

We are now in Calgary, Alberta and have many appointments with old friends as well as several meetings planned on the weekend. We are requesting much intercession on our behalf, especially for Brenda, as she has had such an intense schedule and emotional trauma in the past two months, including the death of her father and the empty nest with our boys gone to Redding.

Below, I am sharing another message on the prophetic which I believe may answer some questions. Many months ago I wrote an article called, Prophetic Confusion. In this article I'm pointing out some reasons for prophetic inaccuracy. I trust you will be blessed!

In God's great love,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team


What do we do when prophetic words from people with a reputation for accuracy don’t come to pass? How do we resist the temptation to treat the prophetic with contempt or to even despise prophecy?

The prophetic movement is still not very mature, and like a child learning to walk, there are many missteps and accidents. At the same time, we have seen the wonderful results of true prophetic words, including salvation, healing and deliverance. We know of whole groups of people who have been spared by prophetic warning. Thousands of individuals have come alive to their destiny through personal prophetic words. We are commanded by Paul to desire earnestly to prophesy. It’s not an option, but we need to become wiser and minimize the casualties of “friendly fire”.

We recently sent out a newsletter with links to some prophetic warnings and our take on what we had heard from prophets with a good reputation and a strong anointing. We stated that the word on the first link was not confirmed, but what we had been told was that the prophet had predicted both the Oklahoma City bombing and the World Trade Center Towers in NYC. In the current word, he predicted another attack on 9-11 this year on the Citicorp building.

Nothing happened on 9-11, except that various people were arrested who had plans to blow up things in NYC. So how do we deal with this?



Sometimes prophets will receive a small piece of information from God and then reason logically to some conclusion. A prophetic friend heard from God back in 1998 that something significant was going to happen on September 11. He told some close friends and they watched the news that day and nothing happened. He had assumed that God meant the current year. He thought he must have heard God wrong. In 2001, he learned a valuable lesson about jumping to conlusions.

I Corinthians 13:9 tells us we know in part and prophesy in part. Verse 11 tells us that as children we think and behave like children, clearly indicating that we are just like children in the prophetic. We get a little information and get all excited about it, even though we know very little on a mature level.

When Brenda, my wife, was pregnant with our youngest son, Nathan, she was teaching a kindergarten class. Little Nicolas asked her how her baby ate. She simply said that he got some of the food that she ate. After recess, he came in and declared that he had it all figured out. If she ate a banana and the baby wanted some, it would reach out and grab a piece for himself. Clearly, he understood only as a child, not an adult. Even the most advanced prophets should identify with Paul, who acknowledged being child-like in his prophetic knowledge.


There is no better example than the story of Jonah. He clearly stated, “Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” He clearly could have been stoned according to one Scripture. However, he was not a false prophet, even though he was a reluctant one. God responded to repentance. We don’t know what happened in New York City on September 11. Possibly, the warnings stirred up enough prayer to expose the plans of the enemy.

The opposite situation can also be true. God may inform a prophet of His plans to bless and prosper a person or a nation. However, if they fail to pray or possess what God has promised, they may fail to receive the blessings He wants to bring. Such could have been the case in previous elections, etc.


I have been observing that our natural tendency is to want to find one or two people who are always right and then put our confidence in their words. But God seems to think that we should always be seeking Him for His confirmation, no matter who said it. He likes to surprise us and use unknown people to do some of the greatest works. But if they or any prophet get lifted up and think they can do nothing wrong, they will fall. King Saul didn’t know that the Spirit of God had left him. Many Kingdom leaders fall into the same category at times.


We also informed people in our past newsletter that a number of prophets have predicted another economic crash soon. The stock market has been rising slightly since then. I heard another warning that it would hit a little over 10,000 before it crashed again.

These are not my personal predictions. I have received nothing myself. I am just reporting what I have heard, having been with some strong prophetic people recently.


1. Don’t focus on the prophet – focus on the information and ask God for confirmation. When we focus on the person, we will find flaws and possibly ignore a word from God, or we exalt the person and ignore a check from the Holy Spirit.

2. Pray that God would bring us into greater unity in all areas. When the body of Christ is so fragmented, it manifests in confusion and lack of power in all aspects of Kingdom ministry.

3. Obey Paul’s command to desire earnestly to prophesy. When we all do that with humble hearts, there will be plenty of confirmation when the word is true and the opposite when the word is not true.

We still have a lot to learn and we will still make mistakes, but God is doing a work in His body that will produce greater clarity and maturity if we don’t give up and throw out the baby with the proverbial bath water.

In His Service, for His Kingdom,

Ben R. Peters
Ben Peters
Oct 1, 2009,

Greetings again,

Thanks to everyone who responded to my newsletter yesterday entitled, "Prophetic Inaccuracy".

Last night I learned that there was a lot of truth to the recent prophetic word warning of a terrorist plot on 9/11, 2009. In fact, the FBI heard about the prophecy and checked it out, confirming that there was a plot for that day and they were able to arrest the suspects they had been following before the bombs could be set off.

The exciting thing to me is that a disaster was averted and God's prophets were involved, advising the government. This is one way to find a place of influence on the government mountain. When Kings and Presidents consult God's prophets, like they did in Bible times, there will be a lot more respect given to God and His people, and God can bless and protect the nation we love.

Keep praying for us and our governmental leaders. As Chuck Pierce says, pray that they would reach up and take God's hand. If they take God's hand, God can bless us again. If they reject His hand, their hand will wither and they will become powerless to fulfill their agenda.

Here's a reminder for a great event coming right up not far from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Freedom: Training For Reigning Seminar - SOZO 101

Introduction to Sozo

When is it?

October 2, 2009:
Evening Session: 7pm to 9:30pm
October 3, 2009:
Morning Session: 9am to 12:30 pm
Lunch Break (On Your Own): 12:30 – 2:00 pm
Afternoon Session: 2 – 5pm

Where is it?

Wooded Hills Bible Church
777 Highway 164
Colgate, WI 53017


There is no registration or fee. Love offering will be taken.

Who can I contact?

Gloria Gierach
Phone: 262.628.1514

Is there childcare?

There is no child care provided for these meetings.

Click here to download the conference flyer

That's all for now! Thanks again for all your support!

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team