Tuesday, December 20, 2005

News Letter December 20th


Greetings Saints and a Very Blessed CHRISTmas!!!

JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!  And He is up to so much more than we can imagine.  As the angels and prophets and intercessors anticipated His first coming, so they are anticipating His second coming.  We believe Heaven and Earth are interacting more than ever before and we look forward to what He is birthing in our day.

We have had a very busy week since we wrote our last newsletter.  Murray Smith has returned to Canada, but while he was with us we were blessed to see God use him at an even higher level than previously.  

We had meetings in Genoa and Freeport, IL.  The Peru, IL, meeting was cancelled because of winter storms.  In Freeport we met in a coffee shop and ministered to many people we had never met.  We did a lot of team prophetic ministry with Murray and Brenda alternating, while I and a few others did the backup words.  People were very blessed and through it more new doors have opened to us.

On Saturday, Brenda and I ministered to the Skokie, IL, Aglow meeting.  It was another awesome time.  There was a very strong anointing there and some very special friendships were renewed.  Everyone got ministered to by either Brenda or myself as well as by others on the team.  

Sunday morning at about 4 am, we left for Kansas City to attend a graduation service for Rebekah Garcia, a friend from Farmington, NM.  She completed the six-month internship at the International House of Prayer and was powerfully transformed there.  We got to hear from some of IHOP's leaders.  Mike Bickle would have been there, but he was sick, so we didn't see him.  We also spent a couple of hours in the Prayer Room, and enjoyed the rich presence of God there.

Tomorrow we meet for lunch with a group from a Christian Radio Station, WYLL, and we will be ministering to them during that time.  Pray for a freedom in the Holy Spirit to minister to some who have not been involved with prophetic ministry before.

After Christmas, we will be going to the Onething Conference at Kansas City from December 28 - January 1.  It should be a wonderful event and we hope to see many people we know there.

Brenda and I have been invited to speak at Pal Bok Presbyterian Church along with Che Ahn at a conference they are hosting in their facility in Vernon Hills.  We consider it a great honor and would love to see many of our Illinois friends there.  Che Ahn will be doing most of the speaking until Saturday morning and we will be doing everything from Saturday afternoon on, as he returns to California on Saturday afternoon.  That will include Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday morning and evening.

We are booked in Albany, NY, from January 13 - 16, with Dr. Bob Paeglow and his associate Peter Whitehouse.  We will be doing a prophetic conference and ministering to the staff of the clinic, house of prayer and healing rooms.

On Tuesday we will minister to a church in Oneonta, NY, and on Wednesday to a church in Herkimer, NY.

On Sunday, January 22 we will minister for the first time in Dixon, IL, for the Sunday morning service at THE WORSHIP CENTER at 11 AM.

On Friday, January 27, we will be in a home meeting in Woodstock, IL.




Thursday, December 08, 2005

News Letter December 8, 2005

Greetings Saints,

Just a quick update and prayer request.  (And then I added a book offer.)

Brenda and I had to cancel our meetings tonight and tomorrow because of the flu symptoms that are still manifesting.  We thank all of you who have prayed for us, as we feel that God has given us a measure of relief.  Brenda's headache is getting weaker and my cough is getting less frequent, but we both continue to wrestle with the rest of the junk.  No details necessary.  We are getting ready for a lot of company, starting on Sunday, so we know God will have us back in service by then.

I'd like also to request prayer for our daughter, Barbie, and her husband, Caleb, whose second son, Joshua, is somewhat autistic.  He is just about six years old and becoming more aggressive with anger and hurtful behavior such as biting.  It hurts Barbie deeply, because other kids don't like being with him, not understanding his journey.  He is close enough to normal that people don't understand when he is "bad" and it has been really tough on him and Barbie.  

We are trying to pursue some options with her, but are asking God for a miracle.  Meanwhile Barbie has three other boys, including a seven-month old baby.  On top of that she broke her foot and can't put any weight on it.  This combination of attacks has gotter her down and really burdened us as well.  There are days when we really intercede for them and they have a better day, but we would really appreciate you all joining us in prayer at this time.

Also, for those who were concerned and praying for my Aunt Nettie, God took her home after a very short time of suffering.  Just before she passed into the arms of Jesus, she look around the room, gazing at each one momentarily and then closed her eyes for good.  We believe she was seeing something more than the people gathered around her.

I also wanted to let you know that we are getting more and more great testimonies from those who have read "With Me".  For those who would like to give one to someone who needs help understanding their journey, I'd like to make a special offer before it's too late for Christmas, as time is flying so quickly.  It might be too late for our friends in Canada, but we'll give it a try if you like.

If you order any two of our already discounted books (including WITH ME), on the website, we'll give you a regular "WITH ME" free.  If you order any four of our books, we'll send you our brand new hardback version of "WITH ME" for free.  I am doing this because I so want these books to impact people.  For many people a prophetic word will change their lives.  For me revelation in books have often changed my life and ministry.

Anyway, it's not about money or fame.  If it is may God convict me of that.  We do hope to break even and keep writing more books which cost money to produce in addition to the amount we pay for the books themselves.  The good thing is that we can order as many or few as we want to, so we don't have to order thousands at a time to get the discount.

God bless you all, and may none of you catch what we have.  You won't like it.

Loving you in Jesus,

Ben and Brenda and family

News Letter December 12, 2005

Ben and Brenda Peters

Dear Saints (and those who think they have to work at it),

You are beloved, chosen and set apart for Himself.  Rise up into your destiny.  There is no time to waste.  Harvest time is here.

We just did an all-day Prophetic Ministry and the Harvest seminar in Genoa on Saturday to an on-fire group.  The anointing was very strong on the ministry time and the response was very powerful.  One letter we received today encouraged us that the teaching had taken hold.  This newly-prophetic friend has prophesied to several people since Saturday and her friends who attended have a new understanding and love for the Lord and each other.

Since Saturday's event was sold out, we have rescheduled another one on the 25th of March.  We hope to have a larger facility so we won't have to turn anyone away.


Both Brenda and I have some kind of flu that is going around.  We want to be well for ministry this Thursday and Friday.  Thursday is an Aglow meeting in Morris at 6:30 in the evening and Friday is a home group in Woodstock.


We will be blessed with company from Canada.  Many remember Murray Smith and his brother Harvey.  They will be coming via Kansas City for about six days.  We are scheduling several events for them to participate in.  

On Monday, Dec. 12 we will visit the Elgin House of Prayer on Chicago St in Elgin.  On Tuesday night we will have a get-together at Pastor Bill Myers place.  They can seat about fifty in their basement.  On Wednesday, we plan on visiting and participating in the revival going on in Peru, Illinois, at the Eagle Rock Christian Center.  Then on Friday, Dec. 16, we will be in Freeport, Illinois, ministering at a coffee shop there.


On December 17th Brenda will minister to the Skokie Aglow and at the end of the month we will join ten thousand others at the One Thing in Kansas City.  

On January 5-8 at Christian Fellowship in Crystal Lake there will be a great evangelistic dramatic presentation, which our son, Tim, is a part of.  This is a production by Mark Oliver and Sharon Sherbondy and others, and should be a wonderful event to attend.  

Meanwhile, we will be ministering at Pal Bok Presbyterian (Korean) church in Vernon Hills on Saturday and Sunday, finishing up the conference they are having with Che Ahn.  We feel very honored to be  speakers with Che.

We anticipate a visit to Oneonta and Albany, New York in mid January.  Then we need to try to fit in several places in Arkansas and Oklahoma, before heading to Florida in late February.

Please pray for wisdom in our scheduling.  We are also beginning to connect with other leaders in the Chicagoland area.  We don't want to be gone too much.  We need to hear from God.  Please pray that we will.

This letter is already too long, but I am going to copy a message I just wrote tonight.  I won't be offended if you don't have time to read it.  I would, but I won't have any way of knowing, so feel free to do something else.  You might not agree with it anyway.

For those who are persistent, here it is:



     By Ben R. Peters – Open Heart Ministries – www.ohmint.org


Shortly after Hurricane Katrina I felt the Lord spoke to me, “The water broke.”  As most of us know, a protective membrane, known as the placenta, holds the amniotic fluid that cushions the unborn child, until the time for labor has come.  When the placenta breaks, we usually say “the water breaks”.  We know then that it’s time to push, breathe, push and breathe.  

New Orleans experienced the water breaking through the protective membrane that was built up around the lake, flooding the city.  I received this word as a sign that God was ready to birth something in America.  Taking into account prophetic words by men such as Kim Clement, I released a message to our own mailing list and two others that it was time for serious spiritual labor to birth the revival that God was preparing to send to America and beyond.  At the same time Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce and others were calling for special days of fasting and prayer, further confirming my convictions that God was speaking clearly to me.

The past few months since Katrina have been very eventful.  Two Supreme Court Justice positions were vacated, creating a rare opportunity for President Bush to appoint judges that would allow America to change directions in such critical issues as abortion.  Lou Engle has had a team of young interns, interceding for these court appointments and other critical political decisions which must be made in Washington, D.C.  Truly, our prophetic leaders have been leading us in some serious intercession, which I would call birth pangs for revival.


We have seen many significant signs that revival is on the way in the past few months, since coming back from a life-changing visit to Mozambique, where we saw first-hand the powerful revival that Rolland and Heidi Baker have witnessed for several years.  A sharp rise in spiritual hunger and passion for Jesus is being witnessed daily here in North America, as we move among various churches and ministries.  

At every conference or seminar where we minister in these days, we are seeing people respond and apply the teaching and prophetic words we release to them.  They are becoming catalysts in their own world for revival.  In addition, there is an increase in anointing to preach, teach and prophesy, and there is an increase in physical healings, conversions and answers to prayer for the return of wandering sheep.

The fire is burning brightest in the youth that we have recently encountered.  There is a strong witness in our spirit that they are being prepared for something incredibly powerful and awesome.  They are so ready to lay down their lives for something bigger than themselves and they are seeing a lot of supernatural answers to prayer.  They are not seeking recognition or pursuing careers or a position in church.  They only want to worship their King and give their lives to serve Him.  They battle their own flesh and pride with a rarely seen intensity.  Believe me, they are very sincere and they have been getting me very excited.


In the last few weeks, I have seen the birth process progress to the point that I believe we are now in the presentation stage, where the head of the baby is visible and it’s just a matter of a few more pushes and the whole baby will be born.  God has given me a personal sign, which may not seem terribly significant at this point to many, but I believe that what is happening here in Illinois, is already being replicated in many parts of this nation, from where it will spread to others.  We are witnessing an unusual move of God that has come to a church where we have ministered twice in recent months.  I have not experienced anything this special in America in many years.  This church has given up their normal agenda to pursue revival and put Kingdom growth above their own church growth.  

The Eagle Rock Christian Center in Peru, Illinois, is experiencing a powerful revival.  A small congregation, surrounded by corn fields, was made even smaller recently, when they embraced renewal, which they had previously opposed.  But as they focused more and more on worship, God began to move in their midst.  God allowed us to be a witness and a catalyst of this revival, which really took off after our recent weekend with them.  

During week night meetings, people are showing up that had no plans to do so.  One was a young man who had left his wife months before.  She was in the church and they had been praying for him the whole time.  When someone saw an angel with a sword waiting for him to come forward, he was called forward and asked if he wanted to return to God.  When he said yes, it was like he was hit by lightning.  For over two hours he thrashed on the floor, wrestling with issues God was asking him to deal with.  An eleven-year-old girl and a two-year-old boy both had prophetic words for him to let go.  When he was finished the divine deliverance, a restoration with his wife took place, initiated by the angel with the sword.

Others are writing to the leaders or coming in person with prophetic words regarding revival being birthed there.  I believe their intense worship has opened the Heavens in a special way over this congregation and its leaders.  

If this was an isolated instance, I would not be that excited, but I hear the sound of rain from many locations.  Eagle Rock Christian Center is my personal sign from God and I believe it is a foretaste of what will happen in churches everywhere, especially those whose leaders are pursuing intimacy with Jesus and making whatever personal sacrifices are necessary to expand the Kingdom of God in every way that they can.


We know that December 25th is not the actual date of Jesus’ birth, but it is the date we set aside to remember and celebrate.  Some scholars believe His correct birth year is 4 A.D. making this year just one year past the 2000th anniversary of His birth.  If we were to remove the 0’s from the year 2005 we have the number 25, corresponding to the date we celebrate Christmas.  

My greatest Christmas present ever would be to see revival sweep America to the extent that Americans would once again take the lead in spreading the gospel throughout the world.  Today, more missionaries are sent from “third world nations” than from the western nations.  Where we once had twice as many Christians in the western world as the “third world”, there are now four times as many in the “third world” as there are in the west.  It’s time to catch up to the “third world”.  Only a major breakthrough will bring that about.  Could that breakthrough be a revival birthed in this special time of this year?

For those who are weary of the labor and travail, take courage.  Take a deep breath of the Spirit of life, the Spirit of Revival.  Then PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) again.  Then read Isaiah 66:9.  The prophet declares that God will not bring the baby to the time of birth and then leave it in the birth canal.  This baby – Revival in America – will be born.  The head is showing.  Let’s push it out.  Let’s labor together.  He is giving us the strength for the final push.  Being able to see and hold the baby will make it all worth the effort.  If this is a Christmas gift from the Father, I receive it.  

Help us Jesus in the critical hour to birth this revival which you have conceived in your people in this nation.  Amen.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

News Letter November 29th 2005

Ben and Brenda Peters

Dear Saints,

We trust you have all had a blessed Thanksgiving and are preparing to have a Christ-centered Christmas season.  May God's love become more real to you than ever before.


What a precious time we had this past weekend in Peru, Illinois!  Pastors Randy and Lisa have a unique thing going in yonder corn fields.  The worship was powerful, almost like the HUB conference, and our ministry and teaching was received with open hearts.  We believe that many lives were transformed by the presence of God in that house.  We found such a kindred spirit and similar vision.

I love it when we discover a ministry that might not have great resources in the natural, but they give sacrificially to build the Kingdom of God, even sacrificing the growth of their own ministry.  These people take a big chunk of their church on missions projects, such as to a reservation in South Dakota.  This is one of the darkest places in the USA, spiritually.  They see the need and just pay the price to help.  They have great energy and great faith to do the impossible in the strength of God.  They are an inspiration to me and others.  


This coming Saturday's conference in Geno on Prophetic Ministry and the Harvest, sold out this weekend.  We are considering a second conference later on for those who can't make it this time.


All those who want to prepare for a missions trip this summer to Mozambique should plan on attending our Missions Prep 101 classes this Spring.  We have booked two weekends at the Vineyard in DeKalb, IL.  They are March 10, 11, and April 7, 8.  There will be free accomodations for those who travel a longer distance to DeKalb.  The classes will be Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon.  We plan on providing lunch on Saturday.  The cost is free.  Offerings will be taken.


We now have a good supply of all our books, including the new hardback version of "WITH ME", which will make a beautiful and impacting Christmas gift and a tool for evangelism.  We are getting more and more very positive reports from those who have read these books.  They are now also on our web-site.

Bountiful Blessings to all in Christ Jesus,

Ben and Brenda and family

Thursday, November 24, 2005

News Letter November 24th, 2005

Open Heart Ministries
Ben and Brenda Peters

It happened again.  I was almost done.  Here's the whole thing.

Dear Thankful Saints,

Greetings and blessings from Ben and Brenda and family.  We have so much to be thankful for, not only for what we now possess, but for what God has promised in the days ahead.  A greater glory on His House than we have ever seen is happening.  

Revival has begun, but because it is grassroots and not yet visible everywhere, many Christians don't even know it is happening.  But we see it in so many places.  The greatest move is with younger people, but the older ones are getting in on it as well and are teaming up with the on-fire youth.  Most of this is going on in small gatherings where passionate lovers of Jesus worship, cry and intercede for revival.  Many are spending hours in Houses of Prayer and taking trips to revival hot spots like Mozambique, Uganda, Argentina and Nigeria.


This Saturday night at 7 pm and Sunday at 10 am, we will be at Eagles Rock in Peru, Illinois, not far from highway 80 and 39 in north central Illinois.  This church has been experiencing fresh waves of God's glory, and they have incredible worship for a modest-sized congregation.


Next weekend on Saturday, we will be at Pastor Bill Myers in Genoa, IL, for an all day seminar on Prophetic Ministry and the Harvest.  They are still taking registrations, but may fill up in the next few days, as they are already over 60% full.  Call Myers at 815 784 3467 if you are interested.


Brenda, Val Coltman and Breeze Sherbondy spent about 5 days in Alberta, Canada this past weekend.  They made an awesome team.  They reported a wonderful move of God touching many lives, and came home quite exhausted from so much intensive ministry.  

Their first ministry was at a ladies retreat in Strathmore, Alberta.  The anointing was powerful and people were called into a new level of relationship and humble service to God.  Relationships with the other speaker and her interns were established and they all enjoyed serving the ladies together.

Their second ministry, along with visiting my Aunt Nettie in the hospital in Calgary, who just had cancer surgery, was on Sunday morning at West Calgary Full Gospel Church and with Pastor Robert Smith's family on Sunday afternoon.  Once again, it was an intense day of ministry and sharing and encouraging many who were discouraged and emotionally spent.  It was a very fruitful day.  My aunt could use your prayers as they took out a colon tumor, but her liver is also cancerous and needs a miracle.  She is only in her early 70's.


I had the privilege of spending most of the weekend at the Chicago Hub Conference in Naperville, IL.  What an awesome time that was!  The worship with JoAnn McFatter and the two Steves was truly off the charts and as heavenly as I can remember.  The services were long, but never boring.  

We enjoyed very much hearing from Andrew White, a mediator in the Middle East, and very involved in Iraq.  He says that Iraq definitely had WMD's.  They just hid them well.  He knows of people who died transporting them.  He also hates war and tried to prevent it, but before we invaded the Iragis actually wanted war, knowing it would be terrible, but they were so tormented by Saddam that they were willing to pay the price.  But they kind of thought that all their problems would go away when Saddam was gone and of course that wouldn't happen with all the warring factions within the country.

We also were blessed to here Steve Shultz of the Elijah List.  His stories and teaching were excellent.  Then we heard Kathy and Gary Oates on healing broken hearts, physical healing and developing intimacy with God.  In addition, Nancy Majiera shared several stories and truths that blessed and challenged us greatly.  Oh yes, there was also a visit from Georgian Banov, a precious brother who ministers everywhere and is working hard now in New Orleans to minister to the lost and needy there.  God is using them greatly to turn the city around for God.


We have a some extra copies of our brand new hardback edition of WITH ME.  They are really beautiful and we are very excited.  We have already gone through a lot of the soft covers and we have heard many positive testimonies from people who have read it.  

I didn't realize it at first, but this book can be used as a powerful tool for evangelism as well as a source of great encouragement for Christians, including pastors.  I do feel in my spirit that our books must get into more hands and hearts.  I'm asking that you pray for open doors for them.  We have given a lot away and are believing that those who read them will get excited enough to tell others and share them with others including pastors and leaders, etc.


We have two weekends reserved in DeKalb for our Missions Prep 101 course.  The first is March 10, 11 and the second is April 7, 8.  We will provide housing for anyone travelling a distance.  We also may provide a free lunch on Saturday.  So please mark your calendar for these days if you desire to go to Africa with us in the future.  Even if you don't, you are welcome to come.


Ben and Brenda Peters and family

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

News Letter November 14th, 2005


Greetings Saints,


The HUB conference is just around the corner (November 17-20) and though we are not the hosts of this conference, we have a working relationship with Nancy Majiera, the director of HUB.  She has offered scholarships - that means free registration - to anyone on our mailing list who has not already registered.  All she asks is that we get a head count, so she knows how many to expect.  When you go to the conference just tell them you are from Ben and Brenda Peters' group and they will let you in for free.

The speakers are great, including Gary and Kathi Oates, who wrote "Open Our Eyes Lord", an awesome book about seeing into the spiritual realm.  JoAnn McFatter, Steve Mitchell and Stephen Swanson will lead the worship.  You can get more info at www.hubministries.org.


We ministered to a house church in Wadsworth on Friday night and experienced a powerful anointing to release the Word of the Lord.  I think everyone was touched in a special way, including some younger guys and gals.

On Saturday night it was a large home group from Fountain of Life Church in Lombard.  We ministered to about 35 adults.  We have received some great testimonies and many were impacted.

Here's a little excerpt from one testimony that came today:  "Please, please, please continue to do what you are doing to equip the church.  Your words have given me such a lift and new vision."  -  Lisa P. - Lombard, IL.


This Wednesday Brenda will be flying with Val Coltman and Breeze Sherbondy to Strathmore, Alberta, for a ladies retreat there.  They will also minister on Sunday at West Calgary Full Gospel Church, before coming home on Monday.  Please pray for a revival anointing for them all.


Our new book, "WITH ME - A CAPTIVATING JOURNEY INTO INTIMACY", is moving faster than any previous book and we are hearing wonderful comments on how it is impacting lives of older, mature Christians as well as those who have never really known the Lord in a personal way.  It is so gratifying to me to know that the anointing that I felt when I wrote this book is also impacting those who read it.

I am very excited that now we can announce that the HARDBACK VERSION is being processed and will be available very soon.  This will be a beautiful gift edition.  We will sell it very close to our cost price, just to make it as available as possible.  Since it will be expensive for us to stock a lot of the hardback copies, (they cost us a lot more than paperback) we'd like to ask how many would be interested in getting these for gifts or just for themselves.  The cover of this book is stunning with a fiery lion head right behind a little sheep.  The timing of this book coincides with the release of the Chronicles of Narnia movie, where the hero is a lion - Jesus.

These books can be given to non-Christians as a tool for evangelism, but will bless the most mature Christian as well.  There is a special chapter for pastors at the end that will make it special for them, too.  I know this sounds like a commercial, but I believe so strongly that this book will help people to walk more intimately with Jesus.

I am not asking for money in advance, but am wanting to know how many might want to reserve a copy to be received well before Christmas.  We will need $14.00 per book, which will include the shipping, for those who order before December 1.  

That's all for now, except to say again, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT.

Blessings in JESUS' LOVE,

Ben and Brenda


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

News Letter November 9, 2005


Greetings Saints,

We always enjoy getting testimonies from people who have been touched by God in our meetings, but I felt led to share this one from a young couple we ministered to at Covenant Restoration Church in Hinckley, IL.

Samuel and Leslie were expecting a baby and the doctors had told them that the baby was in serious danger because there was a major problem with the amniotic fluid level being much too low.  They were scheduled to go to a specialist.  Of course, we prayed for them with our team. When the specialist did his examination the amniotic fluid was NORMAL.  The specialist said he didn't even understand why and how anyone had seen a problem.  God is sooooo God!

We would appreciate prayer also for my Aunt Nettie, in Calgary.  She was just diagnosed with cancer in the colon, lymph nodes and liver.  The first doctors said she had only a short time to live.  Of course, we were all shocked and went to prayer.   Another surgeon examined her and gave a more positive diagnosis a few days later.  She is now being scheduled for surgery.

We had a sweet time of fellowship and ministry in Janesville last Saturday night.  We not only gave out, but we also received from the saints who have been gathering together for a number of years to experience body ministry and activate their spiritual gifts.  

Significant things are happening in our lives which will bring changes to our ministry.  Please pray for God's covering and wisdom.  We see a radical revolution taking place in Western Christianity, as God prepares us for the world-wide harvest.  Revival has begun, though many have not seen the evidence.  But God is laying a solid foundation and igniting a grass-roots revival, led mostly by youth.

I'm reminded that David was a youth when he killed Goliath and led Israel to victory over the Philistines, not just once, but on a continual basis.  Even so, today's young warriors are learning to hear from God, worship with all their hearts, and go to battle for Him, gladly laying down their lives as a living sacrifice for His Kingdom.  

Our ministry is dedicated to raising up warriors and harvesters.  We will teach and train as God leads, in order to facilitate the growth of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.  We are thankful for the hundreds of folk that have encouraged us to keep going.  Hearing your testimonies is a big help to us and we thank you for every form of encouragement that we have received from you all.

Pray for Brenda and two gals that will be going with her to Calgary and Strathmore, Alberta, next week.  Brenda will minister in Strathmore Full Gospel Church at a ladies retreat on Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday, she will minister at West Calgary Full Gospel Church.

Meanwhile, here in Chicagoland, there will be a HUB conference November 17-20 with some excellent ministries, including Gary and Kathi Oates and JoAnne McFatter.  You can register at www.hubministries.org.  

On December 3, Brenda and I will be teaching an all day seminar in Genoa, IL, at the home of Bill and Jean Myers.  The seminar will be called, "The Prophetic and the Harvest".  They are taking registrations and have limited space.  You can call them at 815 784 3467.

That's all for now!

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda and family

Sunday, November 06, 2005

News Letter November 5th 2005


Dear Friends,

My heart is full of praise to the Lord as we get ready for another home meeting, this time in Janesville, WI.  Last night we were in West Chicago with some very special Italian folk, most of whom had never received prophetic ministry before.  They came because one member of the family had received ministry during a very troubled time in his life.  He was so touched and spiritually awakened that he invited many relatives and last night we saw God really open hearts to His love.

But what is really on my heart at this moment is the report our son, Tim, just gave me concerning the Elgin House of Prayer.  They just finished a 24 hour session, which involved many youth - perhaps thirty or more.  These young men and women are getting more and more passionate in their intercession and passion for Jesus.  They (including Tim, Nathan and many other youth from several churches) are spending more and more time in the House of Prayer and more people are joining them.  But even during some day sessions when almost no one comes, they sing, worship and pray with passion for an audience of One.  

These kids are not religious.  They don't get excited about playing church.  They do get excited about Jesus, revival and worship.  They are part of a huge movement that our enemy will have to reckon with.  They are on track to change our western society.  As this movement grows, these kids will become stronger and stronger in their use of spiritual gifts and before long will be used in dynamic power evangelism with prophecy, healing and signs and wonders.

I'm asking our older intercessors to pray protection over them.  They wrestle with their flesh, especially pride issues, etc., and pray with each other to stay humble and broken before the Lord.  We can protect this movement with our earnest prayers.

I also got an email from Lou Engles, concerning a prophetic dream which saw a "New Jersey" being place on the Supreme Court.  The dream happened when Harriet Miers was the nominee.  Later when she withdrew her nomination, Judge Alito, from New Jersey, was nominated.  We are urged to pray for this nominee, and for him to be strong for righteousness and help overturn the tragedy of Roe v. Wade.  

It is getting so exciting, seeing righteousness rising up amidst all the evil in this world and in our society.  Let's join the Army of God and fight in the heavenlies.

Other changes and new things are in the wind which we are not free to talk about right now, but we are pursuing God's wisdom and power to do His work in His Name.

Please pray for us for wisdom for our future schedule.  Several places are calling us and we need to know God's plan.  

Also, remember our new book "With Me - A Captivating Journey Into Intimacy" is out, and we are getting exciting reports about its impact on the few who have already finished it.  Brenda convinced me to also have it done in hardback.  It will be more expensive, but beautiful and we feel it is going to be worth the expense to have it in hardback quality.  Meanwhile you can still get it in paperback for $10 including shipping and handling.

We love you all,

Yours for a brand new Great Awakening,

Ben and Brenda and family

Saturday, October 29, 2005

News Letter October 28th, 2005


Greetings Saints!


WITH ME is with me!  That's right.  Our new book, "WITH ME", is now in our hands, hot off the press.  We are extremely excited about this book because we feel there is such an anointing on it.  The cover with the lion and the lamb is stunning and the contents will help every believer understand his or her journey, especially when they are walking through a deep, dark valley.  

We don't have the book on the internet site yet, but anyone can order it by email.  Since we are getting better prices ourselves on our own books now, we are lowering the prices on most of them.  We will ship copies of WITH ME for $10.00.  Larger orders will get a larger discount.  Just write and ask us for details.


On Wednesday night we enjoyed ministering to a good crowd at the Covenant Restoration Church in Hinckley, IL, pastored by Paul Noll.  We focused on revival and healing along with prophetic ministry.  There were some significant breakthroughs and we received a wonderful testimony by email the next day.  

Thursday night found us in a home in Norridge, where we ministered to about two dozen people and shared God's love for them in the Word and with specific words.  They responded with great appreciation and we knew that God had touched their lives and encouraged them to serve God with all their hearts.  Pray for some young people who need to change their life paths onto the path of blessing, serving Jesus.


If any of our readers in Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin need some landscaping work, we have met a couple with a landscaping business, who love the Lord passionately and could really use some work right now.  They would be a real blessing to you and you could be a real blessing to them.  Nothing would be too small to help them out, but they can also handle the larger jobs.  They are committed to helping us with our property, including building a pad for our motorhome, which normally occupies most of our driveway.  

This man also does construction and is willing to work.  If you can use him, write us or phone us and we will give you their information.

We love you all!

Ben and Brenda and family

Thursday, October 27, 2005

News Letter October 27th, 2005

October 27, 2005

Greetings again,

We just received the following letter from Heidi Baker:


Thank you for praying for me and believing God with me. The Lord has done marvelous things for me. I felt Jesus told me to go and preach in Toronto, and that He would heal me.

I saw a specialist in South Africa last Wednesday. He said the antibiotics were able to keep the infection from spreading as long as I was on the IV drip, but they were not able to kill the MRSA bacteria.
My only hope, according to the doctor, was to go to the States and check into a university medical center where they would operate to cut out and drain the infection. He told me that after a month in the hospital they might be able to make progress.

I believed Jesus had another plan. I booked a flight with Rolland and told the doctors that I was checking out to see a top specialist in Toronto, Canada. I think you all know Him! When I arrived late on Thursday afternoon, I was very weak and in a lot of pain. I had to go almost immediately to the conference to speak. I worshiped in my weakness and believed Jesus for a miracle. When I got up to preach from the book of Zechariah, I felt the supernatural power of God flowing through me. The infection was literally being healed as I was speaking.
At the end I felt Jesus call me to dance with Him. He poured His love and power through me!!!

The next morning I got up early and went for a jog!!! On Saturday I went to a famous hospital in California and showed the emergency doctors all my lab reports and the specialist's letter from South Africa. They got ready to admit me, but I asked them to please look at the "infection" first. The doctor said, "This is healing up well. You won't need an operation." Then I told him what Jesus did for me. He said, "Praise the Lord! This is amazing!"

I am still committed to changing my lifestyle and spending even more time to rest in His glory Presence. I am forever grateful for all your love and prayers. Jesus did a mighty miracle!

Love, Heidi

P.S. Our web site and incoming mail server in Florida have been down because of Hurricane Wilma, so if you sent any email to us or our staff at our irismin.org domain this past week, we probably did not receive it. If you like, please send it again!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

News Letter October 25th, 2005


Dear Saints,


We trust that you are all experiencing breakthroughs in these exciting days.  While birth pangs continue in our land and in the world, we are beginning to see what God is up to as He brings to birth the greatest revival ever to visit our world in order to bring in His own harvest.  

Since we wrote about the water breaking weeks ago, we are reading many prophetic words that revival is coming very quickly.  Even a newspaper article from this area was shown to us yesterday that talked about a new spiritual awakening.  Awakening is a great word for what God is doing.  The church has been quite asleep for quite a while and God is causing our morning alarm to go off, saying, "Arise, shine, for your Light has come!"  


This past week and weekend we met in homes in Lake Villa, Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights.  We saw many little miracles, including several people discovering for the first time the power of a prophetic word to their hearts.  As usual, they became believers in the truth that God knows them, loves them and has a purpose and ministry for them.

We also had an unusual number of people activating and using their own prophetic gifts to minister to the group.  Another slight change in our ministry is that even in home meetings, I feel led to pray for an impartation of revival fire on each one, such as we received in Mozambique.  We have no idea how great an affect it will have on each life, but we are being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

I feel more and more called to preaching and releasing revival fire now wherever we go.  We have seen some breakthroughs, but not enough.  I can't just go on doing what we have been doing for six plus years.  My call as a teenager was to revival and that call is being rekindled in my heart.  Today, I felt I heard God speak, "Grassroots Revival".  I'm asking God for new direction and believe we will be doing more meetings just to stir up passion for revival.  We will continue to activate giftings, often using prophetic ministry, but there will be a specific purpose for that activation - REVIVAL!!!


We are encouraged to wait for Heidi to speak for herself in regards to her health, but so many are praying and we want to let you all know that Heidi did make it to Toronto to preach and it was another powerful time in the Spirit.  She was then taken to California and apparently got a positive report from another doctor there.  She is resting now and we trust she will make it to Harrisburg, PA, for the Global Awakening Conference there, which is already sold out.  KEEP PRAYING AND THANKS FOR STANDING WITH HER AND ROLLAND.


Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 26, we will be in Hinckley, IL, for a service at Covenant Restoration Church, 181 N. Sycamore St., at 7 pm.  Everyone is welcome.  

Thursday, October 27, we will be in a home meeting in Norridge, IL.


Regretfully, it has taken longer for the publishing company to print this book than expected.  I should be able to order it now within a day or two and have it in just a few days.  Brenda keeps telling me that she really feels that this book is special.  I've read parts of it to her, but she hasn't read it yet for herself.  She just knows something in her spirit.  Anyway, please pray that God's purpose will be fulfilled through this book, which I know He inspired.

Again, we want to thank you all for every way you show us your love and support.  We are grateful to God for so many wonderful friends.


Ben and Brenda and family

News Letter October 19th, 2005


Greetings again Friends,

Once again, I accidentally hit the send button before I was done and there is no way to stop it.  Here is the completed version.

We just finished two wonderful nights in New Glarus, Wisconsin.  We were among precious people who really want to pursue God and revival and the harvest.  The first night I preached on "What Do I Have?" from Acts 3 - "Such as I have, I give you."  It was a challenge to be honest with ourselves as western Christians who believe in the power of God, but have seen very little of that cripple-healing power of God moving through us.  Then I shared some insights on what it will take to bring explosive miracle power back to the western church.

Since Felito had just been there, talking about amazing stories of powerful miracles and mass conversions, they knew what I was talking about.  Most of the congregation came to the front to pray and seek God's grace and favor for revival in America.  God moved powerfully on everyone at the altar and we had a real visitation of the Holy Spirit.  One gal told her dad that something inside of her was filling her up and wanting to explode out of her.  That night when she began to pray, she found herself speaking in tongues for the first time in her life.  

The second night we carried on with a revival theme and not sleeping through the harvest.  We also dealt with confessing our sins and the sins of our fathers - natural and spiritual.  We had a powerful time of prayer again, praying down strongholds in the community and binding principalities and powers.  Please pray for the people of New Glarus (which I renamed New GLORIOUS the first time we went there, which was this last August).

I've never felt more certain that revival had come to a community.  I believe the people will not stop going after revival and harvest, but they will walk into their destinies and be fruitful servants of the Lord.

Tomorrow night we will be in Lake Villa, IL.  On Saturday we will be in Buffalo Grove and on Sunday in Arlington Heights.  They are all home meetings.  We had held the next week open, hoping to go to a conference in South Carolina, but that isn't working out.  We now have one home meeting in Norridge, IL, on Thursday, Oct. 27.  The rest of the week is open at this point.  The following week we do hope to go to Harrisburg, PA, where Heidi and many other speakers that we love are scheduled to speak.  If the Lord says no to that also, we will open that up to meetings as well.

We thank you all for your prayers and your love and support.  We always want to be here for you when we possibly can.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda and family

Monday, October 17, 2005

News Letter October 17th, 2005

Open Heart Ministries

Dear Friends,

First of all welcome to new subscribers.  I added those who attended our Missions Prep 101 class and gave us their email addresses, so we could keep in touch about our future Missions Prep schedule.  Anyone wanting to be removed from this mailing list can unsubscribe at the bottom of this letter.

The news is mixed.  The good news is that Heidi left the hospital and went home to Pemba on Saturday.  She immediately said she wanted to preach on Sunday, even though she had a lot of weakness and pain on Saturday night.  On Sunday she preached in the tent church with more fire and passion than folk had ever seen on her.  She was challenging and commissioning everyone to fulfill their destiny in the harvest.

The sad news is that she is still not well and Rolland felt it necessary to take her back to Johannesburg right away to the hospital.  Today all the bases in Mozambique are fasting for her.  Please join us in doing some fasting again for Heidi this week.  Thank you!

We consider our first Missions Prep weekend a great success.  Vineyard Christian Fellowship of DeKalb, IL, was an awesome host.  They were so gracious, it was amazing.  We had over 70 people sign the attendance sheets and there was a wonderful spirit of hunger and desire for Jesus and His heart for the nations.

Brenda shared (the way only she could share) a little about her experiences in Africa, by way of introducing Felito on Friday night.  Fileto shared at Friday night and Saturday afternoon about God's call and what God was already doing in Moslim villages in Mozambique.  His stories were truly amazing.  We had wonderful times of praying for the sick and impartion of a revival anointing.  Everyone was blessed.  We are looking forward to hearing some testimonies of what God did during these sessions.  We'd love to hear from everyone that God touched in these sessions.

Saturday morning I taught a few Portuguese words and phrases and preached on not sleeping through the harvest.  We also enjoyed watching a clip from Mozambique that was seen on the 700 Club in June.  We were very gratified by the response of all the people.

CDs of the School will be availabe this week.  Those who missed part of the weekend need to listen to the sessions they missed to get credit for the course.  They will be $5.00 per session or $15.00 for the whole set.  You can contact Bill Myers or Tracy Dorn to order them.  You can email Tracy at teej1265@yahoo.com.

Sunday morning Felito spoke at Grace Church in New Glarus, WI.  I felt led to rename the town New GLORIOUS the last time we were there.  Felito is leaving for California this afternoon, but Brenda and I will be there tonight and tomorrow, believing for more revival fire.

Anyway, Felito shared about the revival in Mozambique and people were really amazed and hungry for revival here in America.  We ministered for well over an hour after the service and almost everyone came for prayer, either for health needs or because of spiritual hunger or both.

Sunday night we were in Madison at a beautiful motel conference room at a gathering of people from many churches.  Again Felito shared his testimony of revival in Mozambique and we had a wonderful response at the altar.  Many people were powerfully touched by God.  Again, we'd love to read your testimonies of what God did in your lives if you were there.

Please pray as we seek to discover God's perfect will in our scheduling for the weeks and months ahead.  We have calls that we would like to respond to, but need to hear from God.

We love you all and thank you for your support of all kinds.  We need your prayers and your love.  You are precious to Jesus and we want to love everyone like He does.

God bless you radically and remember to pray for Heidi!!

Ben and Brenda and family

Sunday, October 16, 2005

News Letter October 14th, 2005

Dear Saints everywhere,

We are looking forward to seeing many of you from Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin tonight at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship Facility on 4th Avenue in downtown DeKalb, IL, tonight.  We are so excited to have Felito with us for three sessions this weekend as we start up our Missions Prep 101 course.

We got this letter from Heidi and Rolland last night.  Enjoy!!

Again I want to thank you for your amazing response in prayer. I have never felt so lifted up and loved by the body of Christ. God turned the enemy's plan around for His good. A dear friend sent me a scripture, "Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake"
(Phil. 1:24). Those who know me well know I often long to depart and be with the Lord. I am so in love with Him. Several very powerful, life-changing trips to heaven in the Spirit have caused my heart to desire to stay there. However, I see the lost bride, and know that I shall remain and continue with you all, the beautiful Body of Christ, for your progress and joy in the faith (Phil. 1:25). I want to live and see multitudes of radical, laid-down, holy given lovers released on the earth to find and bring to Jesus His lost bride. I will live to see the Makua tribe in great numbers worshiping the Lamb upon the throne who is so worthy of adoration. I will live to see radical, supernatural healing on the earth. I will live to demonstrate my faith in my beloved Jesus. I will live to bring millions to my King Jesus!

I'm still in the hospital. I am full of faith. Many of my children called yesterday and cried on the phone. They said, "Mom, we love you!
You have to come home now!" When the doctor told me he believes I should not return to Mozambique because it is too dangerous for my health, I laughed and felt a very powerful, holy fight come upon me! I will go home to Pemba, Cabo Delgado soon, and hold all my beautiful children! I will return to this fabulous harvest!

You are precious to me and you are loved.

Resting in the arms of my Father, Heidi

For those in Southern Wisconsin, Felito will be speaking at Grace Church in New Glarus on Sunday morning and at the Quality Inn at 2969 Cahill Main in Madison on Sunday night at 6:30.

For those in other parts of the world that receive our newsletters, we pray that we will get to see more of you before too long.  We feel we are in a transition time and that our ministry is being changed somewhat, but we don't know exactly what that is going to look like.

One more thing:  My new book is about to be released in the next few days.  Brenda and I are both very excited about this one.  Even if you don't like the book, you will love the cover with the Lion and the Lamb.  The book is titled, WITH ME.  It's a new look at the 23rd Psalm.  I had a very strong anointing when I wrote it.  In some chapters I was able to visualize portions of the psalm like I have never done before.  This book will help you understand your journey and the desire of Jesus for intimacy with you.   It will also get you excited about your calling and destiny.  It will sell for just $8.00 in our meetings and $10.00 on the website to include the shipping.

God bless you all!
Ben and Brenda

Newsletter October 13th, 2005


Dear Friends,

Greetings to our friends everywhere.  God recently blessed me with a word for a church, which came during the pre-service prayer time.  The word was STEEPLECHASE.  I had to think about that for a minute.  A steeplechase is a race on horseback jumping over fences along the course.  

Steeples represent churches and God is causing us to ride on His horses empowered by the Holy Spirit and He is enabling us to jump over any fences that have been put up around churches.  I see people from every church also getting on His horses and joining the race to take the gospel to it's destination, which is every tribe and nation - every ethnic group on the face of the earth.

God is activating and stirring up the younger generation like never before and getting them ready for a powerful wave of world evangelism that will bring in the great harvest.  He will powerfully provide for them and release a wave of miracle power in answer to our prayers for His Kingdom to come on earth as in Heaven.  Many of us older generation saints will go with them, encourage them, bless them and finance them.  We are living in such exciting times.


This meeting is open to all.  The second session is 9:30 am on Saturday and the third session is 1:30 pm on Saturday.  Felito has seen many miracles in the USA in just the last two or three weeks.  We will pray for the sick as well as teach and preach.


God bless you all and may you rise up into your calling and destiny in Jesus!!!

Ben and Brenda Peters

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Missions Prep 101 Chicago Area Update


Dear Friends,

Sorry for so many letters, but better too many than too few!


Some may be excited and some disappointed, but we searched option after option and ran into many roadblocks.  We wanted to be closer in to Chicago and the suburbs, but either the locations were not available, too small, too expensive or they required insurance, etc.

The location that just got confirmed is the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of DeKalb, IL.  The location is: 215 N 4th St Dekalb, IL 60115.  It is just off Highway 38 and very close to the East West Tollway - Hwy 88.  We tried Wheaton, Crystal Lake and many other areas, but we will settle for this one.  Sorry for those who have to drive an hour or more.  That is normal for us, but not for most of our friends in the area.  I am sure it will be well worth the extra drive.

The schedule will be:  Friday, Oct. 14 at 7 pm, Saturday at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm.


God bless you all!

Ben and Brenda

News Letter October 7th, 2005


Greetings Saints,


Thank you all for your prayers for Heidi.  God is hearing our prayers.  Our last information is that Heidi is responding to the last available super-antibiotic.  Rolland was also planning on getting some Coloidal Silver to use with the antibiotic after many other people suggested it to them, including John Arnott from Toronto.  It is important that they get rid of all the staph infection so it doesn't become resistant to the medication.  


Hosted by Tree of Life Ministries and held at the Crystal Lake Salvation Army, Brenda and I will be sharing at all three sessions including tonight at 7 pm, Saturday morning at 9:15 am and at 2 pm in the afternoon.  We trust you will be blessed and encouraged with fresh manna from Heaven.  If you can't make it, please pray.  We want revival, not just more meetings.  The fire is increasing almost every meeting.  We see more miracles and more response in the people.


Everyone is welcome to come and hear Felito, Rolland and Heidi's director of outreach ministry in Mozambique.  This will be a powerful weekend for anyone who can attend.  

We are still finalizing our choice for a building.  It will probably be in the northwest suburbs.  Please keep praying and let us know if you plan on coming.  We had a flurry of responses, but we haven't heard from many of you that we expect to come.  Please let us know if you get this letter today.  We already have a good idea of what we need, but your note of confirmation would help us.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda and family

News Letter October 5th, 2005

Dear Friends,

For all those interested in the Missions Prep 101 course next weekend, we need your help.  We have been struggling to find the right place to meet.  We have some options, but most have limited seating.  Others have requirements we may have trouble meeting.



We have options of northwest suburbs or West Chicago.  Please let us know how many from your house or group would come.  We will add it all up tomorrow and make our decision based on that.

We have decided to run just three sessions.  October 14, Friday night at 7 pm, Saturday morning at 9:30 and afternoon at 1:30.  We won't do the Saturday evening session.  Instead we'll do more in the Spring.


The meetings continue at 9:15 am on Saturday morning.  There will be a break for lunch.  There is an afternoon meeting starting around 2:00 depending on when the morning session ends.  

The Salvation Army church is at 290 West Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois.   If you are coming in on Rte. 31 you would turn west onto Crystal Lake Ave....proceed through town and it will be on the right side of the street right next to the First Methodist Church.  You cannot miss it.  There is a sign out front.  If you come Randall.  You would turn right at McHenry Ave. and proceed on McHenry Ave. to Crystal Lake Ave. and turn left onto Crystal Lake Ave.  The church would be on the right as you are going west.  


God bless you all!!!

Ben and Brenda and Family