Sunday, October 16, 2005

News Letter October 14th, 2005

Dear Saints everywhere,

We are looking forward to seeing many of you from Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin tonight at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship Facility on 4th Avenue in downtown DeKalb, IL, tonight.  We are so excited to have Felito with us for three sessions this weekend as we start up our Missions Prep 101 course.

We got this letter from Heidi and Rolland last night.  Enjoy!!

Again I want to thank you for your amazing response in prayer. I have never felt so lifted up and loved by the body of Christ. God turned the enemy's plan around for His good. A dear friend sent me a scripture, "Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake"
(Phil. 1:24). Those who know me well know I often long to depart and be with the Lord. I am so in love with Him. Several very powerful, life-changing trips to heaven in the Spirit have caused my heart to desire to stay there. However, I see the lost bride, and know that I shall remain and continue with you all, the beautiful Body of Christ, for your progress and joy in the faith (Phil. 1:25). I want to live and see multitudes of radical, laid-down, holy given lovers released on the earth to find and bring to Jesus His lost bride. I will live to see the Makua tribe in great numbers worshiping the Lamb upon the throne who is so worthy of adoration. I will live to see radical, supernatural healing on the earth. I will live to demonstrate my faith in my beloved Jesus. I will live to bring millions to my King Jesus!

I'm still in the hospital. I am full of faith. Many of my children called yesterday and cried on the phone. They said, "Mom, we love you!
You have to come home now!" When the doctor told me he believes I should not return to Mozambique because it is too dangerous for my health, I laughed and felt a very powerful, holy fight come upon me! I will go home to Pemba, Cabo Delgado soon, and hold all my beautiful children! I will return to this fabulous harvest!

You are precious to me and you are loved.

Resting in the arms of my Father, Heidi

For those in Southern Wisconsin, Felito will be speaking at Grace Church in New Glarus on Sunday morning and at the Quality Inn at 2969 Cahill Main in Madison on Sunday night at 6:30.

For those in other parts of the world that receive our newsletters, we pray that we will get to see more of you before too long.  We feel we are in a transition time and that our ministry is being changed somewhat, but we don't know exactly what that is going to look like.

One more thing:  My new book is about to be released in the next few days.  Brenda and I are both very excited about this one.  Even if you don't like the book, you will love the cover with the Lion and the Lamb.  The book is titled, WITH ME.  It's a new look at the 23rd Psalm.  I had a very strong anointing when I wrote it.  In some chapters I was able to visualize portions of the psalm like I have never done before.  This book will help you understand your journey and the desire of Jesus for intimacy with you.   It will also get you excited about your calling and destiny.  It will sell for just $8.00 in our meetings and $10.00 on the website to include the shipping.

God bless you all!
Ben and Brenda

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