Monday, September 05, 2005

News Letter September 05, 2005

Hi Saints,

Tim and Nathan and I enjoyed a weekend with the folk from Christian Fellowship of Crystal Lake at Green Lake, Wisconsin.  We had some very special times of fun, fellowship and ministry.  Brenda is still in Washington State, visiting her parents, sisters, kids and grandkids.  She returns Wednesday night.  We all miss her and Andrea, who will be staying in Washington.

May God's loving hand reach out and touch you wherever you are, and whatever your circumstances are in this world.  You may be doing fine with health and wealth and peace and safety, but you still need God's touch to direct your life into the fulfillment of your destiny.  You may on the other hand be suffering with tragic loss like the people on the Golf Coast of the USA.  Either way, we need God's hand of power and love to intervene on our behalf.  

Most of us are probably facing at least two or three significant challenges in our lives at any one time.  Between family, finances, personal spiritual battles, church issues and troubled relationships, we face enough battles to keep us aware of our need of God.

Today on this Labor Day, we need to be reminded that without Him we LABOR IN VAIN to make things better, but on the other hand, our LABOR IS NOT IN VAIN in the Lord.  God wants us to rest our soul in Him while we LABOR in His energy and power.  When His power flows freely through us, it really isn't hard work.  Without His power, however, it is extremely hard to do His work.  So as Hebrews says, "WE LABOR TO ENTER INTO HIS REST".

We now have Thursday and Friday locations confirmed for our special time with Shara Pradhan, Heidi Baker's Personal Assistant, for this coming weekend.  

FRIDAY NIGHT at 7 pm we'll be at Christian Fellowship Church at 3419 Walkup Rd in Crystal Lake.

SATURDAY NIGHT at 7 pm we'll be at Praise Fellowship Church in Carol Stream IL, at the corner of Bloomingdale and St. Charles Rd.

SUNDAY:  Time and location yet to be announced.

Friday and Saturday meetings will combine information about our coming Missions Prep 101 course, with Shara's involvement in a new campus revival movement and whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do at those meetings.  We will also have books and CD's available, including materials from Iris Ministries.

We thank you all for your prayers and encouragement of all kinds.  We have been blessed with wonderful friends.

We love you,

Ben and Brenda and boys

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