Sunday, January 22, 2006

Newletter January 22nd, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd.
S. Beloit, IL 61080

Dear Friends of OHM,

We pray this letter finds you all rejoicing in the goodness of God.  We can certainly say that we have seen the hand of God at work in the last number of days and weeks.  Truly we are experiencing revival in its infant stages.  Yes, the baby has been born and is growing quickly!

In the last few weeks, two powerful movies have been released with a powerful witness in a discreet way.  A Supreme Court shift is taking place partly because of the intercession of passionate prayer warriors, including thousands of youths serving in houses of prayer.  What took place and is still taking place may be the most crucial event in America in recent decades since Roe v. Wade.

Everywhere we look and travel, we see signs of revival and hunger for a move of God.  Prophetic words from many sources are proclaiming tremendous changes coming.  Some of these are troubles that are coming on the land to make us desperate for God and others are about the great power and authority being released to the Living Church of Jesus Christ.  This will be accompanied by a huge transfer of wealth to finance the great harvest of souls before Jesus returns.

Our trip to New York was intense in many ways, yet we were able to find some time to rest and be refreshed.  We spent most of our time with Dr. Bob Paeglow and Peter Whitehouse in Albany, NY, at the Capital Region Prayer and Healing Center.  

We can't tell you how blessed we felt to minister to the precious people in the inner city of Albany.  Dr. Bob and his crew have served that area so unselfishly and continue to give and give.  We shared our Prophetic Ministry and the Harvest Seminar there and we feel there was much fruit from the teaching and personal ministry.  The last session included an activation time and many people ministered prophetically for the first time or at a higher level than ever before.

I also got to go with Dr. Bob to a Youth For Christ Conference where he was a speaker.  I was privileged to meet a number of leaders, including the father of Rachel Scott, the first girl killed at Columbine a few years ago.   On Monday, we ministered to all the leaders at the Prayer and Healing Center.  It was very special.

We ministered with a church in Oneonta, New York, on Tuesday night, which is pastored by Dan and Donna Legault.  They have been through many of the same tests and trials we experienced when we pastored.  People were very hungry for God and we trust that God has begun a new thing and will take them to a new dimension of ministry.

Wednesday night was in a larger church in Herkimer, NY.  We were warmly welcomed by pastor Joe Janzen and his wife and church.  We felt the Holy Spirit come to do what we couldn't do.  The whole week in New York State was amazing as God gave strength and anointing to minister to so many people every day.  On this final night there in Herkimer, Brenda experienced a powerful prophetic anointing and ministered to about one hundred people in one night.  Words were shorter but rapid fire and intense.  It was truly amazing.

While we were with Dr. Bob, he agreed to come to help us with our Missions Prep 101 that we will have on March 10 and 11.  He has been to Africa many times and has led medical teams there.  He can teach us what we should know about taking care of our health while in Africa.


Tomorrow morning we minister in Dixon, IL, at The Worship Center at 403 N. Ottawa.  Service starts at 11 am.  

We will be ministering on Thursday night at the Prayer Furnace in Chicago at 7 pm and at a home meeting in Woodstock on Friday night.

On Monday, Jan. 30, we will head for Henderson, Kentucky, with several teen-age members of the Elgin House of Prayer.  We will be in the Henderson area for three nights and then move on to Paragould, Arkansas for four days starting Saturday night.

Brenda will fly to Seattle to be with her family, including her parents, siblings, kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews.  We will head towards Florida for our IAM convening in Dover.  Brenda will fly to Florida to join us after the convening begins.

Please pray for us in all of our travels, etc.

Thank you all for your love and prayers.  To those who have helped us financially along the journey, your sacrifice is so appreciated and has always been very timely.

We feel God prompting us to believe for the facility needed for the Sending Center for equipping harvesters and warriors.  Please join with us in praying for the miraculous provision that will be needed.  The vision is far bigger than anything we could make happen, but we are so full of confidence in our God and His power to provide for His Kingdom plans.

Love to you all in Jesus,

Ben and Brenda and family

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