Monday, May 08, 2006

Newsletter May 8th, 2006


Greetings Friends,

Just a quick report and prayer request.  We ministered in Glenview, IL, this weekend and did a three session Prophetic Ministry seminar at the home of Dr. Daniel Shin.  We were totally blessed by the kindness and hospitality of our Korean hosts and friends, and they responded in a wonderful way to the ministry and teaching.  

As usual, we find people very hungry for more of God and very desirous to be used by the Holy Spirit.  We witnessed dozens of people activating their gifts in awesome ways and people were deeply touched as they received encouraging words from their brothers and sisters.

On Wednesday, Brenda flies to Washington State.  Her father is failing fast and we know the end of this journey is almost over for him.  Brenda wants to pray with him one more time and make sure he is totally ready for eternity.  His journey has not been easy, and the enemy robbed him of such great potential, but we believe he will be with the Lord when this journey is over.

Brenda is also speaking at Covenant Church in Spokane, where Ken and Valencia pastor.  She will minister on Saturday morning and in two services on Sunday morning - Mother's Day.

I will be trying to finish my next book titled Resurrection - A Manual for Raising the Dead.  

Please pray for us!  We need as many intercessors as we can get.  The enemy is always trying to take us out one way or another, and we would be in big trouble without prayer.

We love you and appreciate you all so much!!!

May God show His love and power to you all!!!

Ben and Brenda

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