Where's the Baby?
Ben Peters
Nov 7, 2007Greetings Saints,
Our dear friend and conference speaker Paula Benne shared that prophetically we are in the time of getting ready for the final push for our baby (our promises from God) to be birthed. We hang on to that word. Transition is tough and we all experience it frequently, but God has proven Himself over and over again. Meanwhile, we need to stand with each other and coach one another through that final push.
We have many exciting things that appear to be developing in the next few months. We anticipate great victories from Heaven and provision to do brand new things in the Kingdom. We have great excitement in our spirit. And we know that He IS with us and will never leave us. His promises are yes and amen in Him. But, like you, we could sure use some prayer for right now!
Brenda often gets hit with major attacks before a speaking event such as last weekend. It happened again. It usually indicates that there will be a major breakthrough. And yes, it happened again. Many lives were transformed, including the suicidal and the skeptical. Physical healing also happened and only God knows the impact on His Kingdom. Thank-you Jesus.
Yesterday Brenda flew to Seattle and drove her brother's car to her mom and dad's house in Soap Lake, WA. where she will be for just under a week. I had a clear word from God before she left that this was a divine appointment for her. Please pray that all of God's purposes would be fulfilled. This is a challenging time for her. Her dad continues to survive and sometimes shows real improvement. Almost a year ago, we thought he would not make it to Christmas. God has had mercy on him and the family and kept him alive. Brenda's mom is 85 and still strong but needs a lot of encouragement. Thanks for your prayers.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get some important paper work done and spend time seeking the Lord. Pleaes pray that I hear more clearly and make whatever adjustments God is asking for. I feel very inadequate to lead this ministry into the vision God has given us. I'm very thankful for our team. We couldn't do it without them.
During the last conference, I was given a quick revelation, which I will share here briefly.
FAITH: A few decades ago the "Faith Movement" began and continues to this day. This movement had its abuses and extremes and I did not embrace it but God was stirring up the church to understand how much He loves us and how important it is to Him that we stir up the faith that He has given us.
HOPE: A couple of decades later the "Prophetic Movement" began. Prophets began to arise and be recognized as such. Many responded to the teaching of Paul to "Desire earnestly to prophesy." This prophetic movement has brought hope to thousands. As you know, we certainly embraced and were embraced by this movement. Since about 1997 we have seen tens of thousands of people given hope through personal prophetic words and public prophetic words. The armies of God are coming together waiting for their orders. Like the faith movement, the prophetic movement continues today.
LOVE: The present movement is the "Apostolic Movement". The unfortunate thing about this movement is that many Christians see the focus of this movement on authority and power. People want to be recognized as apostles so that others will listen to and obey them. This is not the reason God sends out His apostles.
Yes, apostles do demonstrate authority in God and reveal His power, but they are sent with a much higher purpose than that. Apostle means "sent one". Who sends the dicsiples? The answer is Jesus. He declared in John 20:21, "As the Father has sent me, so send I you." John 3:16 reminds us that "God so LOVED the world that He sent His only Son." Jesus was sent to LOVE the world. NOW HE SENDS US TO LOVE THE WORLD.
As Heidi Baker says, "We've got the apostolic upside down." That's what God told her. Philipppians 2 makes it clear that Jesus came as a servant. That's how He was sent by His Father. Now, that's how He sends us. He sends us to serve His children with His love. He wants us clothed like He was in the mantle of humility and servanthood.
True apostles are those sent by Jesus, not by man. They must first be discipled, before they can be "apostled". They were first WITH Jesus before they were sent BY Jesus. They learned His ways, His Heart, and His thoughts. They could think like he thought, feel like He felt and do and say what He did and said."
Love is the greatest tool for the harvest. Power is definitely needed, but power comes through faith and faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6) Let's go after more of the source of our power - His love, which flows from His presence, for as we know, GOD IS LOVE.
Let's spend time getting to know Him and being discipled by Him. If you want to be an apostle, first be the disciple. Sit at his feet. Follow wherever He leads you, including the places you said you would never go. Absorb everything you can from Him. Learn, read, listen, pray. Contend for the manifestation of His ever-abiding presence. Serve Him every way that you can. Remember what He said about serving the least of these, etc.
When you have His heart, and are filled with His love and His thoughts, He can "apostle" you into your calling. Then you can expect to lay down your life like He did. If you don't die as a martyr, you can did to all your selfish ambition instead. The rewards will be mostly out of this world, but you will have the thrill of experiencing His mighty power flowing through you and transforming the world around you. You won't be sorry, but you will have to pay a price for the apostolic anointing.
It's interesting that the one disciple that they couldn't kill, who lived into his 90's and authored the last written books of the Bible was the Apostle of Love - John the Beloved. His epistles preach a powerful message of love, love and more love.
God bless you all,
Ben, Brenda, family and team