Saturday, November 17, 2007

Iowa - Thanksgiving - South Korea - Taiwan
Ben Peters
Nov 17, 2007

Greetings Saints,

Hopefully, just a quick chat, as we need to get on the road to Iowa. We will do two meetings near Iowa City on Saturday and Sunday and then the Monday night Aglow meeting in Bettendorf, IA. We ask for your prayers for these opportunities to bring prophetic ministry and Holy Spirit implanted hope into the lives of scores of people. We will have a small team for at least part of the weekend. Pray that all will experience the powerful presence of God. And pray for the healing power of God to be released again. We have an awesome testimony from a long-time asthma sufferer who was healed two weeks ago at the Lutheran Ladies retreat.

Two days after Thanksgiving we fly to South Korea for two weeks followed by a week in Taiwan. Please pray for special anointing and strength for a very intense schedule. We will have no days off for almost three weeks, with two meetings per day plus extra ministry. We're not quite as young as we used to be and we need God's strength.


With the withdrawal of Sam Brownback, there's a bit of confusion in the air for many Christians. Mike Huckabee is rising in Iowa and other states. He would be my first choice. But Christian leaders are far from united on who to support. Also, Kim Clement has prophesied the election of Juliani as our next president. He says he will have a major heart change after entering office and will surprise many with the good things that he does. Pat Robertson has also endorsed him.

For those living in early causus or primary states, I would support the best candidate available who would stand for righteousness, life and wise leadership. Strong support early could make a big difference. It could also influence a vise-presidential choice. Above all, pray and then vote the first chance you get while you still have a choice.


Lou Engles and others are asking us to support this pro-life movie this weekend. Many of us have seen it and appreciated its message. It would be great if all Christians supported it and sent a message to Hollywood and politicians alike. This might be the last weekend it's on if we don't support it.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, family and team

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