Monday, December 31, 2007

Follow Up to Lou Engle's Prayer Request
Ben Peters
Dec 31, 2007

Greetings Saints,

If you read the prayer request I just sent from Lou Engle, you might watch him on God TV tomorrow at TheCall Kansas City. If you don't have DirecTV, you might find it on

If you'd like to hear what Mike Huckabee has to say for himself, he was interrogated on Meet the Press today. You can watch the whole interview on the following link: and click the "watch the whole interview " (something like that) button.

I was impressed. Newspeople have tried to make him look stupid. I think he's brilliant!

Blessings to all of you and have a wonderful Brand New Beginnings New Year.

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Urgent Prayer Request From Lou Engle
Ben Peters
Dec 30, 2007

Lou Engle - Urgent Prayer Assignment
Dear Friends in the nation,

I am speaking now for my own personal perspective and not from any ministry I lead.

A year and a half ago Bobby Connor, a strong prophetic voice in the nation called me concerning an encounter with the Lord. In the encounter the Lord told him that if the church would pray the nation would be sustained in dark days by a president who would come in a brown bag and his five loaves and two fish would be more than enough. For a year and a half we have prayed for this. We thought it might have been Brownback but our application I believe was wrong. I believe the brown bag speaks of the common and humble container that the candidate would come in – not in the robes of professional politicians but in a surprising common man container. And so I was stunned when watching Fox News as they interviewed Mike Huckabee where they asked him how do you explain your sudden surge in the polls when you have had such little money and few staff in Iowa? His answer: “We have thousands of people praying, it’s the only way to understand it. It’s the miracle of the five loaves and two fish.” I believe that the churches prayers are unleashing a divine influence of kingdom promotion. I am not saying that it’s the word of the Lord, but I am taken by it.

And now just a few weeks ago Chris Berglund, my prophet friend received another dream about Mike Bickle and myself. The dream reads:

I was watching you two interact and you were forcefully or adamantly sharing with one another your conviction that you would not be as those who did not consider the miracle of the loaves (Mk 6.52). It was clear you had come into agreement to take a stand together, the disposition of your heart was one of faith. The scene changed (but this could have been a separate dream?) and now I am standing at a river bank looking into a river that just a day earlier had few fish in it. Yet, over the night the rains had come and now a day later the river was teeming with fish. As I watched the fish, one large fish seemed to be out of place in the sense of its size and its actions. This fish would come to the surface and open its mouth wide, it looked as if its whole body became a mouth. The smaller fish unaware that they were swimming right into the large fish were consumed by this large fish. I looked to those on the shore and suggested we shoot the large fish with an arrow so the other fish would no longer be in danger.......

I believe the dreams are clear. Mike and I which I believe is the prayer movement must not be those who would move in unbelief while considering this multiplication of the five loaves and two fish in this election moment. The fact is in the last 2 weeks the media and other candidates have been blasting Mike Huckabee and his polls have dropped. I believe that the big mouth is a spiritual attack on the promotion of Mike Huckabee and the people of Iowa must discern it. We are not to doubt! The arrow is a clear picture of a prayer assignment that is being given to us. For the last 3 years we have called our assignment “the arrow of the Lords victory against abortion.” We are to move into an offensive prayer and fasting stand and declare in faith that the power of the media is broken and the favor of the Lord will rule over the thoughts of men and women. In the light of this crisis and in the light of Bobby Connor’s dream, IF THE CHURCH WOULD PRAY, I believe we are in an Esther Moment and I would strongly encourage believers across the nation to enter into a 3-day Esther fast on January 1st-3rd for the pulling down of any Hamans and the raising up of God’s Mordecai who will break the death decree off of the nation.

I have made a vow similar to James Dobson that I can never vote for anyone that is not pro-life. Psalm 94 makes it very clear, Shall a throne of iniquity that devises evil by law have fellowship with you. They gather together against the life of the righteous and they shed innocent blood. A throne of iniquity is a governmental administration that legalizes evil. We are told that we cannot have fellowship with such government and I believe that voting for such thrones is having fellowship with them. Scripturally speaking the two basic foundational issues of a throne of iniquity are anti-Christ philosophies that seek to destroy Christian principles (they gather against the life of the righteous), and thrones that legalize shedding of innocent blood (abortion).

Secondly 2 Samuel 23 declares that one who rules over man must be just and must rule in the fear of God. I cannot vote for anyone whose moral life does not reveal the fear of God and who is not just. Abortion I believe is the foundational justice issue facing our nation. We are not to vote democrat or republican, we are to vote for whoever is just and carries the fear of the Lord.

I am not saying that I know that this is a clear prophetic word but I believe that Mike Huckabee lives out these two requirements as a leader and who will also resist the two foundational issues that comprise thrones of iniquity. He will stand for the righteous remnant in the nation and his top policy value is pro-life. I believe that the nation should rise up and support this man. It is so important that the churches keep crying out to God for supernatural assistance in these elections and that He would promote the humble and the righteous. Let us pray for favor on the one he has chosen to exalt before the others. Thank you for listening to my heart. I am just one voice among many but I bear on my shoulders in intercession along with you the future of our nation and the future of our children. We have 5 days to pray before the primaries. Let us not render to Caesar what God has not rendered to Caesar. Prayer can shape history.

I am bearing Iowa on my heart deeply. I have been in days of fasting and prayer. Let us take our stand in the heavens where angels wage war over the promotion and demotion of kings. Thank you for making the Lord happy with your intercessions.

In Faith,

Lou Engle

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ben Peters
Dec 28, 2007

Greetings Saints,
It's almost New Years and I believe God has given me a word for 2008.
I also want to remind our friends in Iowa that they have an amazing opportunity to impact the presidential race in just a few days. I believe God has given us some good choices. I was supporting Sam Brownback until he withdrew. My personal choice now is Mike Huckabee. But check him out for yourself and don't believe everything other politicians and commentators say about him. They don't want a real Christian running for President. He has them all in total shock, how he came from nowhere to be a top candidate.
Those of us in Illinois and many other states have to wait until "Super Tuesday" - Feb. 5 to vote. We are registered to vote - are you?
OK - enough preaching. Here's the prophetic word for 2008:
While 2007 was a year of crossing over into destiny, 2008 is our year of warring and winning back what we lost to the enemy in previous generations. This applies to many facets of life, including family, finances, politics, education, media, entertainment, etc. Let’s look at the biblical basis and some of the possible applications as we go.
1. Israel taking the Promised Land
First, we look at Israel under Joshua entering the Promised Land. It was already theirs, given by God to their ancestor, Abraham. They had crossed the Jordan, but there were many enemies led by powerful kings who would come to attack them. It was a time for warring, but it was also a time for winning.
During 2007 there were some major events in the Kingdom which shifted things in the spirit realm, parallel to crossing the Jordon in the natural. One of the big ones was TheCall Nashville on 07/07/07, attended by close to 100,000 fasting Christians. There was major repentance for many sins, comparable to the time of circumcision at the Jordan, and there was the blowing of hundreds of shofars, as there was at Jericho when the walls fell down. Many other things of significance took place in 2007, including events in Israel, but we want to move on to 2008.
I believe the church will see some major victories in taking back what has been taken from us, especially in America. With just over 10 months until we know who our next president will be, the elections will focus on some major issues such as abortion. Public opinion is changing and will change even more until the pendulum has swung in our favor.
The fact that an evangelical preacher, Mike Huckabee, is now a front-runner in the race for president, is a major breakthrough. He has even defied political correctness, reminding people that Christmas is actually about Christ, without apologizing for it. This is already a victory in this realm.
Things are also changing in many nations around the world, where more and more Christian politicians are being elected. We were just in South Korea, where a strong Christian leader was elected president with a big majority. South Korea is an important nation in the Kingdom of God.
While ministering in South Korea, God spoke to me that they are an apostolic nation to send out the gospel around the world. The capital city, Seoul, home of the world’s largest church, is an apostolic city and is well-named, as in many ways it represents the SOUL of the church, especially in Asia.
2. The Esther/Mordecai Phenomena
Like the church in our time, the Jews were oppressed by unbelievers and their situation had gotten very serious. Like Esther, in the palace, we the church, have not been aware of how serious a situation we were in. Enemies of the church have moved into more and more positions of authority in government, business, education, media, etc. Like Haman, they clearly hate us and want to eliminate us and our influence, because we won’t bow down to them.
Mordecai, on the other hand, was in touch with the seriousness of the situation. He represents the prophetic intercessors who have been rising up around the world, making the church aware of the enemy’s plans and schemes. The church is beginning to respond to the intercessors. We are learning to fast and pray and make our appeal to the King, our Bridegroom.
The result of the Esther/Mordecai Phenomena was that the enemy’s plan was thwarted and the Jews won battles all over the Persian Empire. In addition, Mordecai was placed in position of second in command to the King. I do believe by the end of next year, prophetic intercessors, such as Lou Engles, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce, will be prepared to move into a place of great influence next to our next president.
I will not predict who will be the next American president, but I do believe either the vice-president or a top aide to the president will be a Mordecai who clearly hears from God. We may even have two true Christians on the ticket. I certainly believe that whoever the next president of the USA will be, he will listen to strong prophetic people.
3. David Possesses His Kingdom
David, like the nation of Israel, had to wait a long time to possess what God had given him through Samuel, the prophet. But finally his time had come and although the house of Saul still fought against him, the Bible says that Saul’s kingdom got weaker and David’s Kingdom got stronger. Saul represents those who are religious, like many politicians, but don’t know God. David represents intimacy and worship. He was a worship warrior. He was a man after God’s own heart and he won the battle over the one who loved the power of position more than his God or his country.
We have had this scenario in every field of our society including the church. People have loved their position more than their God or their country and have held back God’s choice as they cling to position and personal security. God will remove both church leaders and politicians who do this. Many will be taken out of the picture in the coming year.
Here is another prediction. Prophetic worshippers will rise in popularity and surprise the media with a new sound in music. Look for new music and movies with a spiritual message. We already know of one coming movie called, “Horton Hears a Who”, which is a prophetic picture of the ending of abortion, whether Dr. Seuss, the original author, realized it or not.
Let the church believe that God is really for us and willing to make us the head and not the tail again, if we truly seek first His Kingdom and not our own. Let us join His team, rather than asking Him to join ours. This is a critical focus for all of us. Are we really willing to do anything, go anywhere, or say anything that He asks of us? Are we radically in love with Him, or are we just glad we’re going to Heaven and have a fairly comfortable life?
In summary, it’s time to prepare for war with a confidence in our miracle-working God. I predict that many anti-Christian kings in many spheres of authority will be overthrown in 2008. Many Joshua’s, Mordecai’s and David’s will rise up and replace them.
I encourage everyone to fast and pray and get involved where they can in the spiritual and political process to bring change. This is a year where we will do more warfare than ever before, but we will war and win.
It won’t be a year of sitting back and waiting for things to change. We will be very active in repossessing our possessions. Let many passionate leaders arise, especially among the younger generations. And let many of us older leaders make room for them, mentor, support and finance them for the sake of the Kingdom. We must not hold on like Saul, when Samuel has already anointed David.
It’s time to take the whole land that God has given us. The year 2008 will see a strong beginning of the process.
Ben, Brenda, family and team

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ben Peters
Dec 26, 2007

Greetings Saints,

We trust you've had a great year and a blessed Christmas time. And may 2008 be a great year of breakthroughs and open doors for all of you who seek first the Kingdom of God.


Our itinerary on our website is temporarily not working. Here is the latest info I can come up with:

We had planned a month-long road trip all the way to California and Oregon in January, but have changed that plan.

On January 2 we fly to Farmington, New Mexico, where we'll be until January 9. We'll be ministering in a church there and possibly also in several home meetings.

Our schedule is now free between the 10th and 29th of January. If anyone is interested in hosting a meeting within reach of Chicago, please communicate with us asap.

On January 31-February 2, we begin a conference hosted by Damon Stuart Worship Ministries at Northwest Assembly of God Church in Mount Prospect, Illinois. You can get the details at

February 8th and 9th Brenda will be speaking at the Genoa Cross Winds Community Church ladies retreat. Right after that we would like to go to Israel, but don't have confirmation of that yet. If we go, the last week of February would still be open. If not, most of the month will be still free.

March is open right now.

April 3-6 we will be at a family reunion with my siblings in Surrey, B.C. At the end of April we will host our big conference in the Chicago area. We should know our location in the next few weeks. Speakers will include Rolland Baker, Georgian Banov, Jeff Jansen and David Herzog.

May 23 and 24 we will be assisting in bringing Kim Clement to Chicago for two days. Location is still to be confirmed.


We will be gone but our friend Theresa Forkins-Phillips will be hosting an Encounter Conference January 4-6. The info is copied below.


Jeremy Lopez
Richard Hanson
Paulette Horvath
Theresa Forkins-Phillips
Dr Johann Schonken


Fona International
1900 Averill Road
Geneva, IL 60134

That's all for now. I hope to get out a New Year's letter in a few days with an encouraging word for 2008.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda, family and team

Monday, December 17, 2007

Camping Again in a Winter Wonder Land
Ben Peters
Dec 16, 2007

Greetings Friends,

We returned safely to Chicago a few days ago and immediately began moving out of our friends' house where we've been house-sitting in Lake Zurich. They are home with their family for Christmas and New Years and we wanted to be with our family for Christmas anyway. We moved back to our motorhome, parked at our house in South Beloit, where our daughter, Barbie, and family are staying at present. This time we are not using the plumbing in the motorhome and have had it winterized to avoid last year's frozen pipe scenario. We go inside the house as often as we want to be with Barbie and the grandkids and to use the facilities.

Our son-in-law, Caleb, is still working in Wyoming until he can transfer to Los Angeles, where they will be a part of Shawn Bolz's and Paula Benne's ministry. It looks like Barbie and the kids will join him in Wyoming after Christmas. We expect to return to Lake Zurich for a few months regardless.


My last letter was written just before finishing up our ministry in Taiwan. The last day had some important ministry that hopefully will have an impact for eternity. It's hard to remember it all now, but we ended up in a government building in downtown Taipei. There we were introduced by one of the gals we had met earlier to a dozen or so men and women who had authority to regulate the financial activities of the banking system, etc. We were told they were the equivalent to our FDIC in the USA.

As we ministered to them they were very touched and thankful. We ended up in the private office of a high up director of these people. Later we discovered that Rebecca, the gal who brought us there, was actually over all of them, but was a very humble lady. She was still a professor in the nation's leading university and we had ministered to a dozen of her doctoral program students earlier. Needless to say, we felt very honored with the opportunity to impact so many leaders with a message of their Kingdom destiny.

Another leader we ministered to was close to the President of the country and she had been the head of the Security Police. She was now one of a group of strong intercessors praying for the country. I believe Taiwan will have its first major revival very soon. Now only 1% of the people are Christian.

Another amazing event I failed to mention earlier happened on Sunday. Brenda prophesied to an American living in Taiwan. When she asked his name, his last name was Pinkerton, which was her maiden name. When they compared notes, they realized they had the same grandfather, who had left Brenda's dad's mom and family and married another woman. So they had the same grandfather but different grandmothers. They were amazed that they would meet in Taiwan.


Vance will be ministering at least until Wednesday night at the New Covenant Church in Elgin at 7 pm each evening.

865 Parkway Av
Elgin, IL 60120
Phone: 847-741-5683

The meetings have been powerful with healings and lives changed. I expect to be there Monday night.

That's all for now. Please keep us in your prayers. We are in some major transition times again. God is taking us to a new place which requires greater wisdom and faith.

Much love in Jesus,

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Monday, December 10, 2007

Korea/Taiwan Report
Ben Peters
Dec 10, 2007


Greetings Friends,


We have met so many wonderful people on this trip. A few of them who speak English are now on our mailing list as well. We welcome you all. If you wish to unsubscribe, please feel free to do so.


We had a wonderful send-off from Korea with our final two days in Kwang Ju. In our last letter I told of the lady who travelled several hours with a sprained or broken ankle to tell us how our ministry had impacted her six years ago. She had evangelized 1500 people since then as a result of the word we had given her and she had all the names and phone numbers in her little notebook. The day after my letter she shared her testimony with the conference. In addition to the evangelism testimony, she shared that her ankle had been healed that day when she had prayer in the meetings.

Our time in Korea had been incredibly fruitful and the people there are incredibly amazing. Their hospitality is tough to beat and they are so hungry they eat up every word before it gets out of your mouth. We were invited back to each church and two other groups as well. We will probably return to Korea many times. Two of our books are now published in Korean and others may follow as God leads.


We arrived in Taipai, Taiwan on Friday. It was our first day in almost two weeks without a meeting. The next day made up for it. We had our first meeting at 7 A M and then two very special appointments throughout the day with key leaders in Taiwan.

Saturday evening we had back to back meetings with two diverse groups. The first was the Pearl Church, composed of mostly college age and young adult folk, who all spoke English. Many were being introduced to the prophetic for the first time, but they opened up to the love of Jesus. God gave me a strong word of introduction to prophetic ministry.

The second meeting that evening was in a large home with mostly older folk who were also very hungry to hear what we had to teach. Many only understood Mandarin, so we used interpreters for preaching and prophesying. It was also a very fruitful night and we ministered to about thirty-five people.

The Taiwanese Chinese are also wonderful people and have captured our hearts as well. The climate is more sub-tropical here and although it's their winter, I never need a jacket. The culture and food is quite different than Korea but we are enjoying it very much.

On Sunday we took the bullet train (about 235 kph - 155 mph) south to another city I'm not sure how to spell. Anyway, it was a church of about 100 - larger than average in Taiwan, where only 1% of the people are believers in Jesus. It was mostly a seeker sensitive church (Willow Creek Association) but they were open to what we were given to do there. God again anointed our speaking and we prophesied for another three hours or so after the meeting. It made a full day with two 90 minute train rides and several hours of ministry.

Today (Monday) we ministered to small groups at our hotel for all of the afternoon. We ministered to about ten or twelve doctoral students in the leading university of Taiwan. They have a powerful destiny and had some wonderful encounters with God. Tonight Brenda is with the others after a wonderful Taiwanese meal, walking through the old fashioned market place, while I asked to come to the hotel room to write this newsletter and answer emails, etc.

We want to thank all of you who pray for us. Please keep praying. Tomorrow is our last full day in Asia. We fly on Wednesday to Tokyo and then direct to Chicago. We will leave the warm summery weather and land in snow-clad Chicago to below freezing temperatures. We are tired but very thankful for this trip and all that God has done.

Thanks to all who support us with finances. Our missions projects, conferences, and internship programs all continue and grow because of generous Christians. We can't thank you enough.

A relative pointed out to me this weekend that there was no link to our website on our newsletters and people who want more information about our ministry may not know how to get there. In the future we will try to always put the website address at the top of the newsletters.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Korea Report #3
Ben Peters
Dec 5, 2007

Greetings Saints,

It's very hard to convey how much we appreciate your prayers and how good God has been to us here in Korea. We are now in Kwang Ju, South Korea. We had two meetings today after a three or four hour bus ride this morning. Brenda was asked to minister this Wednesday evening in the large church in Mokpo where we began our ministry here about ten days ago. She is now on her way home. God has greatly used her, as well as our friend and spiritual daughter, Ingela Larsson. We have been able to share some of the ministry responsibilities to lighten our load.


After a wonderful service this evening a lady came up to speak to me through an interpreter. She was a pastor's wife and the sister-in-law of the pastor who had hosted us six years ago in Pusan, South Korea. We weren't going to Pusan this trip as the schedule was full, but this lady drove several hours to Kwang Ju when she heard we were speaking here.

She told us that we had prophesied over her six years ago and that everything we told her had come to pass. And as a result of the encouragement from the prophetic word, she had become a real evangelist and had led 1,500 souls to Christ. This is an amazing blessing to us. She also said they had sacrificed much of their finances for evangelism until they had little left, but God has been blessing and replacing what they had spent. Praise God!


Since my last letter we had amazing meetings with awesome worship in this crowded sanctuary. The last couple of days the crowd grew to about 120 people or more. It was packed and had very low ceilings. When we ministered we were wet with perspiration. The anointing was very strong and God greatly blessed and visited the people. The worship team was one of the best ever for a small church. The young worship leader sounded a lot like Scott Brenner. Everyone showed amazing gratitude and we were greatly blessed and very well taken care of. We certainly haven't lost any weight. In every church people are so hungry for a personal word and we spent much time after meetings doing personal ministry.


We went from the Happy Church to the Seoul City Church, which has a large theatre-style facility. The pastor has hosted many famous American preachers in the past. We met so many awesome saints there and enjoyed the children and youth as they took part in the services. As always, we were treated to their finest restaurants every day and usually one of the deacons would pay for all the guests. I was always asked to pray a blessing on them when we blessed the food.


Koreans have a strong "honor" structure that is unknown in the western world. Pastors are highly honored, and visitors are held in extreme honor. We tried to impart the awareness that God wants to use us all and has given each of us gifts, often using the least among us to do the greatest work. Tonight in Kwang Ju I spoke on how John the Baptist was the greatest next to Jesus because he was such a servant and allowed himself to decrease so Jesus could increase. God gave me the anointing to get the message across and I know they will apply it in their own lives.


One lady is a professional seamstress and made Brenda and I authentic and beautiful Korean traditional garments. They measured us when we arrived and had them completed in about eight days.


Thanks to Micah Park, our awesome interpreter and book translator, we now have two books in the Korean language and they sold like hotcakes in the conferences. The first church sold out 120 copies and we hope to get more to them.


It's hard for me to explain how God has taken our ministry to a new level. Every message was orchestrated by God as we preached. I rarely knew much about what I would speak on until the worship time. Then I would get a couple of scriptures and thoughts. When I got up to speak a strong anointing would come and I would go in a whole new direction and share truth and revelation that had never come to me before. It is like I'm observing what God is putting together as I preach. With almost no bunny trails, the pieces of the puzzle would fit together in an amazing way. It happened again tonight and I am really blown away. Of course, when Brenda speaks God always touches hearts. She just gets better and better.

In addition, there has been a new boldness and authority when I minister at the altar to the hungry people who always want another touch from Heaven. I have been getting words of knowledge for healing as well and dozens are declaring that they have been healed in the meetings as we have them pray for one another without me touching them. Revival fire is being rekindled in me and I know that this is what I was born for. I really believe God sent us to Korea to release an apostolic proclamation to the nation of South Korea which relates to revival and the evangelism of North Korea when the doors finally swing wide open to the gospel.

All the churches have asked us to come back and now we have another invitation from Pusan as well. We have been to Kwang Ju twice before and we dearly love these people.

This is too long and it's well past midnight, so I'll sign off. Brenda should be home before too long. I'm anxious to hear about her service and tell her about the testimony I shared already with you.

God bless you all and thanks again for your prayers. We love you!!!

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Report From Happy Church in Seoul, Korea
Ben Peters
Nov 29, 2007

Dear Friends,

I'm writing from our motel room in Seoul on a tempermental computer, so this will be short. Yes, we are in a church called Happy Church, and it really is a happy church. We are having an awesome time with these beautiful people, about 80 strong.

But first, I have to tell you about our last night in Mokpo. I have seldom had a stronger anointing and their was a continuous flow of revelation and inspiration as I cried out for God to put His words in my mouth as He promised. There were about 700 people there according to Micah Park, our interpreter. They always wanted everyone to be touched for impartation, but we did things a little different that night.

After preaching, I called up all the children and youth - about 100. The ministry team prayed over them all. Then I asked them to stay while I invited all the people with back problems to come forward. There were many aged people and hundreds with back pain. We had all the children pray for them for about 15 minutes or so. I think dozens raised their hands that they had been touched and healed. After that we did a giant fire tunnel. I asked their leaders to join us and there were about forty of them or more. The lines were huge but we kept them moving. What a joyful time. Many young people were touched that night in powerful ways. After everyone else was gone a dozen youth were still clustered praying together in the presence of the Lord.

This was a somewhat traditional church, but they were hungry and open to new things. When we left the pastor gave us huge compliments and thanked us and invited us back. He said in 30 years they had never had a greater blessing in special meetings.

Here in the Happy Church we are enjoying beautiful anointed worship with most people dancing before the Lord and desiring to be touched by the Holy Spirit with manifestations of power. They love to laugh at anything at all funny and have blessed us richly already. We have four more services here before moving on Sunday to the Seoul City Church - another larger group.

Please continue to pray for us. God is answering your prayers.

Much love to all,

Ben and Brenda and team