Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ben Peters
Dec 28, 2007

Greetings Saints,
It's almost New Years and I believe God has given me a word for 2008.
I also want to remind our friends in Iowa that they have an amazing opportunity to impact the presidential race in just a few days. I believe God has given us some good choices. I was supporting Sam Brownback until he withdrew. My personal choice now is Mike Huckabee. But check him out for yourself and don't believe everything other politicians and commentators say about him. They don't want a real Christian running for President. He has them all in total shock, how he came from nowhere to be a top candidate.
Those of us in Illinois and many other states have to wait until "Super Tuesday" - Feb. 5 to vote. We are registered to vote - are you?
OK - enough preaching. Here's the prophetic word for 2008:
While 2007 was a year of crossing over into destiny, 2008 is our year of warring and winning back what we lost to the enemy in previous generations. This applies to many facets of life, including family, finances, politics, education, media, entertainment, etc. Let’s look at the biblical basis and some of the possible applications as we go.
1. Israel taking the Promised Land
First, we look at Israel under Joshua entering the Promised Land. It was already theirs, given by God to their ancestor, Abraham. They had crossed the Jordan, but there were many enemies led by powerful kings who would come to attack them. It was a time for warring, but it was also a time for winning.
During 2007 there were some major events in the Kingdom which shifted things in the spirit realm, parallel to crossing the Jordon in the natural. One of the big ones was TheCall Nashville on 07/07/07, attended by close to 100,000 fasting Christians. There was major repentance for many sins, comparable to the time of circumcision at the Jordan, and there was the blowing of hundreds of shofars, as there was at Jericho when the walls fell down. Many other things of significance took place in 2007, including events in Israel, but we want to move on to 2008.
I believe the church will see some major victories in taking back what has been taken from us, especially in America. With just over 10 months until we know who our next president will be, the elections will focus on some major issues such as abortion. Public opinion is changing and will change even more until the pendulum has swung in our favor.
The fact that an evangelical preacher, Mike Huckabee, is now a front-runner in the race for president, is a major breakthrough. He has even defied political correctness, reminding people that Christmas is actually about Christ, without apologizing for it. This is already a victory in this realm.
Things are also changing in many nations around the world, where more and more Christian politicians are being elected. We were just in South Korea, where a strong Christian leader was elected president with a big majority. South Korea is an important nation in the Kingdom of God.
While ministering in South Korea, God spoke to me that they are an apostolic nation to send out the gospel around the world. The capital city, Seoul, home of the world’s largest church, is an apostolic city and is well-named, as in many ways it represents the SOUL of the church, especially in Asia.
2. The Esther/Mordecai Phenomena
Like the church in our time, the Jews were oppressed by unbelievers and their situation had gotten very serious. Like Esther, in the palace, we the church, have not been aware of how serious a situation we were in. Enemies of the church have moved into more and more positions of authority in government, business, education, media, etc. Like Haman, they clearly hate us and want to eliminate us and our influence, because we won’t bow down to them.
Mordecai, on the other hand, was in touch with the seriousness of the situation. He represents the prophetic intercessors who have been rising up around the world, making the church aware of the enemy’s plans and schemes. The church is beginning to respond to the intercessors. We are learning to fast and pray and make our appeal to the King, our Bridegroom.
The result of the Esther/Mordecai Phenomena was that the enemy’s plan was thwarted and the Jews won battles all over the Persian Empire. In addition, Mordecai was placed in position of second in command to the King. I do believe by the end of next year, prophetic intercessors, such as Lou Engles, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce, will be prepared to move into a place of great influence next to our next president.
I will not predict who will be the next American president, but I do believe either the vice-president or a top aide to the president will be a Mordecai who clearly hears from God. We may even have two true Christians on the ticket. I certainly believe that whoever the next president of the USA will be, he will listen to strong prophetic people.
3. David Possesses His Kingdom
David, like the nation of Israel, had to wait a long time to possess what God had given him through Samuel, the prophet. But finally his time had come and although the house of Saul still fought against him, the Bible says that Saul’s kingdom got weaker and David’s Kingdom got stronger. Saul represents those who are religious, like many politicians, but don’t know God. David represents intimacy and worship. He was a worship warrior. He was a man after God’s own heart and he won the battle over the one who loved the power of position more than his God or his country.
We have had this scenario in every field of our society including the church. People have loved their position more than their God or their country and have held back God’s choice as they cling to position and personal security. God will remove both church leaders and politicians who do this. Many will be taken out of the picture in the coming year.
Here is another prediction. Prophetic worshippers will rise in popularity and surprise the media with a new sound in music. Look for new music and movies with a spiritual message. We already know of one coming movie called, “Horton Hears a Who”, which is a prophetic picture of the ending of abortion, whether Dr. Seuss, the original author, realized it or not.
Let the church believe that God is really for us and willing to make us the head and not the tail again, if we truly seek first His Kingdom and not our own. Let us join His team, rather than asking Him to join ours. This is a critical focus for all of us. Are we really willing to do anything, go anywhere, or say anything that He asks of us? Are we radically in love with Him, or are we just glad we’re going to Heaven and have a fairly comfortable life?
In summary, it’s time to prepare for war with a confidence in our miracle-working God. I predict that many anti-Christian kings in many spheres of authority will be overthrown in 2008. Many Joshua’s, Mordecai’s and David’s will rise up and replace them.
I encourage everyone to fast and pray and get involved where they can in the spiritual and political process to bring change. This is a year where we will do more warfare than ever before, but we will war and win.
It won’t be a year of sitting back and waiting for things to change. We will be very active in repossessing our possessions. Let many passionate leaders arise, especially among the younger generations. And let many of us older leaders make room for them, mentor, support and finance them for the sake of the Kingdom. We must not hold on like Saul, when Samuel has already anointed David.
It’s time to take the whole land that God has given us. The year 2008 will see a strong beginning of the process.
Ben, Brenda, family and team

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