Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Twas the Night Before Super Tuesday
Ben Peters
Feb 4, 2008

Greetings Friends,

Please don't forget to vote tomorrow if you live in one of the Super Tuesday States. Below is a letter sent by a pastor we know. I know it's controversial to talk about politics today, but I am very disappointed in Christian people who don't have strong enough convictions to vote Christian values. Please forgive me if this offends you. I believe it pleases God that we stir up people to vote for people who stand for righteousness and life.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, family and team

Dear family and friends,
I hesitate to send out this e-mail, but I am so very concerned about the direction this country and the Presidential Elections are going.
And Super Tuesday, when over 20 states will be voting, is in just 4 days, including my home state of Illinois!
I believe that Mike Huckabee is the only truly Pro-Life and Pro-Biblical Marriage, viable candidate we have left.
If you click on this link for the Presidential Voters Guide from the American Family Assoc., you will see why:
You will see from this Guide that McCain and Romney are not totally with us on these issues and Ron Paul isn't either because he wants to leave both issues up to the states. Of course, none of the Democratic Candidates are with us at all on these issues!
Also for further info. on Mitt Romney's pro-abortion, pro-homosexaul stands (some of it quite recent!) see this link:
Also Mike showed his ability to govern when he was Governor of Arkansas for 10 years and I believe did fairly well there and got elected twice in a very Democratic state!
Even though Mike is behind in the polls, I don't believe that it is too late to help him to win (with God's help!)
We need to pray and possibly fast for this and, of course, vote for him! (if you agree with me)
Also we need to print the Presidential Voters Guide from the American Family Assoc. and distribute it to every Christian we know.
Also, if you want to make calls for Mike, you can do that. Just go to his website: http://my.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=HQs.Home.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me, whether you help Mike or not, please keep praying for God to bless and favor those candidates for all political offices, who are closest to following Him in this election and vote!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dearly beloved Brenda:

Peace be unto you!

Given the current distress and perplexity which the world is experiencing, inspirationally caused by the forces that be through man and nature, it is important that certain mysteries are brought to light at this time, that the wearied soul may find comfort in understanding the time and season, and his designed course and ordained destiny: for the end of the journey is upon you, and so is the glory at its end. The time is now fulfilled, the cycle is at its end, the last fulfillment is at the door; grace to you: for Peace, the latter rain, whom you seek, and whom the world esteems not, is in your midst, incognito: for as it was at the first, so again it is at the last!

To he that has perception: Behold I stand at the door and knock: I the Lord am the first (righteousness) and the last (peace) also I am he. Thus you were told to watch: for he comes as a thief. And understand the presence of a thief: for he never comes announced; but is in your midst, yet unawares to anyone but he that he makes his presence known to: incognito. Let he that has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches (the body of faiths), even unto all men: it is the voice (doctrine: testimony) of the seventh angel (Peace: the last). Simply log on the link below to access the highlights and objectives to this divine mission. The peace of the Father, which is accorded the Son, be with you; and the love of the Father, whom you are, ever to be reflected unto your brethren. Shalom! Salaam! Namaste!

Eternally with you!
Messenger of the Father