April Showers
Ben Peters
Apr 15, 2008
Greetings Friends,
That's right! We've had our share of April showers and we'll see some more yet, but wait until our conference next week in Kenosha, Wisconsin! THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS!!! We are going to see a greater glory than we've ever seen before. This conference has been so restructured by God's intervention that I know God has more in mind than we have imagined.
Yes, we had Jeff Jansen cancel because of double booking. And now we have Rolland Baker unable to come because of health issues. But God has hand-picked their replacements.
Starting off on Wednesday night, Vance Murphy will help us launch the conference on the right course with his down-to-earth style of honest communication from the heart, accompanied by a powerful healing and miracle anointing, with a strong gift of knowledge and discerning of spirits. I really love this brother. He will also minister Thursday morning before he heads back to Atlanta.
On Thursday afternoon, we have an unadvertised treat. Dr. Robert Paeglow, from Albany, NY, the recipient of a national humanitarian award in medicine, will minister for us. Dr. Bob was the man God used to connect us with Heidi and Rolland Baker. He was also the People Magazine hero of the month last year and was on Good Morning America and a network evening news show. He has an awesome testimony and powerful anointing.
Another wonderful blessing will come via a one-legged Iris missionary to Sudan. Michele Perry is another amazing young woman of God who also has incredible stories to tell from her own experience. She will speak on Thursday evening (her only night free). She will represent Rolland and Heidi very well.
Friday morning we have Georgian Banov, who will also be our final speaker Saturday evening. Many of you have heard Georgian before. He is a very unique servant of God and so anointed with his violin and other instruments. He is an awesome evangelist ministering the joy of the Lord to many of the world's poorest and most rejected people, such as the Gypsies. He is a close friend and co-worker with Rolland and Heidi Baker as well.
Friday evening and Saturday morning, we will be blessed by the ministry of David Herzog. We have had many calls from people who have seen his Glory Zone TV show on God TV. He was also just on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth. The miracles common in his meetings include gold teeth and fillings, supernatural weight loss, hair growth and healing miracles of all kinds.
On Saturday afternoon, our son, Pastor Ken Peters, will be back for the third time from Spokane, Washington. He comes with practical wisdom and humor and has been very much enjoyed here in the past. He is the author of "THE SKIN AND THE SKELETON", a book on marriage. I will also take a session on Saturday afternoon after Ken.
Brenda will do the first session on Friday afternoon. I know many people will be blessed when she speaks. Some of our team leaders and interns will share the second session concerning the vision of raising up young leaders for the harvest.
I was asked to also mention that anyone who mentions Open Heart Ministries can get a room at Country Inn and Suites in Kenosha for $75.00, which includes fridge, microwave and breakfast.
Last weekend we were in Vancouver, B.C. for a reunion with my two brothers and sister and our spouces (or is that spice?) It was a very enjoyable time. We visited a place we had lived as young kids that we had never visited since I was four years old. We also visited our daughter, Andrea, and her husband, Harvey Smith. They have moved to Vancouver until immigration processes his right to work in the USA.
Please pray for us and our team. We have a lot on our plates and many more trips and special meetings coming up. This weekend I will be speaking at a Men's Retreat here in Illinois and will have a couple of our men helping me. It's usually Brenda doing the retreats, but I think I will enjoy this very much. Pray for a strong anointing and life-changing experiences for the men.
In May we have other events, including a trip for Brenda to Alberta and one to Iowa for more ladies retreats. Then we work with Pastor Theresa Forkins/Philips, hosting Kim Clement in the region. More on that later.
March Challenge
I neglected to mention our March Challenge in the last letter. I hope many of you were able to finish the New Testament in the 31 days, but if you haven't finished yet, I trust you will keep plugging away at it.
Most of all, I trust you found and are still finding precious nuggets of truth as you read. I found one this morning in Genesis. Joseph was in prison, as were the king's baker and butler. He noticed they had sad faces and took the time to ask why they were sad. He wasn't focused on his own problems, but on the needs of others. He was sensitive and expressed his concern. If Joseph had focused on his own problems, he would never have interpreted their dreams and he would never have become the ruler and deliverer in Egypt. What would have happened to the fledgling nation of Israel? Maybe the key to our deliverance from our problems is being sensitive to the needs of others and then being patient for God to solve our problems.
That's all for now. I trust you are experiencing God's hand at work in your life. He loves you so much!!!
In His Great Love,
Ben, Brenda, family and team
Friday, April 18, 2008
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