Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Important News and Invitation
Ben Peters
Aug 4, 2008

Greetings Dear Friends,

I just got back from Mozambique, but before I share about that, I have a couple of other important items to share with you. It is wonderful to be home with family, but I'm so glad I got to go to Africa with our team.

Welcome to those who are getting this newsletter for the first time - mainly those who were with us in Africa.


Thanks to all who prayed with us to the end for a miracle. We lost Donna to Heaven this Sunday afternoon. Paul was with her as she slipped away. With his fifteen-year-old daughter they spent a little time asking God to bring her back, but finally let her go to enjoy her reward. Please pray for Paul and his daughters, her family and others who have to go on without her.

We can't answer every "why" question, but I do know that Jesus wants us to contend all the more for the healing anointing. We also need to continue to build and raise the level of faith in the body of Christ and especially focus on raising up the younger generation to do exploits for God. They will usher in the greatest healing and miracle revival. Our older generation needs to bless them with everything we have to give them, especially our love and prophetic encouragement. The days will come soon when cancer will not win the battle


We don't have a lot of street addresses to send invitations to and the time is so short that we decided just to invite anyone on our e-mail mailing list that wants to come and help us celebrate Nathan's High School graduation. The party will run from 2 pm to 7 pm this Sunday afternoon. Our address is 15648 Bombay Blvd., South Beloit, IL 61080.

To save him answering the same question a hundred times, he has no immediate plans, except to keep serving in the Elgin House of Prayer and working at Starbucks. He'll take some time to seek God for wisdom as to what he should prepare for. For now, he is taking voice training and working on keyboard as well. He has a sensitive spirit and has done some prophetic team ministry. He is extremely gifted in computers and also interested in science. We know God will use him in a special way.



First of all, my second and third contacts with Rolland were very encouraging. I believe God has been touching him. He was much more alert and alive when I saw him this past week. He even spoke to the Missions School for the first time this summer. He was almost totally his old self and shared a great message with the school. I had a lunch meeting scheduled with him but he had forgotten that they had scheduled him to speak to another group that lunch.

Heidi is also doing better after a very hard day last Thursday or so. I got to say a few encouraging words to her a couple of times and she was very kind to me in a number of ways. We, as a ministry, want to do so much more for Iris Ministries. They could use more financial support as well as more qualified workers in various places and bases.


Our team was amazing and such a blessing to me. I loved being a papa to them. Most of them were between the ages of 17 and 27 or so. I miss them all already. We all got to prophesy together to the missions staff there. They prophesied every day to each other and had lots of practice by the time we ministered to the staff.

With some amazing leaders taking care of all the planning, etc., I had time to visit with other speakers and leaders. Most of my free time was spent working on my big book project. I might be about one half done at this point on the rough draft. There is still a lot to go and I would appreciate your prayers for the next few weeks.


Many of you prayed for our family while I was gone. A few friends sent a much appreciated blessing as well. We appreciate you all so much. Whenever we do a missions trip, it requires a sacrifice and like everything else we do it by faith. God has been so faithful and we have always been taken care of by His loving hand.

I also had some powerful revelations while in Mozambique. I hope to share some of them later.

That's all for now. Thanks again for your love and support.

Be blessed in the SONSHINE of the FATHER'S LOVE!

Ben, Brenda family and team

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