Saturday, November 07, 2009

Ben Peters
Nov 6, 2009

Greetings Amigos,

We are so enjoying the warm weather and warm hearts here in El Paso, Texas. We are ministering to the youth leaders and the youth of a large hispanic church of about 1500 people. A few, including our hosts, were friends of Andrea at CFNI in Dallas, and were on the drama team with her.

Last night our hosts took us to a high lookout post on the side of the mountain overlooking El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, across the border in Mexico. It was incredible! Juarez is a very dangerous place right now, where mafia drug gangs are killing a lot of people. Some of the pastor's lives are in great danger. Please pray for God to bring courage and revival to the people of Mexico. They are so close to us and I believe we could do a lot more to bless them with the good news of the Kingdom of God. They've had religion - now they need to see the face of God and the hand of God through on-fire and radical, miracle working lovers of Jesus.

Tonight is our final service here, which will be at the church facility. Many young people will be there. Please pray for a real visitation for these hungry youth.

Tomorrow we begin a two day drive to McComb, Mississippi, where Brenda's older sister lives. From there we head north, first to Arkansas to minister to a dear friend and her family, and then, finally, back home to Illinois for one week, before we fly to North Carolina.. It has been over six weeks since we left home and we are looking forward to seeing our home team again.

Speaking of our home team - we want to announce another Freedom - Training For Reigning Seminar. Here's the info:

SOZO 101 - An Introduction to SOZO on November 20-21, 2009 at the Northwest Assembly of God, Mt. Prospect, IL

Please join us Friday, 11/20 (7-10:00pm) for PROPHETIC 101 - Prophetic Teaching & Personal Prophetic Ministry; AND Saturday, 11/21 (9am - 5pm) SOZO 101 - Introduction to SOZO: Accessing Your Freedom in Christ (including a "live" model ministry session). This SOZO 101 training will walk you through an overview of the steps toward freedom in Christ Jesus from the discovery to deliverance process. You will receive the freedom tools you need to get free, stay free, and help others get and stay free!

Here's what folks are saying about the SOZO 101 - An Introduction to SOZO training...

"I appreciate the training & the heart you come with. I have lots to think and pray through and leave very encouraged. Blessings!" - KT from Crystal Lake, IL

"I was stretched and encouraged through this training." - DB from Buffalo Grove, IL

"Very practical & real. I liked that there was testimonies [personal stories] to go with the teaching." BB from Woodridge, IL

"You guys are awesome. Praise God for what He's doing through you." JR from Wauconda, IL

"Excellent sessions. Great atmosphere. Great people. Thanks." BF from Glenview, IL

No registration fee. Love offering will be taken. Registration requested due to limited seating of 75. Please RSVP by email to: For more information on this training, go to: Or call, Ron & Valerie Coltman at 847-428-0623.

Please don't forget to pray for America and get involved in taking a stand for righteousness and truth in these turbulent times. Pray that all corruption would be exposed and that America would turn back to God again. We are in a major time of shaking and America will either turn back to God or turn to other sources of security which will produce disastrous results.

That's all for now,

Blessings on you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

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