Saturday, October 01, 2005

News Letter September 28, 2005 - Arkansas Report

Greetings Saints,

We greet y'all from the wonderful state of Arkansas and its precious people.  We have tried to give them quality spiritual food to match the incredible natural food they have given us.  Pastor Angelo Florenciano has blessed us with every opportunity to minister and to be ministered to.  

We have sensed a very strong anointing on the ministry of the Word and the prophetic ministry.  Many have responded in tears and total affirmation of what Jesus gave us to say to them.

In addition, we have had an even stronger than usual anointing for healing in the house.  The last two nights have seen several people declare that their pain or other symptoms had left during or after prayer.  It was totally a team effort and body ministry, so Jesus gets all the glory.

Tonight (Wednesday), we have our last service and tomorrow morning we head home.  On Sunday we will be in Morris, IL, in the morning and another town (sorry, I don't have the info with me) in the evening.

Tuesday, Oct. 4, we will do a home meeting in Lake in the Hills, IL, and next Friday night and Saturday (Oct. 7, 8) we will be speaking at a conference for Tree of Life Ministries, held at the Crystal Lake Salvation Army.  For more information for this open event write Dale and Lois Koss at

On Monday, Oct. 10 we do another home group, this time in Huntley, IL.

Our Missions Prep 101 begins Friday, October 14, at 7 pm and continues Saturday morning at 9:30, Saturday afternoon at 1:30 and Saturday evening at 6:30.  Our only problem is that we don't have the location nailed down yet.  We may be renting space at Wheaton College.  Please pray that God would give us a quick answer on this.  Everyone is free to come.  No registration is required.

Remember that Felito, our 22 year old Mozambiquen friend, will be with us the whole weekend and then in New Glarus, Wisconsin on the next Monday and Tuesday at Grace Church.  We still have an opening for him on Sunday if any pastor wants to use him.  Felito is an awesome young man of God who sees countless miracles as outreach director of Iris Ministries in Mozambique.  He speaks great English and you will love his heart.

We are privileged to share a couple of special events that friends of ours are hosting in Crystal Lake.  Please note them below:

Reaching for Heaven - An evening of Praise & Worship Join with worship leader Gary Sullivan and a band of musicians from area churches as they come together before the Lord of Lords in worship and adoration. It is a time to unite the body of Christ, from all different churches, to stand together and worship the Lord!
Friday night, September 30th at 7:30 p.m. - Christian Fellowship Church , 3419 Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake, Illinois. Exactly 2 miles north of Route 176 on the west side of the road. Childcare available up to 5 yrs. old. For additional information  -

Christian Fellowship of Crystal Lake is also hosting a "Hearing the Voice of God 101" course on Oct. 27-29.  We received the following important update from them yesterday.

I wanted to let you know that Streams has offered to us an extension on selling vouchers for the Streams Ministry  - ”Hearing the Voice of God 101”. We have until Oct 2nd  that we can sell the voucher for $100.  Currently on their web site which is where everyone would register, it is $125 and on the 28th of Sept, 30 days prior to the conference it goes to $145, and at the door is $175.  This is their policy, and we have the opportunity to sell these vouchers for just this week.  Please have them call me at 847-639-5133 or email to get this.  It includes 21 hours of teaching and a manual and the staff from Streams from New Hampshire will come and teach it.  The date for the seminar is Oct 27th 7 pm to 9 pm the 28th and 29th Friday and Saturday is 9 am until 9 pm  having 1 ½ hours off for lunch and then dinner.  I hope that people will take advantage of this opportunity.

That's all from us for now.  Please know that we love you all.  And please pray for us and the direction that God has for us all in the days ahead.

Be blessed in Jesus' love,

Ben and Brenda and family

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