Sunday, July 29, 2007

Home again and back to work!
Ben Peters
Jul 29, 2007

Greetings Saints,

My vacation in Africa is over. Actually, it was a very blessed time, but definitely not a vacation. Brenda had no scheduled meetings for three weeks, but she had many stresses with me being gone and she was very glad to see me return. It has been a good time of readjusting to being home and being in my own time zone for the last two days. Brenda and the boys actually did an amazing job with me being gone and our ministry team were also wonderful in handling whatever was happening.


Our last five days in Mozambique were in Pemba, where Rolland and Heidi now have their home and a fast-expanding ministry center. They now have about 150 children in residence at this center, with dozens of village kids that hang around and try to make friends with all the visitors. They also have about 200 pastors in training and almost as many Missions School students taking the Holy Given Missions training.

Since my last letter, our team returned from a second overnight outreach. On the first outreach, we had been blessed to lead a young couple to the Lord. The husband was touched physically as well as spiritually. Then we had several young men and children receive the Lord as well. We also had the privilege of being used to break down walls with the Muslims by attending a funeral wake and helping them with expenses for the food they needed to serve their company. After our visit they came to the pastor's yard for the first time. They don't understand Christian love and we pray that the whole village will come to Jesus. Heidi told me before we left the Iris Ministry center to pray for a breakthrough for this tough village. They had a church there but the village was still very hostile overall.

The second outreach was much farther into the bush and several hundred people came out to see the Jesus Film. Many were saved and at least one deaf child was healed. It was a great experience for our team. Meanwhile, I stayed behind to teach the pastors' school with interpreters. On this trip, God gave me fresh revelation as He always does in such situations. I shared a strong word with the native pastors regarding the power of the Word that God had put in their mouths and the need to guard the fire that God had entrusted them with. I have a message that I am writing out called, "How Do You Measure Fire?" I shared that with many pastors and missionaries on this trip. I'll send it out in a future newsletter.

While the team was returning from a three hour plus trip from the bush village, I was blessed to hear Heidi speak for about 90 minutes. She was broken and sad that she had to leave Africa to go to a conference in the USA that afternoon. She shared an impacting word about "Blessed are the Meek". The trip was worth it just hearing her speak in that environment again.

Another highlight for me was the two opportunities I had to share briefly with the Holy Given Missions School. God blessed me with a strong passion and anointing to challenge them to believe that God was putting an amazing anointing on their generation to bring in the harvest from the nations. They are called like Isaiah and Jeremiah to speak God's words to tear down strongholds over nations and to build and plant the Kingdom of God in their place. It was a wonderful privilege and the response was very rewarding. It was another thing that made the whole trip worth while for me.


In the next few days, we will be ministering in various meetings in homes and a Wisconsin camp meeting. Next Weekend we will minister at Grace Church in New Glarus on Saturday at 6 pm, Sunday at 10 am and 6 pm. The following weekend is our 40th wedding anniversary and then we head for Florida via Atlanta where we will do a meeting or two. We will attend a convention and a conference where we will speak along with some pretty awesome guys like Bobby Conner, Mark Cherona, Vance Murphy and others.


We invite you from everywhere to spend Labor Day Weekend with us if you have no other plans. It will be one of the most spiritually enriching times we've ever had. Most of our speakers have a high impact on youth and we encourage the youth to come and be filled with passion for Jesus. Worship will be led mostly by youth worship teams and God is doing great things through them in various ministry opportunities. The brochure is on our website: Be patient and it will download.


This will be another classic and awesome conference with some of the best prophetic people we know. Put it on your calendar for October 24-27.

That's all for now. Thanks for your support. I went to Africa by faith that God would provide while I was gone. Many people helped us out with their prayers and gifts. God always knows our needs and uses His saints to help us, even though we don't tell them our needs.

God be with you all and bless you richly,

Ben, Brenda, boys and team

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mozambique Report
Ben Peters
Jul 21, 2007

Dear Friends of OHM,

What a time we’re having here in Mozambique! Our coalition of eight is proving to be a powerful ministry team. We have ministered in many places to many people. We haven’t done the thousands at once, but we’ve seen souls saved and at least one healing in personal ministry.

We have preached, prayed and prophesied to pastors, students and base directors. And when I say, “we”, I mean that the whole team has participated in these activities. And of course our guys and gals have loved on scores of kids and given out goodies to many in the village we ministered to just last night.

We began in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. There some visited the garbage dump and others visited the hospital. Both places impacted our team. We also worked with kids and other visitors and ministered personally to many.

After three days we went to the base in Dondo, in central Mozambique. There we had the privilege of speaking twice in the pastor’s school and prophesying to the third year students. Before we were done, we also prophesied to the whole staff and leadership of the base. It was a powerful experience and the leaders expressed great appreciation that we had come to Dondo.

We arrived in Pemba yesterday around noon and almost immediately I encountered Heidi Baker, who had just returned from an outreach. She quickly arranged an outreach for us and let us use her tents, etc. It turned out to be a village very close to home base, but we spent the night and ministered to people in the village. That is where we prayed for a man with internal pain, probably parasites or worms. Through our interpreter we asked him if he understood salvation. She then gave him her testimony and we led him and his wife to the Lord. Today, he was up and feeling much better and ready to visit the church in the village.

We also had a meeting at the church with scores of kids and youth. They were totally wild and we had a hard time calming them down. Finally, they joined in a couple of local songs in their language and then with still lots of talking and noise, Jonathan Seaver shared a simple but powerful gospel message. After the message several young men prayed sincere prayers to received Jesus. They had great joy in their hearts and smiles on their faces.

This morning we cancelled the meeting because of a death and funeral of a Muslim neighbor. Everyone would be going to that. We decided to go also. It wasn’t a ceremony, just people coming to visit the family members in the village. We gave them money for food for their guests and afterwards some of the Muslims came to the pastor’s house for the first time as we were giving gifts to the kids which attracted a great crowd.

Everywhere around here there are kids of all ages. If we had a hundred thousand missionaries to just come and love children, there wouldn’t be enough to go around. The needs are so great and the harvest is so ripe. The days are coming that will see many hundreds of thousands of western Christians find the time and finances to go into all the world and make the difference that they can make.

I have had almost no time on the internet since I came to Mozambique so many letters have not been answered. I’m just starting to catch up now and we have just over three days left here.

Thank you everyone who has prayed for us. Please keep praying and seeking God’s face on our behalf. Our team is great and God has blessed, but there have also been tests and trials both here and at home for various team members. Thanks to God’s intervention, pretty much all is well at this point.

That’s all for now. Tomorrow we here Heidi speak under the big tent. We don’t know what Monday and Tuesday hold, but we expect a few more adventures.

My new book on writing books is almost ready for printing. I’m just waiting for a couple of endorsements. I believe this book will be a blessing to many and give them the inspiration to write that first book.

God bless you all,

Ben in Africa, Brenda, Tim and Nathan in South Beloit and our team in Illinois, etc.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Help Lord!
Ben Peters
Jul 10, 2007

Greetings Saints,


Africa is calling again. This trip will be different. For the first time since 2004, Brenda won't be going with me. I do have a team of eight people, but none of my family or local ministry team. I will really miss everyone for those 17 days. Brenda is feeling called to a quiet time with God and I trust that she will have the freedom to spend much of her time alone with Jesus, praying for me and our team and having visitations from Heaven. Tim and Nathan will be home to help around the house, etc.

We will be ministering in three main bases in Mozambique. We will be teaching on unity and spiritual gifts, etc. Pray for the fire of God to fall. Pray that God helps Heidi and Rolland to steward this amazing revival. Also pray for all our team to see more miracles than they have ever seen in their lives.


It truly was an amazing day with so many highlights, including a lot of repentance and forgiveness. Senator Sam Brownback (in a non-presidential election appearance) repented on behalf of the federal government to the native Americans, the African Americans, the unborn, etc. It was a moving experience for the 100,000 in attendance and many more people watching on God TV.7

A great highlight for all was the blowing of 300 shofars, calling for a new sound to be heard in America. We prayed for a shift in the atmosphere over our nation and for righteousness to spring forth in places which are mostly controlled by the ungodly. Shawn Bolz was one of the last speakers, proclaiming a new Renaissance for Christians in the arts. It was a long hot day, but we carry something that we didn't have when we came.


We were privileged to speak twice at the Father's House in Henderson, KY, on Sunday. The crowd was filled with youth spending part of the summer there in training. Many of them have spent time in Bethlehem. Jihad Ramadan is still on his way to becoming a Christian. He is still holding back, but loves our people and will defend them with his life. Amazing things are happening in our world.

The other side of the coin is that there is also powerful warfare going on and coming against those on the front lines. God gave me a word for the team to stir up the gift of Discerning of Spirits like never before. It's a gift that's been in the shadows for some time, unlike healing and prophecy, etc., but it's time to active this gift for the safety of the whole team. Our Bethlehem missionaries are putting their lives on the line every day. They are not in a safe place. They need our prayers.


The brochure is ready to download from our website, Please be patient - it takes a little time, depending on your computer. But it is beautiful and full of information. Feel free to make extra copies and pass them out. In addition to the speakers listed, our son, Ken, will be coming from Spokane to teach a marriage workshop. His new book The Skin and The Skeleton was just released. Those who want to order from us should be able to after I get back from Africa.


We don't know what's happening, but the last order we made from Scott was supposed to have been sent, but we cannot reach them or find out what happened. We are all sold out at the moment until further notice.


My book to encourage potential authors should be available in about four weeks if all goes well. You can pray for that too. We want it to be a great blessing. Pray also for our youth worship team. They plan on cutting a demo CD this summer. Pray that they learn what they need to learn and release a very anointed CD.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, boys and team

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Open Heart Ministries

Buy Postage Going to Nashville
Ben Peters
Jul 5 2007 03:17PM

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow we head for Nashville, via Henderson, Kentucky. I'm going to try to make it big as a country singer. Just kidding, of course.

We will attend a Shabbat service on Friday night and then minister two services on Sunday in Henderson. All day Saturday we will be taking in the event at Titan Stadium with TheCall Nashville. It looks like they are going to have somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 people, instead of 100,000. There will be no place for many people to sit or stand except the parking lots.

For those who get GOD TV on Directv or any other network, you can watch the whole event on TV. This is a HUGE event in the history of this nation. We must realize how important it is that God's church unites to repent of our pride and luke-warmness and cry out for God's intervention before we self-destruct like other great societies in history. Pray for Lou Engle and the other speakers, including political leaders. We hope to meet with Senator Sam Brownback, my favorite for president in 2008. I encourage everyone to go to his website and learn about him to see if you should support him as well. It's


What a special time we had with many of our friends. We learned so much about our hearts and how God wants to heal them after they have been wounded, broken or crushed. We learned how they can feel emotional hurt and pain, even before birth. Tommy and Mari Ann Anderson are so real and blessed us greatly. If you need any kind of counseling, including marriage and self-image, etc., you should check out


With just one day home to get ready, after TheCall Nashville, I will be heading for Mozambique with a team of eight. We will be speaking to the pastors on three Iris bases and wherever else we get to go with our team. We all need to be covered and we truly desire to make a big difference and leave a great blessing behind. Pray for my family and their needs while I am gone. Brenda is looking forward to a little time off from meetings and really wants time to be alone with God as much as possible.

We just finished three days with a visit from a chosen man of God, who shared many incredible things with us. We are tremendously excited about the future. We believe America will be saved and turned around again. God is preparing to pour out His Spirit and His provision for the great world-wide harvest. America will prosper as the "soul" of America prospers. II John 2.

That's all for now. Please pray for us!!! I deeply feel the need like never before. I feel God's presence on me as I write and I feel so dependent on His mercy, knowing I have earned nothing. His grace is so amazing and it's so freely given to us all.

Be full of HIM and His great love,

Ben, Brenda, boys and team