Open Heart Ministries
Ben Peters
Jul 5 2007 03:17PM
Hi Everyone,
Tomorrow we head for Nashville, via Henderson, Kentucky. I'm going to try to make it big as a country singer. Just kidding, of course.
We will attend a Shabbat service on Friday night and then minister two services on Sunday in Henderson. All day Saturday we will be taking in the event at Titan Stadium with TheCall Nashville. It looks like they are going to have somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 people, instead of 100,000. There will be no place for many people to sit or stand except the parking lots.
For those who get GOD TV on Directv or any other network, you can watch the whole event on TV. This is a HUGE event in the history of this nation. We must realize how important it is that God's church unites to repent of our pride and luke-warmness and cry out for God's intervention before we self-destruct like other great societies in history. Pray for Lou Engle and the other speakers, including political leaders. We hope to meet with Senator Sam Brownback, my favorite for president in 2008. I encourage everyone to go to his website and learn about him to see if you should support him as well. It's
What a special time we had with many of our friends. We learned so much about our hearts and how God wants to heal them after they have been wounded, broken or crushed. We learned how they can feel emotional hurt and pain, even before birth. Tommy and Mari Ann Anderson are so real and blessed us greatly. If you need any kind of counseling, including marriage and self-image, etc., you should check out
With just one day home to get ready, after TheCall Nashville, I will be heading for Mozambique with a team of eight. We will be speaking to the pastors on three Iris bases and wherever else we get to go with our team. We all need to be covered and we truly desire to make a big difference and leave a great blessing behind. Pray for my family and their needs while I am gone. Brenda is looking forward to a little time off from meetings and really wants time to be alone with God as much as possible.
We just finished three days with a visit from a chosen man of God, who shared many incredible things with us. We are tremendously excited about the future. We believe America will be saved and turned around again. God is preparing to pour out His Spirit and His provision for the great world-wide harvest. America will prosper as the "soul" of America prospers. II John 2.
That's all for now. Please pray for us!!! I deeply feel the need like never before. I feel God's presence on me as I write and I feel so dependent on His mercy, knowing I have earned nothing. His grace is so amazing and it's so freely given to us all.
Be full of HIM and His great love,
Ben, Brenda, boys and team
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