Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mozambique Report
Ben Peters
Jul 21, 2007

Dear Friends of OHM,

What a time we’re having here in Mozambique! Our coalition of eight is proving to be a powerful ministry team. We have ministered in many places to many people. We haven’t done the thousands at once, but we’ve seen souls saved and at least one healing in personal ministry.

We have preached, prayed and prophesied to pastors, students and base directors. And when I say, “we”, I mean that the whole team has participated in these activities. And of course our guys and gals have loved on scores of kids and given out goodies to many in the village we ministered to just last night.

We began in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. There some visited the garbage dump and others visited the hospital. Both places impacted our team. We also worked with kids and other visitors and ministered personally to many.

After three days we went to the base in Dondo, in central Mozambique. There we had the privilege of speaking twice in the pastor’s school and prophesying to the third year students. Before we were done, we also prophesied to the whole staff and leadership of the base. It was a powerful experience and the leaders expressed great appreciation that we had come to Dondo.

We arrived in Pemba yesterday around noon and almost immediately I encountered Heidi Baker, who had just returned from an outreach. She quickly arranged an outreach for us and let us use her tents, etc. It turned out to be a village very close to home base, but we spent the night and ministered to people in the village. That is where we prayed for a man with internal pain, probably parasites or worms. Through our interpreter we asked him if he understood salvation. She then gave him her testimony and we led him and his wife to the Lord. Today, he was up and feeling much better and ready to visit the church in the village.

We also had a meeting at the church with scores of kids and youth. They were totally wild and we had a hard time calming them down. Finally, they joined in a couple of local songs in their language and then with still lots of talking and noise, Jonathan Seaver shared a simple but powerful gospel message. After the message several young men prayed sincere prayers to received Jesus. They had great joy in their hearts and smiles on their faces.

This morning we cancelled the meeting because of a death and funeral of a Muslim neighbor. Everyone would be going to that. We decided to go also. It wasn’t a ceremony, just people coming to visit the family members in the village. We gave them money for food for their guests and afterwards some of the Muslims came to the pastor’s house for the first time as we were giving gifts to the kids which attracted a great crowd.

Everywhere around here there are kids of all ages. If we had a hundred thousand missionaries to just come and love children, there wouldn’t be enough to go around. The needs are so great and the harvest is so ripe. The days are coming that will see many hundreds of thousands of western Christians find the time and finances to go into all the world and make the difference that they can make.

I have had almost no time on the internet since I came to Mozambique so many letters have not been answered. I’m just starting to catch up now and we have just over three days left here.

Thank you everyone who has prayed for us. Please keep praying and seeking God’s face on our behalf. Our team is great and God has blessed, but there have also been tests and trials both here and at home for various team members. Thanks to God’s intervention, pretty much all is well at this point.

That’s all for now. Tomorrow we here Heidi speak under the big tent. We don’t know what Monday and Tuesday hold, but we expect a few more adventures.

My new book on writing books is almost ready for printing. I’m just waiting for a couple of endorsements. I believe this book will be a blessing to many and give them the inspiration to write that first book.

God bless you all,

Ben in Africa, Brenda, Tim and Nathan in South Beloit and our team in Illinois, etc.

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