Monday, July 11, 2005

New Books this Month

Hi Friends,

I know I've already sent out a long newsletter today, but this is a special bonus for those who like to read and grow in wisdom and knowledge, etc.

As most of you know, I found a much better deal to get my books published, through the help of my Florida friend, Jeff Dole. Not only did he help me with the two newest books, but he is also helping me redo the older books, so I can get a better deal on them too. I just received a box full of the new version of "Folding Five Ministries Into One Powerful Team". Soon I'll have the new version of Brenda's book, "God is So God", and then we'll redo "Go Ahead, Be So Emotional" and "Signs and Wonders - To Seek or Not to Seek". By then I should also have our ninth book done, which will be about Psalm 23 from a whole new perspective.

I really want to see these books get into the hands and hearts of God's people, especially leaders. So I want to make you a deal on the books that I get the better price on. For those who get our newsletters, I want to offer the three books at half price. Instead of $12.00 each, including shipping, we will ship them for just $6 dollars each, if you buy at least two books. If you just want one book, make it $8,00, If you want ten or more total, we can knock that down to $5.00 each. All of these three books are cutting edge concepts that can revolutionize the church. I'll briefly describe them below.

You can pay through our web site, but not through the book store. Just email me your address and your order and use the financial support tab on the website:
to make the payment. Of course, you can order and pay by mail as well. The three books are:

"God's Favorite Number" This book on unity has many insights and teachings, including "Accessing the Glory", one of our best loved teachings ever. It also includes a new dimension of communion and the "harvest". Several of our prophetic visions are included. Numerous leaders have endorsed this book, including Joanne McFatter, who was given a song containing the main thesis of the book before she read the manuscript.

"Catching Up to the Third World" is a book on revival in the Western Church. It contains critical keys to use to bring us closer to the revival that we desire, as modelled in many "Third World" nations. Che Ahn calls it a great book on revival and highly recommends it. This book should become a very popular book in the western church.

"Folding Five Ministries into One Powerful Team" is also a must read for leaders who want to help the church move into its destiny. Knowing how the different gifts can work together is critical if we want to see the results we want to see. That was profound! This book also tackles the sensitive issue of how the five ministries should be financed. Have an open mind, or don't bother reading this one.

There was such an interest in these books in Mozambique and I didn't have them available there except a few I was able to bring and give away. I feel that these messages are from God and that they will change the way the west does "church".

So if you like a sale, just give me an email and I'll get them sent out to you asap.

Blessings to you all,

Ben and Brenda

P. S. It looks like Brenda is starting to feel a bit better but is still in need of prayer.


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