Friday, August 25, 2006

Answered Prayer and More Info
Aug 24, 2006

Greetings Saints,

This is especially for those who have been praying for Brenda's dad and our niece's baby. We have seen prayer answered on both fronts.

Brenda's Dad

After Brenda's prayer with her dad on the phone and all of your prayers the last few days, her dad is eating some again and is making another little comeback. It was like his organs were shutting down and his will to live was gone. Brenda has more peace now about his situation, but still plan s a short visit to Washington State next week and weekend, getting back to Illinois on Labor Day.

Baby Samantha

Niece Jessie's baby had successful surgery a couple of days ago and the doctors were again pleasantly surprised by the fact that they could get out the cyst without hurting anything it was attached to in her body. They expect the rest of the cyst, which was as big as her face to dissolve and they will have to do only minor surgery to tighten up the skin which was stretched by the cyst. This is about the fifth time that they have been amazed by Samantha's response. It seems like more than cooincidence, don't you think. We rejoice in the miracle power of God. This baby is beautiful and totally healthy except for the cyst. The doctors wanted to kill this baby and throw it away before it could fully develop in the womb. What a tragedy that would have been.

Conf erence Info

I was just made aware that we have a conference web link that has not been updated. People are looking for our new conferences on the site and finding only the April conference. We will change this asap, but until that is accomplished, please go to Click itinerary, click on next month and then click on the Show Me Your Glory conference on Sept. 21-24. Then click on next month again for October and click on The Throne Room Company on Oct 25-28. That will give you the details we have ready. We should have brochures in the next two weeks for those who want them. If you want brochures, you might want to let us know how many you can use asap, so we can order wisely. That would be much appreciated.

We are planning special meetings for Felito, Heidi's director of outreaches, who comes in three weeks from Moxambique. We'll try to keep you updated as to his schedule.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda, family and team
Home again!
Ben Peters
Aug 24, 2006


Dear Friends,
Our southland trip is over and we rejoice in all the goodness of God. We are all pretty tired, but are enjoying a couple of days of unwinding and catching up on things at home.

Our last meeting was Monday night in a skating rink in Owensboro, Kentucky. Our kids p oured out their hearts in worship again and God's presence was very strong. God gave me a little vision and teaching while they worshipped and I shared it with the group.

I saw my head breaking through a hole in something and I was looking at a beautiful sky with glory clouds above me. I realized I had been in a cacoon and was breaking out. A little worm, like the silk worm, can pull a covering over him and just wait until he is transformed. I talked about worms and caterpillars becoming changed by that quiet time, where they don't do anything but wait. I talked about taking cacoon time to be alone with God. It's like the Jewish prayer shawl, pulled over the head like a cacoon. After cacoon time, we can see the world from a different perspective. We are no longer earth-bound, but we can fly and be carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit.

I believe God is calling me to more quiet cacoon time while He transforms me into Hi s image. I used the cover of my beautiful Resurrection book to illustrate the glory of God that He puts on us and that the butterfly has antenae, which help him sense things in the air. Our cacoon time puts God's glory on us and gives us greater sensitivity to the spirit realm.

Upcoming Ministry
This Saturday at 10 AM and Sunday at 9 AM, we will be at the Bensenville Lutheran Church. It will be an introduction for many of their people into the prophetic realm. God has been moving there and bringing a lot of change there.
On Tuesday night we will be in a private home meeting in Chicago. Then Brenda leaves on Wednesday to visit her dad and neice and other family members in Washington State. She will be gone for five days. During that time I plan on finishing my book on Passion if it's not done by then.

The itinerary was updated today on our website, but there will be more addition s coming soon. Felito from Mozambique will be with us again. There will be some extra meetings between September 13 and 18. We'll let you know asap.

Please keep praying for us and know that we would be nothing without God sustaining us with His miracle power. We need your faith joining with ours to keep going. We want to do more with these precious teens, but we need God's strength and wisdom to take it to the next level.

Don't forget the awesome coming conferences in September and October. They will both be unforgetable.

We love you,
Ben and Brenda Peters and team

Monday, August 21, 2006

Southland Journey - August 19th, 2006

Southland JourneyBen PetersAug 19, 2006
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the new folks on the mailing list.  We are having a great time in Orlando.  We are enjoying the House of Hope National Conference and have had many opportunities to touch God and others.  The speakers, from Mark Chirrona to Chonda Pierce to Vance Murphy have been outstanding.  We may bring some of them back to Chicago in the next year or so.  Sara Trollinger, the founer of House of Hope is an amazing and courageous lady and hosting an awesome conference.
Many folk have been touched by God.  Physical healings have occured by the power of God.  The head of ACE schools in Florida, independent Baptist,  had a hip healed, which had been so painful he could hardly walk, and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit all at once.  A teen was healed of scoliosis as well.  We have had some awesome fellowship and made many divine connections for future relationships.
Our teens have had four opportunities to do harp and bowl worship.  Three of those have been with the House of Hope teens.  These are teens that have been rescued from the worst conditions teens can be in.  Many of them are hungry for God, but many of them are newer and have a lot of healing still to go.  But almost all of them respond to supernatural love and prophetic ministry.  Some have been hit by the power of God and been radically changed.  Pray that God's Word in their hearts would bring great healing to them, as well as a sense of value and destiny.
Our journey here had us minister in Henderson, Kentucky and Atlanta, Georgia.  Both meetings were awesome!  We continue to be amazed at the anointing that falls on us when we speak and pray for people and on the kids when they worship and prophecy with us.  God did such awesome things in so many hearts and we heard many testimonies of how words had come to pass that we had given a year ago or so.
Prayer Request
We want to ask you again to pray for Brenda's father and our neice's baby.  Brenda's dad appears to be getting close to passing on and she wants to be with him at least one more time.  She prayed with him over the phone yesterday.  He responded with his head nodding, according to her mom, as she prayed a prayer of forgiveness with him.  He was forgiving others that had hurt him, including parents that abandoned him as a child, and another man that had tried to kill him while in the Navy during the Second World War.  Brenda had prayed with him before and he has had encounters with God before, but his baggage and pride kept him from really living for God.  Brenda has always wanted more confirmation that he was ready to meet God and it was good to pray with him again. 
Our niece Jessica's baby, Samantha was born with a large cyst on her face, neck and shoulder.  The doctors had wanted to abort it, as most parents do when they see this birth defect.  They insisted on allowing the baby to live, not knowing what would happen.  The baby turned out to be very healthy and beautiful, except for the cyst.  The doctors were surprised, but hoped they could put off surgery for some time.  However, the baby stopped breathing briefly yesterday from the pressure of the cyst of the air passages and they may decide to do surgery soon.
Because of these two situations, I just booked a ticket for Bre nda to fly to Washington in about 10 days, coming home on Labor Day.  Please pray that God keeps both her dad and Samantha safe and that He shows up in power to touch them both in a special way.  Nothing is impossible with God and we want to see people touched by God's miracle power.
Tomorrow morning we head home.  We will have a Monday night meeting in Owensburo, Kentucky, at a skating rink there.  Pray that we have one more special encounter with the Lord there.
God bless you all and thanks for your prayers.  We appreciate every one.  God has protected us from great harm many times and has shown up in power that has amazed us.  We love His anointing and know that it has a lot to do with our prayer warriors doing what they do so well.  Pray also for us as we prepare for some reorganization of our ministry in the days ahead for more efficiency and capacity to enlarge our "tents" to touch and train more people for the harvest.  If you want to be connected with our intercessory team, please email Jill Ruh at:
You are loved and appreciated!  May Jesus visit and touch you all!
Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan and our awesome team:  Val Coltman, Gene and Mary Ferguson, Anthony Coltman, Robby Coltman, Loren Ferguson, Kenny Ferguson, Cody Ferguson, Gabby Ferguson, Mellisa Bond, Missy Muench, Alysse Flores, James Falero, John Falero

Friday, August 18, 2006

Here we go againBen

Here we go again!Ben PetersAug 12, 2006
OPEN HEART MINISTRIESBen and Brenda Peters15648 Bombay BlvdSouth Beloit, IL 61080Greetings Saints,We are appealing for  your prayers again.  We're ready to embark on our third missionary journey this summer.  The first was Mozambique with a team of 16 people.  We just got back from the ghettos of Albany New York with a different team of 16 people.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Kentucky, Georgia and Florida with a team of 19 people.  We will minister in Henderson, Kentucky, Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida.  On the way home we will minister in Owensboro, Kentucky.In Florida we will minister at a House of Hope Conference.  The House of Hope is a ministry to troubled teens who have no where else to go.  Sara Trulinger is a very strong and patient woman of God who has not only taken in these kids herself, but she has started many others across the country.  Dr. Mark Cherona will be one of the speakers there.  Supresa was supposed to be there but couldn't make it.  Vance Murphy, Lisa Bourland and Brenda and I will be ministering along with our kids.  They will probably do quite a bit of worship as well as prophetic minist ry.In case some of you wonder why we are doing this kind of ministry, I'll explain very quickly.  Our ministry will fade away and be gone in not too many years.  We want to do everything we can to activate and equip the next generation of passionate lovers and harvesters to bring in the bride of Christ.and prepare for His return.  It is a lot more work and expense to take these young people with us.  Our adult team which includes the Coltmans and Fergusons all make great sacrifices of  energy and personal finances to go with us.  But we are seeing our kids mature in character and in their spiritual gifts.  And that makes it worth it all.  But please pray for us and ask God for His hand of blessing and protection on all of us.We had a precious time in Zion, Illinois on Thursday night.  It was a nice small group, but God moved upon them and there was some strong weeping before the Lord as God did a major healing work in more than one person.Don't forget to keep our conference dates open.  It will be well worth coming from a distance.  I am more than a little excited.  It's much more than excitement.  It's a knowledge that God is about to do some major things in this region and these prophetic people that are coming know something about it and are going to impart something very precious to us.  The conferences will be in DeKalb, IL Sept 21-23 and in Crystal Lake, IL Oct. 25-28.We love you all and thank you for your faithful support.  In God's Amazing Grace,Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan
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