Thursday, September 14, 2006

Special Announcement - Felito speaks tonight in Lake Bluff, IllinoisBen PetersSep 13, 2006
Greetings Friends, including new subscribers,

We just picked up Felito at O'Hare. He came directly from Africa where he has been Heidi Baker's Director of Outreaches and led hundreds of westerners including us into the bush to do outreaches, healing the sick and winning Muslims by the hundreds and thousands.

Felito will speak tonight at Grace Covenant Worship Center, located at 906 Muir in Lake Bluff, IL. which is located north of Chicago, close to Lake Michi gan, east of Mundelein and Vernon Hills.

Last night Brenda and I ministered to about 35 folk in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It was wonderful to see so many young people among them and watch God touch them, leaving many of them weeping. Many were from Pentecostal churches, but had not experienced personal prophetic ministry before.

Please pray for us as we will be extremely busy doing our own meetings and taking Felito to his. Right after that we have our big conference in DeKalb. Be sure to check the itinerary.

Also, please pray that miracles will happen that will confirm God's plan for us regarding going to Israel next month. God is so GOD and He is full of surprises and miracles!

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements, and support of all kinds.
Much love from the Peters and team,

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fresh Anointing in Woodstock, IL

Fresh Anointing in Woodstock, Illinois
Ben Peters
Sept 10, 2006


Greetings Saints,
We just completed a prophetic and healing conference at New Life Christian Center in Woodstock, Illinois. What an anointing on the meetings! Team members, including many youth, joined us for each of the four services and helped us minister to the many people who attended. We saw several people activated for the first time in prophetic ministry and many took it to a new level. Everyone, including Brenda an d I, learned something new and we were all greatly blessed. Physical healings were also reported.

This morning was a powerful service! The anointing fell during the worship, and the youth were brought to the front for prayer and impartation. God blessed the messages that Brenda and I shared and there was a lot of ministry going on among the people. It was really an awesome time in the presence of the Lord.

On Saturday, during worship, I saw this vision: I saw the building representing the church we were in joined in a circle with 12 - 14 other churches or ministries. It was like they were holding hands and facing together the presence of God in the middle of the circle. It was like other visions where God was at the top of the mountain and people gathering in a circle around Him. I didn't see any mountain this time. It was like the churches or ministries were already up there in the presence of God

All of the churches and ministries were bowing down and worshipping God together. Then I saw a group of people coming towards the back door of the church and they were coming fast. They were running with passion and determination towards the entrance to the church. They didn't wait for one another to go through the narrow door. Instead they just bombarded the entrance kind of side by side and their bodies tore open the entrance and widened it considerably.

They did not come and sit down in the church, but they kept running through the church and tore open the front of the church which was bowing towards God, so they themselves could get to God. As they passed through to get to God, I saw the shape of the buildings had changed. They now were in the shape of covered bridges. These ministries had all become bridges to God. They provided a covering for people to pass under, but they did not try to hold them - they encouraged them to keep going towards Jesus and their destiny in Him.

These people coming into and through the churches were mostly young people and they all had passion. They knew they had a destiny if they could just get to Jesus and get their marching orders. The churches and ministries helped them and covered them with prayer and encouragement.

I believe the vision was not only for the New Life Christian Center of Woodstock, Illinois, but it is for all those who are crying out for unity in the body of Christ and the power and revival which that unity will release. May God create a deeper hunger for the presence of God that will cause people to run towards Him. And may we as Christian churches and ministries be willing to be covered bridges for them.

We have many great meetings and conferences coming up. Please check our website: and clic k itinerary. For details, click on the event.

God bless you all!
Ben and Brenda Peters and team

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Reminder and Prayer Request

Reminder and Prayer Request
Ben PetersSep 08, 2006

Greetings everyone,
We want to remind those in the Chicago area that we are starting a four-session series at New Life Christian Center in Woodstock tonight at 7 PM. The location is the corner of Hwy 176 and Dean St., just west of Hwy 47. The meetings are open to all and continue tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM, concluding on Sunday morning at 10 AM. If you can't make it please pray. You can see our schedule on our website:

Also please pray for us as we seek God's perfect will regarding our immediate schedule. Pray for obstacles to be removed. Brenda's dad is stable again and eating better. Thanks for your prayers for him and baby Samantha, who is doing fine, last I heard.

We have one other major prayer request. We ministered to a 20 year-old Italian young man, named John. . They just discovered an inoperable brain tumor and his father just died of a brain tumor about four years ago. The mother is really struggling and John is already losing his balance. We are going to pray for him again early next week if it works out and we would appreciate your prayers. John is standing on the promises of God and has an excellent attitude. He said that God told him, "You don't know how to live until you know how to die."

To avoid overcrowding at Christian Fellowship in Crystal Lake on October 15, when Heidi Baker is with us, we are asking people to email Tracy Dorn regarding their intention to attend that Sunday night service at 7 pm while HUB is finishing their conference with Rolland Baker. Last time the crowd was greater than the fire department would have approved. So please email Tracy at Let her know your names, addresses, phone number and email address please. There will be no charge, but we will limit the number inside the building this time. Remember, you can hear Heidi earlier at the HUB conference which will be at the Chicago O'Hare Crown Plaza this time. You can check for details.

God bless you all!
Ben and Brenda and family and team

Friday, August 25, 2006

Answered Prayer and More Info
Aug 24, 2006

Greetings Saints,

This is especially for those who have been praying for Brenda's dad and our niece's baby. We have seen prayer answered on both fronts.

Brenda's Dad

After Brenda's prayer with her dad on the phone and all of your prayers the last few days, her dad is eating some again and is making another little comeback. It was like his organs were shutting down and his will to live was gone. Brenda has more peace now about his situation, but still plan s a short visit to Washington State next week and weekend, getting back to Illinois on Labor Day.

Baby Samantha

Niece Jessie's baby had successful surgery a couple of days ago and the doctors were again pleasantly surprised by the fact that they could get out the cyst without hurting anything it was attached to in her body. They expect the rest of the cyst, which was as big as her face to dissolve and they will have to do only minor surgery to tighten up the skin which was stretched by the cyst. This is about the fifth time that they have been amazed by Samantha's response. It seems like more than cooincidence, don't you think. We rejoice in the miracle power of God. This baby is beautiful and totally healthy except for the cyst. The doctors wanted to kill this baby and throw it away before it could fully develop in the womb. What a tragedy that would have been.

Conf erence Info

I was just made aware that we have a conference web link that has not been updated. People are looking for our new conferences on the site and finding only the April conference. We will change this asap, but until that is accomplished, please go to Click itinerary, click on next month and then click on the Show Me Your Glory conference on Sept. 21-24. Then click on next month again for October and click on The Throne Room Company on Oct 25-28. That will give you the details we have ready. We should have brochures in the next two weeks for those who want them. If you want brochures, you might want to let us know how many you can use asap, so we can order wisely. That would be much appreciated.

We are planning special meetings for Felito, Heidi's director of outreaches, who comes in three weeks from Moxambique. We'll try to keep you updated as to his schedule.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda, family and team
Home again!
Ben Peters
Aug 24, 2006


Dear Friends,
Our southland trip is over and we rejoice in all the goodness of God. We are all pretty tired, but are enjoying a couple of days of unwinding and catching up on things at home.

Our last meeting was Monday night in a skating rink in Owensboro, Kentucky. Our kids p oured out their hearts in worship again and God's presence was very strong. God gave me a little vision and teaching while they worshipped and I shared it with the group.

I saw my head breaking through a hole in something and I was looking at a beautiful sky with glory clouds above me. I realized I had been in a cacoon and was breaking out. A little worm, like the silk worm, can pull a covering over him and just wait until he is transformed. I talked about worms and caterpillars becoming changed by that quiet time, where they don't do anything but wait. I talked about taking cacoon time to be alone with God. It's like the Jewish prayer shawl, pulled over the head like a cacoon. After cacoon time, we can see the world from a different perspective. We are no longer earth-bound, but we can fly and be carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit.

I believe God is calling me to more quiet cacoon time while He transforms me into Hi s image. I used the cover of my beautiful Resurrection book to illustrate the glory of God that He puts on us and that the butterfly has antenae, which help him sense things in the air. Our cacoon time puts God's glory on us and gives us greater sensitivity to the spirit realm.

Upcoming Ministry
This Saturday at 10 AM and Sunday at 9 AM, we will be at the Bensenville Lutheran Church. It will be an introduction for many of their people into the prophetic realm. God has been moving there and bringing a lot of change there.
On Tuesday night we will be in a private home meeting in Chicago. Then Brenda leaves on Wednesday to visit her dad and neice and other family members in Washington State. She will be gone for five days. During that time I plan on finishing my book on Passion if it's not done by then.

The itinerary was updated today on our website, but there will be more addition s coming soon. Felito from Mozambique will be with us again. There will be some extra meetings between September 13 and 18. We'll let you know asap.

Please keep praying for us and know that we would be nothing without God sustaining us with His miracle power. We need your faith joining with ours to keep going. We want to do more with these precious teens, but we need God's strength and wisdom to take it to the next level.

Don't forget the awesome coming conferences in September and October. They will both be unforgetable.

We love you,
Ben and Brenda Peters and team

Monday, August 21, 2006

Southland Journey - August 19th, 2006

Southland JourneyBen PetersAug 19, 2006
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the new folks on the mailing list.  We are having a great time in Orlando.  We are enjoying the House of Hope National Conference and have had many opportunities to touch God and others.  The speakers, from Mark Chirrona to Chonda Pierce to Vance Murphy have been outstanding.  We may bring some of them back to Chicago in the next year or so.  Sara Trollinger, the founer of House of Hope is an amazing and courageous lady and hosting an awesome conference.
Many folk have been touched by God.  Physical healings have occured by the power of God.  The head of ACE schools in Florida, independent Baptist,  had a hip healed, which had been so painful he could hardly walk, and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit all at once.  A teen was healed of scoliosis as well.  We have had some awesome fellowship and made many divine connections for future relationships.
Our teens have had four opportunities to do harp and bowl worship.  Three of those have been with the House of Hope teens.  These are teens that have been rescued from the worst conditions teens can be in.  Many of them are hungry for God, but many of them are newer and have a lot of healing still to go.  But almost all of them respond to supernatural love and prophetic ministry.  Some have been hit by the power of God and been radically changed.  Pray that God's Word in their hearts would bring great healing to them, as well as a sense of value and destiny.
Our journey here had us minister in Henderson, Kentucky and Atlanta, Georgia.  Both meetings were awesome!  We continue to be amazed at the anointing that falls on us when we speak and pray for people and on the kids when they worship and prophecy with us.  God did such awesome things in so many hearts and we heard many testimonies of how words had come to pass that we had given a year ago or so.
Prayer Request
We want to ask you again to pray for Brenda's father and our neice's baby.  Brenda's dad appears to be getting close to passing on and she wants to be with him at least one more time.  She prayed with him over the phone yesterday.  He responded with his head nodding, according to her mom, as she prayed a prayer of forgiveness with him.  He was forgiving others that had hurt him, including parents that abandoned him as a child, and another man that had tried to kill him while in the Navy during the Second World War.  Brenda had prayed with him before and he has had encounters with God before, but his baggage and pride kept him from really living for God.  Brenda has always wanted more confirmation that he was ready to meet God and it was good to pray with him again. 
Our niece Jessica's baby, Samantha was born with a large cyst on her face, neck and shoulder.  The doctors had wanted to abort it, as most parents do when they see this birth defect.  They insisted on allowing the baby to live, not knowing what would happen.  The baby turned out to be very healthy and beautiful, except for the cyst.  The doctors were surprised, but hoped they could put off surgery for some time.  However, the baby stopped breathing briefly yesterday from the pressure of the cyst of the air passages and they may decide to do surgery soon.
Because of these two situations, I just booked a ticket for Bre nda to fly to Washington in about 10 days, coming home on Labor Day.  Please pray that God keeps both her dad and Samantha safe and that He shows up in power to touch them both in a special way.  Nothing is impossible with God and we want to see people touched by God's miracle power.
Tomorrow morning we head home.  We will have a Monday night meeting in Owensburo, Kentucky, at a skating rink there.  Pray that we have one more special encounter with the Lord there.
God bless you all and thanks for your prayers.  We appreciate every one.  God has protected us from great harm many times and has shown up in power that has amazed us.  We love His anointing and know that it has a lot to do with our prayer warriors doing what they do so well.  Pray also for us as we prepare for some reorganization of our ministry in the days ahead for more efficiency and capacity to enlarge our "tents" to touch and train more people for the harvest.  If you want to be connected with our intercessory team, please email Jill Ruh at:
You are loved and appreciated!  May Jesus visit and touch you all!
Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan and our awesome team:  Val Coltman, Gene and Mary Ferguson, Anthony Coltman, Robby Coltman, Loren Ferguson, Kenny Ferguson, Cody Ferguson, Gabby Ferguson, Mellisa Bond, Missy Muench, Alysse Flores, James Falero, John Falero

Friday, August 18, 2006

Here we go againBen

Here we go again!Ben PetersAug 12, 2006
OPEN HEART MINISTRIESBen and Brenda Peters15648 Bombay BlvdSouth Beloit, IL 61080Greetings Saints,We are appealing for  your prayers again.  We're ready to embark on our third missionary journey this summer.  The first was Mozambique with a team of 16 people.  We just got back from the ghettos of Albany New York with a different team of 16 people.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Kentucky, Georgia and Florida with a team of 19 people.  We will minister in Henderson, Kentucky, Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida.  On the way home we will minister in Owensboro, Kentucky.In Florida we will minister at a House of Hope Conference.  The House of Hope is a ministry to troubled teens who have no where else to go.  Sara Trulinger is a very strong and patient woman of God who has not only taken in these kids herself, but she has started many others across the country.  Dr. Mark Cherona will be one of the speakers there.  Supresa was supposed to be there but couldn't make it.  Vance Murphy, Lisa Bourland and Brenda and I will be ministering along with our kids.  They will probably do quite a bit of worship as well as prophetic minist ry.In case some of you wonder why we are doing this kind of ministry, I'll explain very quickly.  Our ministry will fade away and be gone in not too many years.  We want to do everything we can to activate and equip the next generation of passionate lovers and harvesters to bring in the bride of Christ.and prepare for His return.  It is a lot more work and expense to take these young people with us.  Our adult team which includes the Coltmans and Fergusons all make great sacrifices of  energy and personal finances to go with us.  But we are seeing our kids mature in character and in their spiritual gifts.  And that makes it worth it all.  But please pray for us and ask God for His hand of blessing and protection on all of us.We had a precious time in Zion, Illinois on Thursday night.  It was a nice small group, but God moved upon them and there was some strong weeping before the Lord as God did a major healing work in more than one person.Don't forget to keep our conference dates open.  It will be well worth coming from a distance.  I am more than a little excited.  It's much more than excitement.  It's a knowledge that God is about to do some major things in this region and these prophetic people that are coming know something about it and are going to impart something very precious to us.  The conferences will be in DeKalb, IL Sept 21-23 and in Crystal Lake, IL Oct. 25-28.We love you all and thank you for your faithful support.  In God's Amazing Grace,Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan
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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Newsletter - July 22nd, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080
Dear Saints,
Welcome to all the new folks on the mail ing list.  We are seeing a lot of new addresses being added.  May you all be blessed reading about our adventures.
Yesterday we ministered in Lombard to a group called "The Watering Hole".  What a hungry group they were.  Brenda shared her journey to Africa and the lessons she learned there and I shared a fresh word concerning the way Jesus restored the disciples vision and passion after the resurrection.
Then I felt led to do a prophetic impartation to all 60 - 70 people while Brenda prophesied to individuals she felt led to go to.  All of a sudden she noticed a line forming, which didn't end until a couple of hours after I was finished.  We are working on being efficient with our words, but Brenda is one of those people who will give you everything she has every time you ask.  She really is an amazing woman of God and I feel blessed to be her husband. 
Tomorrow, we begin a mission trip to the ghettos of Albany, New York.  We are taking many teens from the Elgin House of Prayer and two lady adults with us.  We will be ministering in tent meetings and other places they have for us to serve, including their own 24/7 House of Prayer.
We are taking the youth because God has given us a passion to equip them for the harvest.  They take their passion for worship and learn to pray and prophesy at a new and higher level.  We anticipate the privilege of leading many to Jesus and encouraging and equipping the saints of God in that area.
Please pray for the completion of my newest book on Passion.  It's another revelation that needs to get into the body of Christ and I have b een working on it for about one month now.  I want to have it ready for some coming events this fall.
Our September 21-23 conference was advertised today on the Elijah List.  We expect an awesome time as we cry out to God to show us His glory.  Please try to come.
God bless you all,
Ben and Brenda and Family

Friday, July 21, 2006

July 20th, 2006 - Update

OPEN HEART MINISTRIES15648 Bombay BlvdSouth Beloit, IL 61080www.ohmint.orgGreetings Friends,I forgot to mention in yesterday's letter that my email crashed on Monday night and I didn't get to read the letters sent to me Monday evening.  Also, I lost all my old mail - over 4000 items I hadn't deleted.  I still have my address list and am still functioning.  I thank God that He knows what I need and what I don't.  If you suspect I missed your letter, please write me again to make sure.I have a couple of announcements which I have been asked to make.  First of all, for those near Calgary, Alberta, Bill and Jean Myers and Tracey, their daughter will be ministering in West Calgary Full Gospel Church this weekend - Friday night, Saturday night at 7 pm, and Sunday morning at 10:30.  This is the church pastored by Robert and Ellen Smith, who are now related to us, since their son, Harvey, just married our daughter, Andrea.  The Myers have been speaking at camps and churches for several weeks and still have a couple of weeks in the region before they return to Chicago and Bill gets ready to leave for Africa.Second announcement, there is a SEW Night of Holy Fire on Friday, July 28.
It will be held at Wheaton Christian Center 610 E . North Ave. Carol Stream Il 60188 from 7pm until midnight..   SEW is again inviting the churches of the region and the people of prayer to join them on that night to worship and pray for the needs of WCC. For details please check the website:
H ave a wonderful day!
Ben and Brenda and family

Newsletter July 19th, 2006

OPEN HEART MINISTRIES, INT.15648 Bombay BlvdSouth Beloit, IL 61080www.ohmint.orgGreetings Saints,Life continues to be eventful. We feel the love and grace of God in every different situation.  Divine appointments happen every day, not just when we have public meetings.  God touches people with His hand of love and mercy, while the enemy does everything he can to cause pain and suffering, discouragement and defeat.  We know God is giving us the upper hand and we are learnin g to live in a place of knowing our authority over all the works of the enemy.We have great excitement for the coming conferences in September and October.  Each of them will be unique and powerful.  God is releasing many signs and wonders in these days.  Our friends in Idaho now have had 25 gemstones brought to them as of this morning.  We are hearing more and more of their uniqueness.  They are too perfect to be of this earth - neither natural nor manufactured.  Last night we ministered at the Dowie House in Zion, Illinois.  What a wonderful and special time again.  A precious pastor and his wife were weeping long after we ministered to them.  Brenda has not been feeling well with some left-over effects from Africa and the previous stress from our schedule before Africa.  But God is moving on her and through her.  We continue to show up where God wants us and He manifests His love to His peo ple.  Please keep praying for her.  She has had several positive touches in the last few weeks, but needs a more complete healing still.Our neice, Jessica, had her baby recently and she is perfectly normal, except for the big cist on her neck.  We're asking for increased prayer as the cyst is growing again and doctors are concerned.  Pray for a major turn in the right direction.  We want those doctors to know about the healing power of Jesus.In a few days we will be heading out on the road to Albany, New York, with many of the House of Prayer kids.  We will be participating in some evangelistic tent meetings there, which Doctor Bob Paeglow and Peter Whitehouse have planned for the summer months.  These kids are being released into more effectiveness and fluency in their spiritual gifts as well as the worship abilities that they have.Later, in August we will make a trip to Orlando, Florida to minister at a confere nce with the House of Hope there.  Please pray for grace and strength to keep up with all the teens and help them to develop their gifts and talents.Bill Myers will also be leading a team to Mozambique in August.  Pray that they will see everything that God wants them to see.  I am also considering and praying about another trip to Mozambique in November.  Pray with me for  God's perfect will.  Our  schedule until then is pretty full, especially weekends, so we are starting to book November and I  need to know whether I need to keep it free to go to Africa again. Thank you all who pray for us.  We are able to keep going because of the love of God's people.  Much love in Jesus,Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Newsletter July 15th, 2006

OPEN HEART MINISTRIES15648 Bombay BlvdSouth Beloit, IL
Dear Friends,
It's good to be home, but I already miss Mozambique and the presence of God in the fellowship of the sold-out saints learning from Rolland and Heidi, Lesley-Anne and others.
By the way, Brenda not only got her suitcase back, but the outfit she thought was missing was in there all the time. She thought she had put it on the top of the pile, but found it down under the rest.
Many of you get the Elijah List. I copied the article below from today's letter because Jeff Jansen is also coming to Illinois on Sept. 21-23 for our Show Me Your Glory conference in DeKalb, IL, at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in DeKalb. Seating will be limited and there is no registration, so plan on comi ng early. We are in the process of lining up a deal with a local motel or two, so keep in touch. Other speakers will be Paul Benne and Kari Browning, both with remarkable testimonies of God's glory. Kari just wrote that there are now 23 jemstones that have showed up in various places where they have gone. I really expect that more will show up in DeKalb.
Enjoy the article. Ben and Brenda, Timothy and Nathan
July 13, 2006
Jeff Jansen: "Get Ready for New Levels in the Glory"
There are great destiny doors that have opened this year offering the church new opportunities for incredible spiritual advancement int o the supernatural. We have crossed a threshold in God's timeline, and the Glory of God is now being revealed with power and demonstration. We have had great forerunning mothers and fathers that have imparted much to us. The wisdom of God is that we gain from them, what was imparted. Just as Azusa Street marks the 100-year anniversary of a destiny door that has reopened, so there are synchronized spiritual doors that have opened to us THIS YEAR!
On January 16,1956, during the height of the great tent revivals that swept America and the world, William Branham stood up in the church of Philadelphia in Chicago, Illinois, and prophesied that "America had turned down her opportunity with the Lord." Because William Branham was the forerunning prophetic voice of the day, the tent revivals and the move of the Holy Spirit literally stopped at this word. They were offered an incredible opportunity into the supernatural flow of the Holy Spirit at that critical juncture that would carry the body further down the road in revival. But America missed her opportunity--she refused God's offer!
Then 50 years later On January 16, 2006, this 50 year destiny door was reopened and another opportunity had been offered to this generation. The number 50 is Jubilee!! The Lord called this door a "Golden Jubilee." This invitation must be understood and apprehended as we pass through the doors of destiny , and encounter the Lord in genuine and experiential ways.
There are many that have been desperate for the new move of God. God promises to fill those who hunger and thirst, and we're beginning to see the manifestation of our holy desperation. Those who seek the new, will find the new. For a move of God to be a move of God, it has to keep moving.
The Lord told the children of Israel to follow the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. When it move. Sadly many have become content with past revivals or moves. When God begins to move again, they are simply satisfied with the level of anointing they have and never move on to the next level.
Bob Jones recently had an encounter with an angel called Breakthrough Revival. This angel told Bob many things about the coming Glory revival. He said he had been in the United States for the past two years preparing the way for the greatest revival to ever sweep America. Stadiums will not be big enough to contain the harvest that will come in.
The angel shouted three words at Bob...MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! In order to get Heaven and the angels to move with us, we must first move.
This year as we have moved out in the Lord, we have seen amazing increase of signs and wonders, such as: dental miracles and gold teeth, gold dust, healing of cars and bank accounts, g lory clouds forming, diamonds in rings supernaturally increase and break the settings, supernatural weight loss, healing of all kinds of sicknesses and diseases, and multiple other wonderful displays of Glory. As we've been moving to press into the new, God has been meeting us. The Lord told me at the beginning of the year, that I couldn't outrun this Glory Train, and believe me, we've been trying!
We must rise into the new levels of Glory. I've heard it said, that it's a form of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result! We must rise up into the new if we are to expect the new! Isaiah 60:1-5 says "Arise to a NEW life....Shine....for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you."
The Lord promises If we will get up and begin to move into Him, that He will SHINE on us. Verse 5 says, "Then you shall see and be radiant and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy." Are you hungry? Do you want to THRILL and TREMBLE with joy?
Kenneth Hagen prophesied in 2003, that the year 2006 would be the year of the return of the Glory of God. There are many times--synchronized destiny doors that have all pointed to 2006 being the year of Glory. The questions are...are you hungry for the new? Do you want God no matter how He shows up? Will you not be offended when He comes in a way you haven't expected?
Get ready for great increase in the supernatural. Get ready for great explosions of power. Get ready for new l evels in the Glory of God like you have never experienced or heard of before. This is the season for it.
Jesus said "Blessed is he who is not offended in Me," (Luke 7:22-23). I'm telling you now, that God is presenting this Glory Revival in a way that will attract only the desperate and hungry. The hungry always seem to see what God is doing in the strangest of circumstances because they are able to look past the natural to see by the Spirit.
We must judge by one thing and one thing alone...The anointing! 1 John 2:20 says "But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you know all things!"
This year we say YES to the Lord. We will not resist Him again. This is the year we fully embrace and experience the new waves of the Glory of God.
Jeff JansenGlobal Fire

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

July 11th, 2006 - Quick Note: Going Home!

Good Morning Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know we are in Joburg and we found Brenda's suitcase in Maputo, Mozambique on the way here.  Not much was stolen out of it except a new outfit she bought for Africa, and maybe a few food bars.

Today, some of us will be going on a tour to visit the Apartheid Museum and Soweto, etc.  We look forward to heading home tonight via Amsterdam.

I do miss Mozambique and the presence of God in the meetings and the love of the people who love Jesus with all their hearts.  We were so blessed to be close to Rolland and Heidi and see them serving their people in such a Christ-like way.

Blessings to you all!

Ben and Brenda and team

Monday, July 10, 2006

July 10th, 2006 - Update from Mozambique

15648 Bombay Blvd
South Beloit, IL 61080

Dear Friends,

I need to correct some mistakes from my previous letter regarding Supresa.   The translation from Portuguese was not accurate at all in this case.  Supresa, himself is fine and was not involved in the situation being reported.  Another regional leader that was compared to Supresa as far as importance was actually in a serious car wreck that totaled the car with four other pastors.  The good news is that he is miraculously OK and was released from the hospital.  I am assuming that the others are also OK.

Last night Brenda and I were invited to Heidi and Rolland’s house for a get together with all their missionaries.  It was a full house and yard and most people were outside.  That’s where we found out the truth about Supresa and where we had some divine appointments.  Brenda received prayer for her wrist that was infected with scabies and felt the discomfort leave completely.  

We also found out that someone got the message that Brenda’s suitcase was in Maputo, where we will stop on the way back to Johannesburg this afternoon.  They say they are holding it for us.  Pray that Brenda’s hopes won’t be dashed again and at least most of what she packed will still be in the suitcase.  Normally, the inspectors or handlers take a few things as a kind of commission or something.

God bless you all and thanks for praying.  If you prayed for Supresa, I’m sure he will be happy someone is praying for him.  

Also, Felito, the director of outreaches, plans on coming back to Chicago this September, so we should be scheduling something with him, when it works for his schedule.  He is actually engaged to be married to one of the missionaries from Australia, I believe, in November.

Felito told me that the outreaches were very successful and that many people responded to the gospel.  He said there were many miracles, including deaf and blind, but also others, where people would get healed and then go get their sick and older parents, who would also get well.  He was very happy with our team and their participation.

Everyone on the team seems to be doing fine.  Tomorrow, we have a day in Johannesburg.   Nine of us will tour the Apartheid Museum and other historic places like Soweto.  We appreciate your prayers for our safety and health as we return to the good old USA.

We love you and appreciate your love for us.

Ben and Brenda and team.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 9th, 2006 - Ministering in Mozambique

15648 Bombay Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080

Dear Friends,  

The internet has worked off and on, but today it's on so I can write you all before we leave Pemba tomorrow.  It has been a very eventful 10 days, filled with joys and sorrows, blessings and intense warfare.

We have been touched by God in powerful ways, especially through Heidi as she shared her heart with the students and church here in Pemba.  We spent some time on our faces being touched by the Master.  We learned again about the power of love and working in unity.  Heidi's testimony is incredible and amazing.  She shares a little more detail here with the missions students because they need to know the bigger picture.

Mel Tari from the Indonesian revival spoke several times as well and had many powerful truths to share.  Our favorite was the one about the donkey carrying Jesus into Jerusalem.  He said that perhaps the donkey was thinking that everyone was cheering and laying down their clothes for him because he was so special.  He reminded us that when we carry Jesus on our backs, people aren't impressed with the donkey, they are cheering for the Master.

We have all had many ministry opportunities.  Many helped build a home for a widow.  Several worked in the school, which needs help and prayer, because of the difficulty getting quality local teachers that speak the language well.

With some help from Brenda, I taught five sessions to the Mozambique pastors in the Bible School.  We also ministered to many of them with personal words.  We felt a strong anointing and confirmation that we were speaking the things that they needed to hear.

Last night Brenda and I ministered to the full-time missionary staff - about 25-30 people.  There was a very strong anointing on us both to do that.  They really expressed a lot of appreciation.  In addition, Brenda and I have ministered to dozens of people on the base.  Brenda has been very active herself with her gift, while I am doing other things, like writing newsletters.  Right now, her dorm room is filled with girls from the Missions school.

Our first outreach was Wednesday night.  Heidi was supposed to be there to speak, but came late, so I filled in for awhile and had an altar call after speaking.  At least 100 people responded and prayed with us for salvation.  Finally, Heidi and many others arrived and she brought her amazing ability to draw people to Jesus.  Again more people were brought to salvation.  There was only one deaf person in the village - a young girl, but she was quickly healed after prayer.  Heidi says that God has blessed her with that gift from Heaven that every deaf person that she prays for on these outreaches gets healed.  

Half of our team of 16 went on outreaches on Friday night which lasted until Sunday morning.  They were blessed to be with two young men of God who have great healing ministries as well.  I haven't had many reports yet, but at least one blind man was reported healed on one of the outreaches.

We have had some sickness, including one with malaria, but no one was in any serious condition or danger.  They just had to lay low for a few days, while the treatments did their work.

The ministry here and the facilities are ever-expanding.  Rolland and Heidi are tired from all the attacks and appreciate your prayers.  We have full confidence that the enemy cannot stop them, but they all need supernatural strength.  As I mentioned, the school needs prayer and there are many other departments that come under frequent attack.

Brenda's luggage has still not arrived and she had packed a lot of things in that one little suitcase.  In addition she contacted scabies in the last two or three days from the kids she worked with.  She is supposed to treat her whole body with toxic cream to kill the little critters and then not use the same clothes until they are washed.  

She was hoping for her suitcase, so she would have clothes to wear, but now she will have to borrow some more.  She could really use your prayers.  It has been a battle for her all week knowing how many of her things were in that suitcase and what it will take, especially in her precious time, to replace it all.  We are still hoping to recover the suitcase on our way home tomorrow, so please, please pray for a miracle.

We had another Sunday service for the local people this morning.  Last week it was followed by a beautiful baptismal time in the ocean.  Many people were saved and delivered this morning and filled with the Holy Spirit as well.  It is just so normal here every public service.

After worship, Heidi called the congregation to warfare for special needs and because of specific attacks on the ministry.  Supresa, our beloved friend, who is an international director of Iris Ministries and a powerful preacher, became deathly ill.  They believe witchcraft has something to do with it and some of the other attacks.  Please pray right now that he will be miraculously healed.  He has brought healing and resurrection life to many people in the past.  Today, he needs us to pray for him.

In spite of so many demonic attacks, revival continues to spread to the point that Heidi believes that each week 10,000 people are saved through Iris Ministries.  That would be over a half million per year.  May it accelerate even more!!

God bless you all and thanks for all your prayers and other support!

We love you in Jesus' love,

Ben and Brenda and team in Mozambique

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Newsletter - Safe in Mozambique

Dear Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know we are safe in Mozambique and I have internet access at Iris Ministries.  YES!!!

We survived several unexpected events.  Remember, I was expecting the unexpected, but didn't expect the unexpected we had.  

On the very looooong trip here without much sleep before the trip or during, I felt a great prophetic promise of great things from God.  Then the surprises started coming.  At O'Hare, they restricted our carry-ons and Brenda had to ship a heavy carry-on which had her favorite clothes and many other things.  Her suitcase was the only thing not to arrive in Johannesburg, where we collected our luggage.

Another girl had luggage arrive, but she had forgotten to take her money out of one suitcase, and had a large amount of dollars stolen.  Then Brenda discovered she also was missing her pouch-wallet from her carry-on.  She had a fair amount of money in it as well.  It was probably my fault, as we were hurried off the plane and I tried to help her by carrying her overloaded carry-on.  It may have fallen out and a search by the plane crew said it wasn't there.  We weren't allowed to go back to the plane.

We're still working on trying to find out what happened.  We then spent the night in a nice youth hostel.  The only problem was it does get cold in the South African winter in June and they don't heat their homes.  It was about 40 degrees Farenheit, but we got a few hours sleep before we got up to go back to the airport.  

But what a beautiful time we are already having in Pemba, and we are going to make the devil pay for the suffering we have been through.  We know we are going to experience amazing things and bring God's love to thousands of Muslims and orphans and needy people.  

We just went through orientation and getting settled.  They are going to keep us busy with projects here.  They already have almost 200 children in this new center and about the same number of Missions students, so there are a lot of things to do.

Tonight we want to get some sleep and overcome jet lag and see God's glory.  Heidi may be preaching, so that will be a treat for all of us.

We love you all and thanks for your support.

God bless you!

Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Newsletter - Mozambique Bound

15648 Bombay Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080

Dear Friends,


In a few hours we will be heading out to O'Hare Int. Airport for almost two weeks in Africa.  This is a trip with great promise from the Lord.  Pray that Brenda, Timothy and I and the other fourteen Lovers of Jesus will not miss any opportunities to express the Father's love to the precious people we will meet in Mozambique.  We anticipate awesome miracles again, but we expect the unexpected as well.  

Please thank God that He is keeping us safe, strong and healthy.  We take Jesus with us as our Great Physician and Protector.  Also thank God that He is keeping Iris leaders from fear and distraction while they are receiving numerous death threats and other hostilities from jealous Muslems in the region.  Thank Jesus that He is going to be greatly honored and exhalted in the nation of Mozambique.  Also, thank Jesus that He will be leading Nathan into a new dimension of Jesus' love as he attends three weeks of Teen Internship at Kansas City International House of Prayer while we are in Africa.


Our daughter Andrea and Harvey Smith were married just a few days ago on June 24.  It was a glorious occasion and very blessed.  They are right now an extremely happy married couple.  Harvey is so perfect for Andrea and we rejoice in the goodness and mercy of God.

Special thanks go to several members of our Chicago ministry team, who gave of their time, finances and energy to cater and serve the most wonderful reception.  People have commented on how awesome it was.  They worked like you can't imagine and had a great time, with incredible unity.  We thank God for that.  

Thirty-three years ago, we got to know Pastor Robert and Helen Smith, after I came home from six weeks of incredible glory in Argentina with Elmer Burnette, my spiritual father and mentor.  I determined to bring him to where I pastored, but our church was very small, so I asked the  Pentecostal pastor in the neighboring town to co-host the meetings in his facility.  

For several days we worked together to host some glorious meetings in Pangman, Saskatchewan, Canada.  During that time our two churches were united and two bacame one.  Also during that time, our daughter, Barbie, and Smith's daughter, Carolyn, were dedicated to the Lord as babies by Elmer Burnette.  Now, thirty-three years later, our daughter, Andrea, and their son, Harvey, have joined together and two became one again.


What an awesome service we had on Sunday morning!  Yes, Brenda and I spoke there and ministered to people at the altar, but before we said a word, during some awesome worship, we had a visitation from Heaven.  God has been doing signs and wonders at The Gateway Christian Fellowship for some time.  That morning however, was the first time that a 50 carat Heavenly jewel appeared in their church facility during the service.  Our friend, Tracy Dorn, who administrates our Chicago conferences, and has had many visitations to Heaven, saw an angel fly across the front of the building and drop the jewel beside the pulpit stand.  

There had already been a dozen of them of four different colors land in the yard of one of the church members.  He also saw the angel and the jewel and ran up to retrieve it.   He is another one that is also being constantly sprinkled with gold dust, which we saw, and Brenda got some to put in her Bible.  Anyway, while I was speaking later, another jewel was added to their box of jewels, all about 50 carats, perfectly formed like a diamond.  That was at least the second one that had been added inside a closed box.

At least two gemologists have looked at these gemstones, purple, red, pink and clear like diamonds, and don't know what they are.  They are one-third heavier than other gemstones by specific gravity measurements.  They are a wonderful sign and wonder.

I spoke on the significance of these signs from Heaven.  The gold comes first and represents God's glory.  The temple was overlaid in gold, because it was to be "extremely magnificent, famous and GLORIOUS throughout all countries"  (I Chron. 20:5).  The gold dust, gold fillings, etc., which have been occuring for years, are a prophetic sign of the coming of His glory which will cover us and be "seen upon us" (Isaiah 60:2), as we are the living stones in His temple (Eph. 2:19-22).

The glory of God is His Presence.  He is asking us to seek His Presence like never before.  When His presence comes, His glory comes.  

The jewels are prophetic of His extravegant gifts as a wealthy bridegroom would give to His bride.  These jewels represent the many spiritual gifts and blessings that Jesus, the passionate Lover of His bride, is bestowing on the church right now.  The way the jewels were multiplying is a sign of how His gifts are being multiplied in the church.  The presence must come first - then the gifts will flow and multiply.

There was more revelation, but I must get busy and get to Africa.  If you can get to Coeur D'Alene, Idaho soon, you may get to see the jewels that we saw and there will probably be more by then.  If you are near northern Illinois, Kari Browning, the co-leader of The Gateway, will be with us in DeKalb, IL, September 21-23, along with Jeff Janzen and Paula Benne.  They have all been used in the glory realm.  Check our website itinerary, and the Elijah List as well for details.

Keep trusting God with us for ever-increasing glory in His beautiful presence.  And thank you again to all who keep us going with prayer and support.  

We love you all!

Ben and Brenda Peters and family

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Newsletter June 19th, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd
South Beloit, IL 61080

Greetings Saints,

We are enjoying being with family and friends in Washington State.  We all arrived safely and have seen God at work in many ways.  As usual, Brenda has found many opportunities to encourage people with a loving word from the Father.

On Saturday night while visiting her parents and baking the wedding cake for Harvey and Andrea's wedding, Jack, a family friend, came by to visit.  He is an older gentleman from down the street who stops by quite often to say hi.  Last year his wife passed away and Brenda was at her side just before she died, leading her in a salvation prayer.

After Jack went home, Brenda made a little cake for him and took it to his house.  Jack was an atheist, but since his wife's death he has had more time to consider eternity.  She began to prophesy to him and asked if she could pray for him.  He agreed and was greatly touched and brought to tears.  Brenda knew he had responded from his heart to believe and accept the Lord.  

Yesterday, Father's Day, I was privileged to minister in Spokane in both campuses of Covenant Church, pastored by our oldest son, Ken and his wife, Valencia.  God blessed the service and I was greatly honored by Ken in a very special way.  I sensed that the Lord was preparing to pour out a special blessing on Ken and Valencia and the churches they have started in Spokane.

Another treat for me was when our two daughters, Barbie and Andrea, along with Valencia, sang a beautiful trio.  It's been my dream to have them sing trios together.  They all have beautiful voices and harmonize incredibly well.  (They are also all very beautiful inside and out in my humble opinion.)  They did record the song, and I'm looking forward to hearing it again.  Who knows, they may even produce a CD and become famous?

In the evening, Timothy and his good friend and House of Prayer partner, Anthony Coltman, led worship in an outdoor amphitheater.  They were very anointed and a great blessing to the crowd who came to the special event on a beautiful evening in Spokane.  It was an awesome finish to an awesome day.

In a couple of days, we will be receiving guests from all over the USA and Canada, as they begin to arrive for the wedding of Andrea and Harvey, which takes place on Saturday at noon in an outdoor setting.  The reception will be at Ken's Spokane Valley church facility.

We are very excited about this wedding, knowing it was totally God that brought them together and that they have an awesome destiny in the Kingdom of God.  

Next Sunday, the day after the wedding we will be ministering on Sunday morning at the Gateway in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho.  This church has been experiencing some awesome and unusual signs and wonders and we are excited to be there with them.  As soon as we are done, we will be heading back to Chicago to get ready for Africa.  We will only have about one day more or less to get ready.  We do appreciate your prayers for packing expertise.  We want to travel light, but we also want to take gifts for the workers in Mozambigue and the orphaned children in the Children's Homes that Heidi takes care of.

We are excited about what God is going to do in Mozambique in us and through us.  This trip will have adventures and heights of glory that the previous one didn't have, and that's saying something.  Please pray protection on all of our team, especially for health and strength and spiritual wisdom and authority.  

After this weekend, we will not be able to answer too many emails until we return from Africa, but we will do our best to communicate when we get a chance.  In other words, don't put off writing if you want to communicate with us.

We love you all and thank you for your prayers and support of every kind.  The love of Jesus that flows through our friends keeps us going.

God bless you all with fresh revelation of His love and destiny for you!

Ben and Brenda and family

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Newsletter June 10th, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd
South Beloit, IL 61080

Greetings to all,


We just had a wonderful "Watering Hole" daytime meeting in Addison yesterday.  What a sweet Spirit of God in that place and so many hungry and thirsty saints moving on with God into their destinies.  

Tomorrow we will be in Wheeling with another group and Monday we head west for Washington State and our Andrea's wedding to Harvey Smith.  As soon as we return we head for Mozambique.  Please don't stop praying for us.

Below is a letter I received from Rick Fick, a friend from Big Rock, Illinois.  I found it very interesting.

God bless you all,

Ben and Brenda

Dear Ben and Brenda

I am including a copy of your recent report in which you sent a copy of your chariot vision.  The same day I received a note from one of our prophetic people on a vision she had received.  We have been experiencing new levels of revelation of His glory in our worship times at our center in Big Rock.  Perhaps we should get together once again.


I want to share what I saw last night during worship at the home meeting in Fox River Grove.  I saw a circle of heavenly chariots circling around the base of the Mountain of the Lord.  I knew they were looking for those who wanted to get on board and take a quick journey to the top of the mountain.  They were like Cab drivers looking for passengers.

I knew that the people who were there at the base of the mountain were all planning on climbing the mountain to be with the Lord, but the journey would be a slow process and might last their lifetime.  The angels riding the chariots were inviting those who were willing to leave everything behind to go quickly right into the presence of the Lord.  It would mean really letting go and being totally abandoned to the King.  

They would have to be willing to emotionally detach themselves from every form of natural security, including reputation, resources and relationships.  The chariots were for those who were a people of One Thing - sold out lovers, whose hearts were beating in tune with the Father's heart.  

I really believe that Jesus has opened the door into His presence wider than ever before.  He is looking for those who will come to Him to receive their Harvest assignments and become like the angels in Jacob's dream that ascend and descend into Heaven to report to God and to receive new assignments.  The only condition to ride the chariots into His presence is a yielded heart.  Neither gifting, education or position will put us in those chariots, but a broken and contrite heart that is totally surrendered to God will qualify.  I'm asking God to make my heart willing and totally yielded to Him.  I don't want anything to keep me from inheriting everything available to lay at His feet.

Chariot Vision - Lynn Rowley
Rich and Kay,  Just wanted to share with you a vision that I had this morning during my time with the Lord....

At first I was just aware of the golden glow of glory and the presence of the Lord.  Then suddenly there was a mountain rising up out of this cloud of glory.  There were hundreds of chariots with "angelic" drivers in row after row around the base of the mountain.  (This reminded me of taxis lined up at the airports waiting for riders).   And I heard the Lord say "Get on board! You are in for the ride of your life".  But I also knew that once I stepped into one of these chariots, I must be ready to really let go of everything in the world.  As soon as someone stepped into the chariot it would immediately take off up the mountain.  Some of the people in the chariots had shofars and some had flags and some had rods.  (I saw both of you in chariots with your eyes turned to the mountain - it was the most amazing picture - I wish I was an artist so I could recreate it for you) There was this incredible sound of worship....  All I wanted to do was get into one of those chariots.  There was a ring of fire/water between me and the chariots and I knew that I  had to walk through that to get to the chariots.  Just as I started to put my foot in that river, the Lord said "count the cost... this is not an easy path.  Many will fear and hate you once you have come this far.  The wisdom of the world will be confounded by the ways of my Spirit.  For this is a new day and a new way.  Things of old will pass away and only the new will remain.  So count the cost.  For I have called you to this time and to this day and to this hour."  I ran ON the fire/water across to a chariot and jumped in!!!!!!  It was incredible!

CHARIOT VISION June 8th, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080

Dearest Friends,

What a joy it is to serve Jesus in these exciting days of harvest!  We have ministered in four home groups in the last five days and have three more in the next four days.  We have seen many people weep before the Lord as He touches their hearts.  Some had struggled with suicide and depression and many other attacks of the enemy.  Many of the people we ministered to had been with us before and reported how words from Jesus some years ago had been coming to pass since we had seen them last.

So many people have encouraged us with testimonies and with such thankful hearts.  It keeps us going, even though we can be totally exhausted when we go until close to midnight and get home around 1 a.m. most evenings.  But God has given us strength and we continue to get excited as we see the people of God rising up into their destiny with a new sense of vision and confidence in their God to build His Kingdom.

Another thing that has really blessed me is recording the donations that came in during the conference for our speakers and the special offering that Che Ahn took up for us.  So many folk gave over and over again, and I knew it was a great sacrifice for many of them.   As you know, we host these conferences totally by faith, without registration fees.  

We have been blessed with many of the best and most anointed prophetic and apostolic speakers in the world today, and we expect to have even more of them in the days ahead.  By God's grace, and through the sacrifice and generosity of the people who attend, we have not had to send our speakers off without a good offering to support them and their missions and mentorship projects.  This all happens without lengthy offering messages and appeals.

So thanks to everyone who gave and thanks to the Holy Spirit who touched us all in such a powerful way.  For those who couldn't come, we do have discounted CD's and DVD's of all the speakers and six of the worship sessions, including two with Georgian Banov.

Also, we are not able to express how overwhelmed we were by the outpouring of love in the surprise offering taken up for us by Che Ahn for our trip to Africa.  No one had any idea how badly we needed the finances that came in.  

We are still committed not to share our needs publically and we have been stretched financially so many times, but each time we get a bigger miracle in answer to our prayers of desparation.  May God bless all of you who made the sacrifice to bless us and send us to Africa with our bills paid.


I want to share what I saw last night during worship at the home meeting in Fox River Grove.  I saw a circle of heavenly chariots circling around the base of the Mountain of the Lord.  I knew they were looking for those who wanted to get on board and take a quick journey to the top of the mountain.  They were like Cab drivers looking for passengers.

I knew that the people who were there at the base of the mountain were all planning on climbing the mountain to be with the Lord, but the journey would be a slow process and might last their lifetime.  The angels riding the chariots were inviting those who were willing to leave everything behind to go quickly right into the presence of the Lord.  It would mean really letting go and being totally abandoned to the King.  

They would have to be willing to emotionally detach themselves from every form of natural security, including reputation, resources and relationships.  The chariots were for those who were a people of One Thing - sold out lovers, whose hearts were beating in tune with the Father's heart.  

I really believe that Jesus has opened the door into His presence wider than ever before.  He is looking for those who will come to Him to receive their Harvest assignments and become like the angels in Jacob's dream that ascend and descend into Heaven to report to God and to receive new assignments.  The only condition to ride the chariots into His presence is a yielded heart.  Neither gifting, education or position will put us in those chariots, but a broken and contrite heart that is totally surrendered to God will qualify.  I'm asking God to make my heart willing and totally yielded to Him.  I don't want anything to keep me from inheriting everything available to lay at His feet.


Something very exciting is developing for this fall's convention season.  Not only are we scheduled in Crystal Lake with Shawn Bolz and JoAnne McFatter and others in late October, but we also now have another conference developing quickly to be held in DeKalb, IL, September 21-23.  We should know all the speakers very soon.  Some are not well-known yet, but are moving in the glory realm like few ministries are.  The theme of the September conference is "Show Me Your Glory."  Please don't write this off as too far away.  We can get overnight housing for a lot of people who want to spend the night.  We also have a good motel with reasonable rates.  This conference is going to be very special.


After the next three home meetings we rush to Washington for Andrea and Harvey's wedding.  Then we rush home to leave for Mozambique for two weeks.  Please pray earnestly for both these events.

May God bless you all richly and help you activate your gifts for the expansion of His Kingdom!

We love you all!

Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Newspaper Article Attacking Iris Ministries

Dear Saints,

Many of you may have heard about the nasty newspaper article attacking Iris Ministries on the front page of the Pemba newspaper this past weekend.  I received about 7 copies of the letter from various newsletters.  We immediately received confirmation that God was watching over them.  Bobby Conner had written them without knowing their situation, telling them that God was going to show Himself strong on their behalf.  Brenda had a powerful vision of angels holding back the hoards of hell.  She also saw God clothing Heidi and Rolland and everyone there in armor, piece by piece.  She prophesied great growth and new buildings going up quickly.

Today we received a letter from Rolland with an update about a major victory.  Keep praying, God is at work.  I'm copying the letter below.  Please also read the request from Georgian Banov for youth groups and youth leaders and others who want to do prophetic evangelism in New Orleans with him and Patricia King.  It won't work on our schedule, as we are taking a team to Albany, New York, at that time.  

We also want to report a miracle we hadn't heard about earlier.  During our April Conference in DeKalb, we prayed and prophesied over a man with Hepatitis (can't remember which kind), praying for healing for natural and spiritual problems or something like that.  He has gone back for two tests and is free of the Hepatitis.

We are getting many wonderful reports from the conference we just completed in Crystal Lake.  The DVD's and CD's will be available in a day or two if you want to enjoy the awesome time with us.  Just write and let us know if you want a set.

Here's Rolland and Heidi's letter:

Dear friends who have written about our Pemba crisis,

Heidi and I deeply appreciate your response, and we feel very loved by Jesus through you! He is moving in response to the prayers and intercession of many, and you are such a valuable part of our lives over here in Africa! Here is a bit of an update, and we will write more. A major newsletter is coming soon...

Clearly, Jesus has some creative options, and is using them in response to your great love and concern!

We were trying to meet with the Frelimo political party chief in Pemba for days, but we were refused and ignored, even when Heidi and our staff waited in his office for hours. Finally one afternoon his secretary was gone, and Heidi and our provincial pastor just marched up to the chief's office and persuaded him to listen. On the way she met the author of the article, who was very ill at ease and embarrassed.

The party chief did not respond well at first, and in fact kept threatening us, saying that not only would they not retract their story, but that they were going to print even more against us in the newspaper.

After quite a long time, though, there was a sudden big shift. Heidi had been explaining our hearts and work, softly and in tears. We are for the country, have nothing against the party, and simply want to love and help. She explained what we do with children and education, and Pastor José boldly told of our evangelism all over the province. We have no political agenda, and want to do good to everyone we meet, in the name of Jesus. As they kept sharing our motivation and purposes in Mozambique, the chief softened and broke. He believes us, he said, and confessed to having a hard knot in his heart over all this. He said he was so relieved to be free of this hardness, and that this had become a great day in his life.

It seems that some pastors or people in our Iris churches somewhere had been stirring up some political activism under our name without our knowledge or involvement, and word had gotten back to the capital. The president of the country himself became concerned, and had ordered the country's justice department to investigate Iris. He also was the one who asked the newspaper in Pemba to publish this article! A lot of people got inflamed, using the incident as a means to resist our presence in Mozambique.

But this chief of the Frelimo Party (the party we were accused of undermining) in Pemba melted before Heidi, and now has promised to have another article published correcting the previous article. We haven't seen that article yet, however, and are waiting for the result.

The situation right up until almost five o'clock on Tuesday was actually very critical, and looking very dangerous for Iris, more than we had communicated. The chief's reversal was huge.

But Jesus had something else up His powerful, creative sleeve. Yesterday Heidi arrived at the Pemba airport to fly out on anothe speaking trip, and very uncharacteristically was early. But she was there at the airport just as the president's wife and entourage landed for a big Frelimo political event in Pemba. As the provincial governor and others who has been attacking us looked on, Heidi connected with local leaders who were putting on a dance at the airport to welcome the VIPs. Heidi was enthusiastically asked to dance with the children in their Frelimo t-shirts, and soon was blending in comletely with their program, all of which was broadcast on national TV. She got on famously with everyone, and clearly showed that she and Iris had no problems with the party and the people of Pemba. All this, of course, will get back to the president.

Our Moslem friends in Pemba have been seen meeting with the instigators of the anti-Iris reports, but they are dealing with huge pressure from their families and the Moslem community.

We do need very much to address these issues among our pastors and church people. As in China, believers need to build a reputation for being the best citizens, the most reliable, honest, hard-working people around who will be good for the country. We have only one life to give, and in such situations we need to give it for the Gospel and not for secondary issues... We are sure that the vast majority of our church people have no desire to use Iris for political purposes.

So, Jesus is doing what only He can do, as usual, and we trust Him to be with us always in everything... We love all of you for the way you have lifted us up before the King, and have encouraged us so overwhelmingly... We will keep sending you updates...

Much, much love in Him! --Rolland and Heidi

Here's Georgians info:



Calling all Missionaries!


Rebuilding New Orleans through the Love of Christ

Releasing the Prophetic Voice and Healing in the City

After Hurricane Katrina


Prophetic Evangelism Outreach

July 21 – 25th, 2006

Dear Pastor,
Along with Victory Fellowship, we are sponsoring a special week of missionary outreach and prophetic evangelism to the devastated regions of New Orleans.

We are calling one and all to come and help us raise the prophetic voice of God to determine the destiny of the city, that she would not just recover, but be changed by the love of Christ.  Please inform as many leaders and youth pastors about this week in July (Friday the 21st – Tuesday the 25th).  Of course, you can come earlier or stay later, as they can always use the help.  
This outreach is co-sponsored by Victory Fellowship, and you can contact Youth Pastor Mike Ladner at 504-258-1335 for more information.  People will be housed and fed in “camping style” accommodations, for a small fee.  Pastor Mike will tell you what you need to bring.
We have daytime outreaches to the devastated areas, including evangelism, rebuilding of broken houses and lives.  During the evenings we will have meetings at different church locations throughout the city for prayer, re-firing, and impartation.  Various international speakers are invited to participate, including Patricia King, Georgian Banov, and Eddie Lawrence, and more.  This will be a time of divine impartation while going to the mission field.

Thank you for sending us your troops, no team is too small!

With appreciation,


Georgian Banov

Global Celebration

in cooperation with Victory Fellowship

Richest blessings to you all,

Ben and Brenda Pete