Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Newsletter March 14th, 2006

15648 Bombay Blvd.
South Beloit, IL 61080

Dear Friends,

We had a very precious time together on Friday night and Saturday with the folk who attended our Missions Prep 101 March weekend.  We are excited about our summer visits to Mozambique.  We will be leading a team in early July (actually June 29 - July 14) and Bill Myers will be leading a team in mid to late August.  Several of us shared and we were blessed to have Lisa Bourland from Kentucky, who has had incredible experiences on the mission field, including with Heidi in Mozambique and the Ukraine.


If you still hope to go to Mozambique with us but were unable to be with us this past weekend, please let us know so we can make appropriate plans.  We are trying to negotiate the best air fares possible and need a more accurate estimate of the number going.


For those of us living in Illinois, we have the opportunity to make a difference by voting in the primaries.  I don't have a lot of information at this point, but would love to hear from you if you know of worthy candidates for the various positions.  If we don't get good candidates to win the primaries, we won't have any good choices in November.

Those who live elsewhere should be learning what they can about the elections in their own states.  We need to keep momentum going in the right direction in shifting the spiritual climate of our governments and judiciary.

Please pray for us and our Spring and Summer scheduling.  So far we have conferences in late April and May and a wedding in late June, followed by a trip to Mozambique in early July.  We may go to Florida and New York in August with some Illinois House of Prayer worshippers to bless some folks there.

Thanks for your.  We look forward to hearing from many of you in the days ahead.

God bless you!

Ben and Brenda

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