Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ben Peters
Sep 6, 2008


Dear Friends,

Please remember to pray for and attend if possible the coming Revival Meetings in Elgin this Thursday through Saturday and again next week Thursday through Saturday. You can find details on our itinerary calendar of our website: www.ohmint.org. We anticipate an incredible move of God. We will have Vance Murphy from Atlanta assisting us this next Friday and Saturday.


I have watched a lot of the conventions and comments in the last two weeks as both political parties did their best to make their case to the American people. There was a lot of stretching the truth and ignoring facts, as always happens, but regardless of the political games, I believe God has given us a clear choice in the next elections.

Some, especially many of our African American friends, feel that finally Martin Luther King's dream is coming true. And we do rejoice that America has matured to the point that they could elect a non-white person to the most important position in government. And how awesome it would be if this man was in agreement with the heart of God for America. He is very gifted and brilliant, but I as an individual voter, cannot vote for him unless he drastically changes his positions on the life of the unborn and newborn.

He voted to protect the barbaric practice of partial birth abortions - a grizzly unthinkable procedure and he truly did oppose a bill to protect the life of babies born alive in botched abortion attempts. He is more pro-abortion than almost anyone in the land, according to his record. Because of the shedding of innocent blood, there is great danger of judgment on America, and we have already seen some of that.

As long as we legalize abortion, we cannot prosper, no matter how brilliant our president or congress are. We need God's forgiveness and His favor.

Meanwhile, we have been hearing prophecies recently from at least two well-known prophets regarding the fact that God would give us a special Vice President - that He was not giving up on America. One was Bob Jones. He said, "We didn't get the choice we wanted for president, but God has a special person for Vice President."

I don't think America was ready to elect a former minister, but they might go along with a mother of five, who also happened to be the most popular governor in the union. Not only that, but she is a Spirit-filled servant of God who is fearless like Deborah. I have been showered with emails about her speaking in church in Alaska and sharing her love for Jesus.

I just got a letter by email this morning sharing information from Dutch Sheets. PLEASE READ THIS AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF.

Thank you and God bless you all!

Prophecy about McCain & Palin

Peg and I have just returned from our Sunday AM service. As you know we have been involved in 90 days of Hosting the Lord's Presence and its been powerful...in a personal way. We knew there has been lots of warfare because when we get home we are tired and need a nap. The Sunday AM celebrations have been just worship with some intercessory prayer but no preaching or teaching. This morning after an extended time of worship Dutch Sheets, our pastor, shared an exhortation, as he called it. During this Peg and I both were about to explode in our spirits.

I believe you are aware that Dutch was used by the Lord to call prayer before the 2000 Bush election that was so close. He said this morning that this election is perhaps even more critical than 2000 because of the Supreme Court. If the right political posture is not elected, we stand to lose decades of progress and the reprocussions are enormous. Last year Chuck Pierce and Greg Hood (both prophets) prophesied that in 2008 we are not electing a president but the vice president. Dutch said he could get no release in his heart to back Huckabee even though pressured by many in the body of Christ. Huckabee is a good man and a strong believer, but he was not God's choice. Dutch also told us that he knows a man who gave McCain a prophetic word that McCain had made a vow to God when he was at the bottom during his POW days and now God was calling in that vow. McCain was visibly moved by this word.

Dutch was traveling to Texas on Friday and when he landed in the airport, his wife called and told him to get to the TV asap. He watched McCain introduce Governor Palin and said he began to weep, even though he knew nothing about her. (I experienced the very same thing and we have had reports of many others including Newt Gingrich.) He asked what the significance of this 44-year-old woman was and he saw the clock said 4:44. He asked the Lord what that was and the Lord said, "Ezekiel 44:4." "He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD; and I fell on my face. NKJV North gate representing Alaska

A few years ago Dutch and Chuck Pierce went on a 50-state tour prophesying over the state their part in God's purposes for the U.S. At the meeting in Texas that evening Dutch was relaying his experience about the Governor to Chuck who said, "Do you remember what the word was the Lord gave us for Alaska ?" The Lord had shown them that Alaska is the alpha and omega state. It is the place where things begin and end. You may realize that some of the Alaskan islands are on the other side of the Dateline meaning that the day begins and ends in Alaska . The Lord said that Alaska is a gateway for the Ancient of Days to come into the nation . The Lord told Dutch (back in Alaska ) to tell the people of Alaska to look forward into their destiny. Alaska has an assignment to open doors and a place where prophets and intercessors were trained. It turns out that the Governor who was raised in a Pentecostal Church , according to our newspaper, founded the prayer movement in Alaska .

We will be having the last of our 90 days beginning in a major gathering Sept 11th. The significance of this is that Chuck Pierce had prophecied that there would be 7 years of war and Sept 11 marks the end of that time and the entering of the 8th year. Someone said that 44 = 4+4 or 8.

Dutch asked why he and Chuck were in Texas for this announcement and the Lord reminded him that the word for Texas was that it is a prophetic state - that the Lord's purpose for Texas is this prophetic function.

Dutch then decreed she will enter the White House. Now, if you don't know him, he is cautious, has his feet on the ground, and never goes of "half cocked" when it comes to prophecy. He said that he believes as of Friday the U.S. has come into a new level of alignment with the Lord and His purposes. By the way, the Governor will be the 44th Vice President. He continued to declare that she will be the Margaret Thatcher of America including that she would be President one day. Many other things came forth. I literally thought I would explode because the Lord had shown me many of these same things yesterday.

I believe we especially need to rally prayer for the family and children of the Governor. They will be targeted by the enemy and I believe we need special prayer for the oldest daughter. Please take this seriously in your prayers.

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