Monday, August 21, 2006

Southland Journey - August 19th, 2006

Southland JourneyBen PetersAug 19, 2006
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the new folks on the mailing list.  We are having a great time in Orlando.  We are enjoying the House of Hope National Conference and have had many opportunities to touch God and others.  The speakers, from Mark Chirrona to Chonda Pierce to Vance Murphy have been outstanding.  We may bring some of them back to Chicago in the next year or so.  Sara Trollinger, the founer of House of Hope is an amazing and courageous lady and hosting an awesome conference.
Many folk have been touched by God.  Physical healings have occured by the power of God.  The head of ACE schools in Florida, independent Baptist,  had a hip healed, which had been so painful he could hardly walk, and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit all at once.  A teen was healed of scoliosis as well.  We have had some awesome fellowship and made many divine connections for future relationships.
Our teens have had four opportunities to do harp and bowl worship.  Three of those have been with the House of Hope teens.  These are teens that have been rescued from the worst conditions teens can be in.  Many of them are hungry for God, but many of them are newer and have a lot of healing still to go.  But almost all of them respond to supernatural love and prophetic ministry.  Some have been hit by the power of God and been radically changed.  Pray that God's Word in their hearts would bring great healing to them, as well as a sense of value and destiny.
Our journey here had us minister in Henderson, Kentucky and Atlanta, Georgia.  Both meetings were awesome!  We continue to be amazed at the anointing that falls on us when we speak and pray for people and on the kids when they worship and prophecy with us.  God did such awesome things in so many hearts and we heard many testimonies of how words had come to pass that we had given a year ago or so.
Prayer Request
We want to ask you again to pray for Brenda's father and our neice's baby.  Brenda's dad appears to be getting close to passing on and she wants to be with him at least one more time.  She prayed with him over the phone yesterday.  He responded with his head nodding, according to her mom, as she prayed a prayer of forgiveness with him.  He was forgiving others that had hurt him, including parents that abandoned him as a child, and another man that had tried to kill him while in the Navy during the Second World War.  Brenda had prayed with him before and he has had encounters with God before, but his baggage and pride kept him from really living for God.  Brenda has always wanted more confirmation that he was ready to meet God and it was good to pray with him again. 
Our niece Jessica's baby, Samantha was born with a large cyst on her face, neck and shoulder.  The doctors had wanted to abort it, as most parents do when they see this birth defect.  They insisted on allowing the baby to live, not knowing what would happen.  The baby turned out to be very healthy and beautiful, except for the cyst.  The doctors were surprised, but hoped they could put off surgery for some time.  However, the baby stopped breathing briefly yesterday from the pressure of the cyst of the air passages and they may decide to do surgery soon.
Because of these two situations, I just booked a ticket for Bre nda to fly to Washington in about 10 days, coming home on Labor Day.  Please pray that God keeps both her dad and Samantha safe and that He shows up in power to touch them both in a special way.  Nothing is impossible with God and we want to see people touched by God's miracle power.
Tomorrow morning we head home.  We will have a Monday night meeting in Owensburo, Kentucky, at a skating rink there.  Pray that we have one more special encounter with the Lord there.
God bless you all and thanks for your prayers.  We appreciate every one.  God has protected us from great harm many times and has shown up in power that has amazed us.  We love His anointing and know that it has a lot to do with our prayer warriors doing what they do so well.  Pray also for us as we prepare for some reorganization of our ministry in the days ahead for more efficiency and capacity to enlarge our "tents" to touch and train more people for the harvest.  If you want to be connected with our intercessory team, please email Jill Ruh at:
You are loved and appreciated!  May Jesus visit and touch you all!
Ben and Brenda, Tim and Nathan and our awesome team:  Val Coltman, Gene and Mary Ferguson, Anthony Coltman, Robby Coltman, Loren Ferguson, Kenny Ferguson, Cody Ferguson, Gabby Ferguson, Mellisa Bond, Missy Muench, Alysse Flores, James Falero, John Falero

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