Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ben Peters
Oct 24, 2008


Greetings Saints and Intercessors,


We finished our time in Elkhart on Wednesday evening. The group had almost doubled in size from the previous night. We released some words regarding the state of our nation and the need to pray and decree God’s will. We shared what the prophets have been saying as well about the coming elections. We had some precious time with Pastor Joe and Mrs. Bauer as well, and they have asked us to be an apostolic covering to them.


Last night Brenda and I had the wonderful privilege of being in the original capital of the state of Ohio, where Dutch Sheets was born. Chillicothe is a mouthful to pronounce, but I finally got it. Anyway, Dutch Sheets and his brother Tim were both there along with many other Ohio leaders to make decrees and declaration for God to overrule the plans of the enemy for the upcoming elections. Since many prophetic words have come forth regarding Ohio, there was a strong sense of strategic destiny for this solemn assembly.

The night was a powerful time of spiritual warfare. Dutch was on fire with a holy zeal for God and justice, and against the forces of darkness that have been at work in this election campaign. I know we connected with Heaven. The spiritual energy in the auditorium was amazing.


We are now parked by Trinity Family Life Center in Pickerington, Ohio. Brenda, along with Val Coltman from West Dundee, Illinois, and Lyn Jackson from Indianapolis, Indiana, will be ministering here for the next twenty-four hours or so. I get to work on my computer and watch my book table.


Everyone in the Chicago region has several options for a spiritual feast just a few days before the elections.

1. HUB has several wonderful speakers, including Heidi Baker and Paul Keith Davis. You can check their schedule on the web.

2. The Elgin Revival has services on Friday evening at 7 pm and Saturday evening at 6 pm.

3. Michele Perry, Iris missionary from Sudan will be at Lakeshore Tabernacle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Friday night at 7 pm. She’ll be with Brenda at the Lutheran ladies’ retreat on Saturday, and at Northwest Assembly of God on Sunday night in Mount Prospect, Illinois. On Monday evening we will host her at the Eagles Nest, in Elgin, at 7 pm.


Some zealous folk have organized another conference running from November 3-5, with Paul Keith Davis, JoAnn McFatter, Neville Johnson and Sadhu Selvaraj at the:

Pheasant Run Resort –Mega Center
4051 E. Main Street (Rt 64), St. Charles, IL 60174

November 3rd – 5th, 2008 (Monday through Wednesday)
9:00 a.m. Morning Session
2:00 p.m. Afternoon Session
7:00 p.m. Evening Session

I have personally never heard Neville Johnson or Sadhu Selvaraj speak, so I cannot personally endorse them, but I understand they have quite powerful ministries.


It is a life and death time for America. If we choose the LIFE candidates, America will prosper again. If we choose death, many aspects of American life will be going down the toilet. But we believe God has been hearing the cries for mercy and grace in spite of our decadence as a nation. We believe the enemy will not prevail. May God have mercy on us once again.

Below is a three-part dream from one of our team members, Darren Frauenholtz.

A surprise cooking in the Governors Mansion 10-20-08

I was being chased through a city, though I am not aware that I did anything wrong and I came up to a mansion, and it happened to be a Governors Mansion. The chef was asking for help to prepare a surprise meal. I rolled up my sleeves and began to help preparing the meal. The kitchen was in the basement of the mansion. (something foundational)

Next I was looking for work. I was in a large city and there was no work to be found there. The thought came that I needed to look in smaller cities and towns for work. Next I saw a map. I was looking at the map, moving my finger away from the larger cities, moving my finger to smaller cities and towns. As my finger passed over the cities, I heard “there is work there”, next city “there is work there”, They were all towns that I had never heard of (sorry, I could see some of the names but can’t remember them).

Next I was watching a track meet, and at the same time I saw the New York Stock exchange. Every time a race finished, the Board changed positive or extremely negative depending on who won, and you could feel the tension in the anticipation for the final race. I knew there was going to be a big reaction depending on who won.

I kept thinking, Ohio, Indiana and Minnesota (could have been Missouri).

My interpretation:

It seems like the enemy is chasing us away from our Christian heritage as a nation, and society is attacking Christians like never before, especially if they run for political office. But the Chef (Lord Jesus) is cooking up a surprise at the Governor's Mansion. (There's only one governor in the race.) Intercessors are helping prepare this surprise feast. We need to roll up our sleeves and pray like never before with faith for the victory.

Smaller cities and towns are where we will be most effective in our intercession. There is work to do to turn hearts and minds toward God's will.

The polls are being watched by the market, but they are waiting for the elections to see which way to go with their investments. There will be a strong reaction one way or another, depending on who wins.

Pray especially for Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota and Missouri.

Much love in Jesus,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team


91144 said...

this for mike , if i as a christian ( Church of Christ) was to be looking for a different congregation
what would the Word of God tell me i need to do with my tithing while im looking? is it right for me to find some one in need and use it or not ?and i would like some literature on why the Lords church doesn't practice Moundy Thursday . thank you for your response

91144 said...

other e-mail i use this most of the time. thank you very much