Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ben Peters
Oct 16, 2008

Greetings Friends,

Brenda just suggested to me that I send out an alert about an opportunity for any church or group that loves IRIS Ministries in the Chicago or south Wisconsin region.

Michele Perry, a delightful IRIS Missionary to Sudan, is going to be with us from October 31 - November 3. She is a lot like Heidi Baker, and has a very unique testimony and wonderful ministry. She spoke at our conference and was loved by all. She was born with only one leg and hip and had multiple surgeries as a child. She began public speaking at nine or ten. She was in India for two years before going to the Sudan. She has taken in around one hundred orphans and has several churches under her covering to take care of.

When she scheduled her time with us, we didn't realize what was going on here. Brenda is booked at a ladies' retreat and HUB is doing a conference. In addition, the Elgin Revival Outpouring continues at the Eagles Nest that weekend.

What we had planned for Michele all fell through, so we have a wonderful opportunity for any church or group that would care to bring in a dear and precious sold-out lover of Jesus. Please let me know if you are interested at this late date. She would be available any time beginning Friday night, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

God bless you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

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