Thursday, November 06, 2008

Ben Peters
Nov 5, 2008

Dear Friends,


Yesterday was a pretty tough day. Our insides are churning and filled with many emotions. We know people are looking for answers and we're seeking them ourselves. We are still dealing with our own disappointment and feeling that we missed it somehow.

Many conflicting thoughts are spinning through our minds. I'm not sure if we have elected a King or a dictator. I don't know how much foreign money from the Middle East and other places have bought this election. I'm not sure if we are going to see major judgment soon, or if God will visit us and our President Elect with revival. Some tears have been shed and we have to prepare to move on and fight for the Kingdom. Please pray for Barak Obama and his choices for leadership in our new government. He will be our president and we must honor him because, as a nation, we have made our choice to set him over us.

Carl Rove just said on TV, "Out of chaos comes opportunity." Somehow I feel that's prophetic.


I guess first of all, I confess on my own behalf and on behalf of other prophetic voices that we were wrong and have not had very clear vision or heard God very clearly. Although most of the leading prophets said that electing God's choice was conditional on the cry for mercy being louder than the cry for change, I was sure that God had heard the loud cries for mercy and He would give us a miracle we didn't deserve. I held on until the bitter end, hoping for some last minute surprises. None came.

It looks like we did have one important victory - that of Proposition 8 in California that overturned gay marriages. It looks like that won by a small margin. Thank God for that.


1. Our deepest thanks to all of you who did what you could to make a difference in this election. Many passionate Christians did everything they could, but much of the church is still asleep. About one third of "evangelical Christians" said they voted for death over life. Life as "the most important issue" did not even show up in the five top issues. Money issues were far more important to America than anything else. Second was national security.

2. We are proud that our country is open to the concept of an African American becoming our president, but at the same time we can see by the voting pattern that it's obvious that African Americans are still hurting and feel left out. Only a tiny percentage voted for life because they so longed for a president who would identify with them and their pain. The white church has not done its job in loving them and accepting them as equals.

3. We must gear up and seek God to know how to fight the battles that are coming. Our voices can still be heard and there will be opportunities to vote again for many things. We cannot just sit back and accept all restrictions being removed from abortion and other evils that threaten to become legal like we did when prayer and Bible reading were outlawed in our schools.

4. We are seeing the fruit of the takeover of our education institutions by humanists and atheists decades ago. They had a clear and well-stated agenda to bring a revolution through education. It's time for the Kingdom of Heaven to take back this mountain and all the other mountains.

5. I believe God still has plans for America to experience revival and a transfer of wealth for the harvest. We envisioned this working a lot better with Sarah Palin as V. P., but we don't want to limit God. If God does special miracles and gives His leaders a major platform to speak to the nation and the world, we can have a revival in the land.

6. Pray that the above happens before President Bush leaves office as has been prophesied. It could change everything.

7. We have been given a wake-up call as the church of America. It's time to assess our priorities and put the Kingdom of God before our own well-being and personal advantage in business or even in ministry.


We need special grace for this trip. Last year when we were there major doors were opening to us to speak into some of the leadership of the Kingdom in South Korea. They must prepare to evangelize North Korea when it opens up. They also need to move into the fulness of their apostolic calling as a nation. Pray for the wisdom and anointing to encourage them in this regard. Also pray that we can get everything in order here at home before we leave in two days.


We have been encouraged by all your letters and testimonies and information that has been sent. We did fight a good fight together. Thank you so much for fighting with us and other Christian leaders.

Many blessings to you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

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