Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ben Peters
Apr 20, 2009


Greetings Friends,

With all the crazy things happening in the political and financial world, along with all of our own personal and family issues, including health and relationships, who could not use a whole lot more wisdom today? Ben and Brenda Peters sure could! We have decisions to make, problems to solve and hundreds of people who look to us for vision and direction. Like Solomon, we can say we need God's wisdom and understanding to lead God's precious people. Since we haven't said much on our newsletter before, let me summarize our heart and vision for the coming days.


The BIG issue and purpose for us in these days is THE HARVEST. Everything we do as Open Heart Ministries has that as its ultimate purpose. Right now, we are in the season of birthing and preparing the harvestors. We are very convinced that the events of the next two years or so will bring major changes to America and the western world. We anticipate a major revival and a huge transfer of wealth to Kingdom-minded people who will bank-roll the harvest. We believe the world will be shaken both financially and politically. We believe that God will save America from the destruction our leaders are heading us for because God He has a purpose for us, and we believe His covenant with early Americans, such as the Pilgrims, will be renewed.

God clearly told me to start a Sending Center to send out harvestors. We are now in the process of organizing a new 501c-3 non-profit corporation to make it official under the name KINGDOM SENDING CENTER. Our ministry has been training and sending people to various harvest fields in an informal way for several years, but we are planning on getting serious about having a place and staff to facilitate a much more intense training program. Our team leaders are working hard to do the preparation work. When finances become available, we will be finding property, hiring staff and taking applications. We believe it is very close to happening.

We will accept only those who are totally committed to laying down their lives for Jesus. It will cost them everything, but nothing as far as earthly treasures are concerned. The KINGDOM SENDING CENTER will train disciples to minister with the presence and glory of God, using spiritual gifts and fruit and the power of compassion and agape love. They will learn to passionately worship, pray, evangelize, prophesy, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out the enemy.

Meanwhile we continue to teach and to prophesy at home groups, churches, conferences and the harvest fields of the earth. We also minister healing and deliverance to body, soul and spirit as God allows. We struggle with many life issues, like everyone else, and constantly need your prayers. If God speaks something to you concerning us, please let us know what you are hearing. In a small way, we face similar front-line attacks as many of our favorite international ministries are facing today. Please pray for all those who walk by faith and depend on God for wisdom and provision.


Tonight (Monday, April 20), we meet in a private home group in Illinois.

Friday through Sunday, we will be at the Wooded Hills Bible Church in Colgate, Wisconsin, not far from Milwaukee. We'll be doing a weekend conference. Last time we were there, we had some amazing miracles and were so blessed by the precious folk.

Friday, Saturday, May 1, 2, we minister in a Korean Church in Mount Prospect, IL.

May 6-9 we hope to attend a conference in Cincinnati with Bob Jones, Bobby Conner and Larry Randolph.

May 15, we speak at the Watering Hole in Lombard, Illinois. May 16 is a private home meeting.

June 3-6 we will be in Dallas speaking at an Arts and Media conference at Christ For the Nations.


We always need your prayers, but especially now. We not only have present situations but we have to make decisions for future trips. We are scheduled for both Mozambique and South Korea in July and August and need confirmation on that.

Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might! He is big enough for all your needs and ours.

Be blessed with His goodness!

Ben, Brenda, family and team

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