Monday, April 13, 2009

Ben Peters
Apr 13, 2009

Greetings Saints,


It was a good weekend. Brenda and Jessie Seiler had a wonderful meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin on Friday evening, while I was speaking at a men's retreat for a home church group farther northwest in La Valle, Wisconsin. Then I joined their house church meeting on Sunday morning in Baraboo, Wisconsin. We shared many nuggets of revelatory truth God has been teaching us and we challenged one another to go to a higher place with God and to a higher place on the mountain of society that God has given us to possess. I returned home Sunday afternoon and joined a few of our team members for an Easter gathering to send off Kenny Ferguson, one of our youth, to Iraq with the Marines. We had communion and prayed and prophesied over him.


In the last letter I shared an excerpt from Chuck Pierce's word from The Elijah List. If you are not a subscriber, you might want to become one at They can keep you up-to-date on prophetic news. There was much more to Chuck's word, but too much to put into one newsletter.

Today I feel like I am supposed to take the risk and give you all a link to an article that needs to be read by everyone who loves freedom in America, Canada and every nation. I challenge you to take a few minutes and go to the following link. It will give you the perspective of someone who knows the value of freedom. When you have read it, I would appreciate your comments on it. Here's the link:

Turbulent times are God-opportuniy times. We believe God will use the crisis to bring positive transformation. Corruption is being exposed every day - look at what happened to Senator Stevens in Alaska - and it will continue for some time until many corrupt politicians have been removed and America will desire character in office more than charisma and change.


I don't want to mention names now, but please pray for some families who have desperate financial needs at this time. We believe God will do some amazing miracles. We have two in progress right now and need several more. Lack of work and income are God's opportunites to show His miracle power. Let's pray for each other that none of these crises will be wasted. Politicians are taking advantage of the crisis and so should we for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

We love you all,

Ben, Brenda, Family and Team

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